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by bitemebryn
01 Jan 2014, 18:50
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Should the club sack Alan Knill?
Replies: 293
Views: 32869

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

As the game ticked away at one nil today and after watching the last few games it was clear we weren't going to get anything out of it, so I watched AK to see what he would do to resolve things. Well disappointed doesn't even come close to my feelings on him. As the minutes drew on he got further into the shadow of the dug out, arms folded. No urgency, no encouragement, no leadership. At the final whistle not even a hand up of acknowledgment to us the supporters who have just witnessed two toothless derby defeats in the space of a few days. No handshakes or slaps on the backs to players who today actually looked like they cared, but just don't seem to know how to attack or defend anymore, but just happily knock it about on the half way line hoping the opposition will fall asleep. No post match interview with something to show there is light at the end of the tunnel, nothing. I can't support the manager when he doesn't show that he actually gives a stuff about the players or supporters. I'll hold my hand up and admit I was glad he got the job in the summer, but the more I think about it the I think we just got lucky bringing in Joss Ladibie for a few games which enabled us to steel ourselves for the final few games. At the end of today what would any manager worth his salt done. A. Been the last person down the tunnel after giving his players some moral support. B. Been the first off the pitch and out of the firing line? Unfortunately our leader chose B, which was pretty much the same story as Sunday.