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by brisgull
18 Sep 2013, 19:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Ideas for Mr Candy
Replies: 430
Views: 109849

Re: Ideas for Mr Candy

by brisgull
17 Sep 2013, 21:25
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Ideas for Mr Candy
Replies: 430
Views: 109849

Re: Ideas for Mr Candy

by brisgull
13 Jun 2013, 19:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Ideas for Mr Candy
Replies: 430
Views: 109849

Re: Ideas for Mr Candy

We are a lower league club with limited resources so I think we have to make some allowances. Mr Candy seems like a breath of fresh air and an asset that the club badly needs so we should give the poor guy a break. And as has been acknowledged he is only getting questions because he is man enough to engage with us, the fans and listen to us. When did that last happen?
by brisgull
12 Jun 2013, 13:44
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Ideas for Mr Candy
Replies: 430
Views: 109849

Re: Ideas for Mr Candy

Nothing in the post today so e mailed Andy as advised. Had a reply within about 2 minutes apologising and saying that a membership pack was in the post. AWESOME service. Thank you Andy.
by brisgull
11 Jun 2013, 20:55
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Ideas for Mr Candy
Replies: 430
Views: 109849

Re: Ideas for Mr Candy

Hi Andy,
I live in Bristol (hence my name). Last season I was a season ticket holder but couldn't get to every home game so when Yellow membership was advertised I was delighted. However, about 3 weeks ago I emailed the club. No response. Last Tuesday I phoned. "Have you been sent a membership package? " The helpful man asked. I duly gave my address and explained I live 106 miles from Plainmoor so qualify for the membership. I week later and nothing has been received. I will phone again tomorrow but I have to say I am rather disappointed as I want to support the club but it isn't always easy. I will perservere but others may not. Can you apply some influence please?

Many thanks,
