Search found 7 matches

by cowshed56
28 Jul 2011, 15:01
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Tickets For Bristol Rovers
Replies: 78
Views: 6462

Re: Tickets For Bristol Rovers

Is this the away standing area where we are looking right in to the sun. Providing of course it is sunny, if not we need our waterproofs!!
by cowshed56
21 Jul 2011, 22:17
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: did buckle get any abuse??
Replies: 78
Views: 7573

Re: did buckle get any abuse??

BritishGAS wrote: I think you already know the answer to that one :bow:

But we did take 46k to Cardiff and 48k to Wembley :)
Think that means you had about 40k hangers on for the day. Dont think your average attendance bears out a 46k support.
At least half of those who got to Manchester for us could say they supported the team during the season.
On a ratio basis this would give you a 23k average attendance figure.
by cowshed56
10 Jul 2011, 23:01
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Falkirk Fan Re Olejnik/Tam McManus Striker
Replies: 62
Views: 6367

Re: Falkirk Fan Re Olejnik/Tam McManus Striker

Sounds useful and at 30 could be the experience needed up front. Doesnt seem to stay long at a club but Torbay may prove to good to leave. Bit worried that he was out for 5 months with knee problems last season returning in Feb. Also out whilst with Ayr ( i think) 2009 with same problems. Paul Sturrock in his first stint down the road signed a player from the same level in Scotland, who also played for Falkirk called Marino Keith, he proved more than useful at our level and stayed for 4 years.
by cowshed56
07 Jul 2011, 22:17
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Sill'sy coming home
Replies: 32
Views: 3276

Re: Sill'sy coming home

Many thanks, quess my sign in gives away the many years of various forms of entertainment - if that is the correct term!
by cowshed56
07 Jul 2011, 21:48
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Sill'sy coming home
Replies: 32
Views: 3276

Re: Sill'sy coming home

Once again I agree with you. Branno was terrific for us during his time here and in no way left under any cloud. Will welcome him back warmly. Would have been interested to see how he got on with Chris McPhee though - some may remember the photo showing the time Branno was sent off for attacking McPhee during a Kettering-Ebbsflet game. As a new entrant to the board here, though I have been reading it now for about 4 years, I decided to post as some of the comments on various threads of late have given me heart that there are others out there who think things through.
I was mildly upset that Nicky Forster didnt get the job but then reading the reports here and the warming attitude to M Ling made me think how right many of you are. I now am happy that the club is in the right hands especially when Stuart Taylor came as assistant. Finally on the welcome given to returning old players - what happens when a player who has run his heart out for us and been a firm favourite says as reported " i was very keen to follow him when I knew he had been appointed manager there". Doesnt do much for the old kiss the badge image given whilst here does it!!
by cowshed56
06 Jul 2011, 23:24
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Sill'sy coming home
Replies: 32
Views: 3276

Re: Sill'sy coming home

Apologies for bumping this to the top again. I do feel this thread has run its course but may I just reply to stokie by saying it is 90% probable I will be there in Oct, and give my reasons for going, when with a bit of effort I could possibly have got to Bradford on that day. I also take Trojan 67's point, which I fully agree with, that others (Wayno) were just as big a part in the success story. I could have come unstuck there as Wayno was playing for Truro until he took on the Ivybridge College job full time. So Les Auful! (another ex player) who i forgot about, i don't know why! retains his place in the side. We were all able to give our thanks immediately following the triumph at Wembley by attending the 'open top parade' but the point I want to make is that thanks to 'the poison dwarf' we never had a chance to thank or say our goodbyes to a number of our team which brought us back to our rightful position immediately before they were suddenly out of the team and packed off to somewhere else very rapidly. This is my opportunity to do this.
by cowshed56
02 Jul 2011, 18:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Sill'sy coming home
Replies: 32
Views: 3276

Re: Sill'sy coming home

Next week the lower league fixtures are announced. Truro v Basingstoke. Yellows away at Morecombe and I cant get there. Take wife shopping to Truro walk up the hill and arrive at ground. Now the big question! Do i go in the home end with the********** and cheer on Lee Hodges side with Steve Adams, Broad? Yetton? or join the away supporters and once again cheer on the Sills, and give Ashley Bayes an earful. Easy - oh and do I wear my TUFC scarf. If the dates work out I will be there anyone else coming?