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by Gullscorer
01 Jul 2017, 10:48
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: We have a second goal keeper
Replies: 10
Views: 3007

We have a second goal keeper

Nepotism ? ;-)
by Gullscorer
27 Jun 2017, 21:21
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Assaults on our Freedoms
Replies: 134
Views: 32186

Assaults on our Freedoms

I've been busy and ill both at the same time, but I hope to reply, in the next few days, to some of the points made since Merse responded with, shall I say, erroneous comments to my initial post.. :)
by Gullscorer
27 Jun 2017, 21:13
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Northampton Town new Chinese owners
Replies: 1
Views: 1473

Northampton Town new Chinese owners

I might pop along to a few of their take-away matches..

Sorry.. :Oops:
by Gullscorer
27 Jun 2017, 12:49
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Andre Wright
Replies: 9
Views: 3875

Andre Wright

There's an old saying: if you don't ask, you don't get..
by Gullscorer
23 Jun 2017, 23:11
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: There are more important things than football
Replies: 2
Views: 1488

There are more important things than football

Yep, will say a prayer for him and for others similarly afflicted. I often think that most people who are fit, healthy, and energetic, have little to no understanding of the sufferings of those with serious and chronic health conditions. Particularly if people only see them on their good days (and they, like everyone, have good days and bad days), they are often incorrectly and unjustly accused of malingering, of being fit for work, even fraudulently claiming benefits. Certainly there are malingerers and fraudsters, but we should not tar all sick and disabled people with the same brush. Makes me angry. God bless him and his family.
by Gullscorer
23 Jun 2017, 22:52
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Meet Lingy!
Replies: 16
Views: 4931

Meet Lingy!

That could work out well. I believe Embleton had experience with Bournemouth, Swindon and Tottenham. Were they together at Swindon?
by Gullscorer
23 Jun 2017, 12:43
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Meet Lingy!
Replies: 16
Views: 4931

Meet Lingy!

I'm sure we all wish Martin Ling well in his new appointment as Director of Football at Leyton Orient: ... story.html
We'll be playing Leyton Orient next season, so we might be seeing him at Plainmoor. I wonder who he'll appoint as their first team coach. Paul Buckle would be interesting.. :~D
Good luck Martin. :-D
by Gullscorer
22 Jun 2017, 21:31
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics
Replies: 723
Views: 80020


I do, I really do: Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, The Conservative Woman, and of course Heat Street
( ;-)
As for the warped world of Zelo Street which you mentioned, very helpful of them to point out Breitbart's lies. But how do we recognise the lies told by Zelo-Street? Believe me, I've researched so many the Marxist-feminist-Liberal-'progressive'-PC websites. Echo-chambers all.. :|
by Gullscorer
22 Jun 2017, 20:28
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics
Replies: 723
Views: 80020


OK 16 of 'em, they should be able to answer a few questions, though I wonder how many of them are actually looking forward to doing so. They'd find it rather uncomfortable I should think. I never saw that BBC news item, and I know not how many on the TMO are Labour and how many are Conservative or other, but the most prominent of their number is surely the one who is the newly elected MP for Kensington. That point is sufficient in most people's eyes, if not in yours, to win her a mention..
by Gullscorer
22 Jun 2017, 12:52
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics
Replies: 723
Views: 80020


Jeremy Corbyn and other politicians on the left have sought to make political capital from the Grenfell Tower fire: ... heresa-may ... king-grief

And yet, nobody (neither the Labour Party nor the BBC) seems to be mentioning that the best person to be answering detailed questions about the Grenfell Tower block, is somebody who:

... served as a council-appointed board member of Kensington and Chelsea TMO, the tenant management organisation which manages the council's housing stock, from 27 June 2008 to 31 October 2012.[6][7][8]
In 2013/4 she was a member of the council's Housing and Property Scrutiny Committee.[9][10]
She has been a member of the council's Planning Applications Committee since May 2013,
and a member of the main Planning Committee since June 2014.

The newly elected Labour MP for Kensington.
by Gullscorer
20 Jun 2017, 09:57
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: News you might not have heard
Replies: 240
Views: 43578

News you might not have heard

Yellowstone super-volcano about to blow, July/August:
by Gullscorer
20 Jun 2017, 08:44
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Assaults on our Freedoms
Replies: 134
Views: 32186

Assaults on our Freedoms

The BBC falsely describes Islam as a religion of peace. It is not. Islam means 'submission to Allah'. ... rk-attack/

According to Islam, Allah dictated the truth to Muhammad, "the perfect man." Hence, whoever denies the Koran, denies Allah. And Allah leaves no ambiguity about what he wants. Here are a few quotes from the Quran:
Surah 8 verse 60: "Prepare to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah."
Surah 47 verse 4: "Therefore, when ye meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks".
Surah 4 verse 89: "So take not friends from the ranks of the unbelievers, seize them and kill them wherever ye find them." ... ers-speech

The London Bridge/Borough Market attackers were Muslims.
The Manchester bomber was a Muslim.
The Westminster attacker was a Muslim.
The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim.
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims.
The Fort Hood shooter was a Muslim.
The USS Cole bombers were Muslims.
The "Underwear Bomber" was a Muslim.
The Madrid train bombers were Muslims.
The Times Square bomber was a Muslim.
The Bali nightclub bombers were Muslims.
The London subway bombers were Muslims...
The Moscow theater attackers were Muslims.
The Boston Marathon bombers were Muslims.
The Iranian Embassy takeover was by Muslims.
The Pan-Am Flight#103 bombers were Muslims.
The Air France Entebbe hijackers were Muslims.
The Beirut US Embassy bombers were Muslims.
The Libyan US Embassy attack was by a Muslim.
The Buenos Aires suicide bombers were Muslims.
The Kenyan US Embassy bombers were Muslims.
The Israeli Olympic Team attackers were Muslims.
The Saudi Khobar Towers bombers were Muslims.
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims.
The Beslan Russian school attackers were Muslims.
The Achille Lauro cruise ship attackers were Muslims.
The 1993 World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims.
The Bombay and Mumbai India attackers were Muslims.
The September 11th, 2001, airplane hijackers were Muslims.

It will of course be said that those terrorist groups such as ISIS have extreme beliefs of hatred and violence that have little to do with what most Muslims believe, and it's true that most Muslims are ordinary decent peaceful people. But the reality is that large numbers of Muslims, even in the Western world, hold anti-Western views and ideals that fit well with the modus operandi of terrorist groups. They are taught these by the Koran, by their Imams, and by teachers in their madrasas.

The real problem is not the majority of Muslims, but the religion of Islam itself. And It's up to the Muslims to put their own house in order. If they don't, reactions to the problem, exemplified by the Finsbury Park attack, will become more frequent. So it's also up to us to look out for potential anti-Muslim threats, and report them to the authorities. Most of all, our politicians must end the madness of 'political correctness' which works against solutions to the problem.

Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem

by Gullscorer
15 Jun 2017, 21:07
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics
Replies: 723
Views: 80020


How the Marxist-feminist-Liberal-PC left influences our kids in the education system: ... -lib-dems/
by Gullscorer
15 Jun 2017, 20:42
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 121904

The European Union: We're out...!!!

Poll: 70% back Brexit, but only 37% have confidence in Theresa May to deliver: ... ck-brexit/