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08 Jan 2018, 13:57
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: THE official 2003-2004 promotion shirt
Replies: 4
Views: 1039

THE official 2003-2004 promotion shirt

Link to it please?
27 Nov 2013, 05:04
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Selling tickets to away fans!
Replies: 21
Views: 1583

Selling tickets to away fans!

Club At it again!

It seems that Torquay United Football Club were again selling tickets for Bristows Bench and the Family Stand to away fans knowingly, this time to Plymouth Argyle fans. Like last season when they played Bristol Rovers, Argyle fans went into reception and got tickets for home areas whilst telling staff they lived in the Plymouth area and were Plymouth fans.

Why is this going on? Are the club run by brainless oaths???? The number of Argyle fans in home areas numbered around the 50-70 mark. Not as vocal as Rovers fans but a few were ejected by the response team in the ground. People in the bench were not happy at having away fans clap, stand and cheer as Argyle scored. Why do the club persist on saying away fans are not allowed in home areas but continue to sell home tickets to them. It’s not as if they accidently sold tickets to them, it was intentional. If Argyle wanted more tickets then give them another block next to the away fans or part of the Pop-Side.

Something for Mr.Candy to address and the directors as well for that matter.
29 Oct 2013, 04:12
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Banning Orders
Replies: 16
Views: 1974

Banning Orders

Alpine Joe wrote:Behind-the-Gulls Aren't these Government figures detailing Football Banning Orders imposed by the Courts ? I'm not sure it's anything the club has given out.
The club chuck the fan out and get the police to deal with them, then the police are the one's who give the banning order. The police take into account what the individual done plus what the club feel is a relevant punishment. E.G. Callum, who threw a brick at the Wimbledon coach, was given a fine and a 1 year banning order from the police thank's to the club telling them what they think the punishment should be.
21 Oct 2013, 23:14
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: A billionaire investor
Replies: 21
Views: 2124

Re: A billionaire investor

Southampton Gull wrote:
I think you're generalising there. I've accused one or two of that plenty enough previously but one or two is far from all of them.

No, it's all of them. It's only one or two that are pretty close to being OK, but that is at best. They don't want the club anymore, most of them want out of it, Thea being one of them, only being there to protect the money she already put in.
21 Oct 2013, 23:02
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: A billionaire investor
Replies: 21
Views: 2124

Re: A billionaire investor

They care more about themselves than the club or it's fans. It's all about ego's in the boardroom sadly.
21 Oct 2013, 20:24
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: A billionaire investor
Replies: 21
Views: 2124

Re: A billionaire investor

Absolutely say yes to that. Sod all that Bulls**t about him being not being a fan. Job's would be far more secure, we would rise through the leagues, Torbay would benefit. No one who is local is going to invest in us because they don't have the money. Thea Bristow isn't wanting to put any more money into the club, the other directors don't really care anymore, sadly. So if it takes a non-fan to do it for us then yeah.
13 Oct 2013, 16:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: redundancies
Replies: 97
Views: 8698

Re: redundancies

The redundancies were sadly inevitable due to the club spending load's on minibuses for the Youth Team (£2,500 each for 3, total £7,500) when the mini buses were worth £500 each tops.

Top of the range training equipment and buying 30 lots of each piece of equipment spending thousands of pounds when there was no need to.

Hiring an accountancy firm to do the books when there are directors who are apparently good at number, plus having two finance people employed by the club.

Not taking advantage of online shops such as Ebay and Amazon for merchandise.

Not using Facebook and Twitter enough, you could have match hightlights go onto Facebook and Twitter says 1/2 weeks after they've been on Gulls Player. They could also film reserve team games and post them online for fan's (and give more exposure to sponsors that way).

They could have a social media sponsor (Have an 10-15 second advert play before and and at the end of each video in a 1 year deal) which would generate money.

Let either Palm FM or another radio station have a button on the website so people can press it and listen to the station in exchange for sponsorship money.

The club is run by people who have their heart's the right place but lack creativeness, ambition and drive to really push this club forward. Yeah money is short like it always has, but it doesn't have to be like that from no on. I am gob-smacked by some people (Our own fans, YOU!!!) who say we are only a league 2 (maybe league 1) club at best, no we are better than that, we can do so much better if people in charge get up and actually do something other than cut back after a certain point. There is so much we can do still to improve yet nothing is happening.
09 Oct 2013, 14:43
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Don't be an idiot, Jack
Replies: 46
Views: 3288

Re: Don't be an idiot, Jack

usagullmichigan wrote: I hear you. I miss the beautiful places of England but the way. The whole youth system in England is screwed. I have lived in California and Michigan and have found the kids in the states to be far more polite, trustworthy and helpful than back home.
Yet, carry gun's (As do most people over there), are vastly over weight and know nothing outside of America.
07 Oct 2013, 23:04
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Ideas for Mr Candy
Replies: 430
Views: 109815

Re: Ideas for Mr Candy

A Candy wrote:I agree that Steve was good but he has other commitments now plus the cost was getting too high.
If I remember, Steve only wanted a couple of advertising boards (Noodle It) as payment and never charged for his services which was fantastic of him. Also he said he would have stayed on doing it had they not been taken down so maybe it's not down to money is it for Steve not doing it anymore. Has he been asked recently at all, he is awesome and if putting up a couple of advertising boards is all he wants, why not do it.

Did Steve start charging the club money then?