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by yellowwot1
27 Apr 2014, 00:54
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Down-And Out!
Replies: 31
Views: 3063

Down-And Out!

Listen mate when someone starts sounding off about Ashley who isn't even in the 1 percent now as Tufc are not league side.anymore then I get insulted by someone satimg.i am out to lunch and don't bother I think I am entitled to state the facts don't like it don't read it simple
by yellowwot1
27 Apr 2014, 00:40
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Down-And Out!
Replies: 31
Views: 3063

Down-And Out!

It shows how little you bloody know Nicky, parents pay for all kit and mostly all travel anywhere I'm the country, London wales Dorset Wiltshire Oxfordshire then sponsorship not to mentiom those that live 2 hours away from training twice per week all to give up ownership of your son to part time coachrs that are plumbers or coppers or electricians. There are 10,000 young boys in academies.across.Britain 1percent get to play 1st team football that statistic is pathetic.and damming in himself try researching your subject before spouting your mouth off , try reading every boys dream by Dan green then come back here and delete your post because it's full of crap
by yellowwot1
27 Apr 2014, 00:08
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Down-And Out!
Replies: 31
Views: 3063

Down-And Out!

There is no charge to attend Tufc academy it is invite only sattelit or development centres they do, don't have a pop at parents .they have to show more commitment than kids or staff. The academy system has.been failing across all leagues for years but it doesn't have to be that way look at crew or even exeter.

Like I said I have no axe to grind with Tufc youth however.the academy system across.the.board doesn't work, unlessthe powers that be change that and it can be different, for a small club like Torquay it so important, excuse the fullstops!
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 23:55
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 59
Views: 9455


Lol Scott, I don't need to prove anything, all regular visitors to this forum will know what's happened as do you, you have been exposed for what you are, I don't need to spell that out so I won't, no need everyone on here that doesn't agree with you already knows what's what, pathetic
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 23:49
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Down-And Out!
Replies: 31
Views: 3063

Down-And Out!

Pot noodle! Thanks for telling it like it really is, RESPECT
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 23:43
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 59
Views: 9455


Scott you tell more lies than the Tufc board and you know it as many others on here do too, typical Tufc
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 23:30
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Down-And Out!
Replies: 31
Views: 3063

Down-And Out!

I honestly hope you are all correct, not bitter with the youth system its almost the same everywhere bar a few exceptions very bitter upset and angry with the powers that be that i will admit to, however our youth system has not been utilised as it needs to habe been and if CH is to succeed it will need all his attention, I hope he is able to change things for.the better across.the board
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 23:15
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 59
Views: 9455


Matt (the tw*t) is accurate though an attribute he obviously does not have along with being polite, just be careful not to disagree with him or push tour point home cos your posts.get deleted by admin to save face and hide the truth
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 22:51
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Down-And Out!
Replies: 31
Views: 3063

Down-And Out!

So Tufc are down, why? Was it ling? Knill? Hargreaves? The board?
The players?
The answer is yes all the above. You can only punch above your weight for so long and eventually you get knocked on your arse.
I have been witness to unprofessional conduct throughout 3 seasons from all the above including those involved with our youth.

It has been mismanagement on a grand scale from every oriface of the club . The only place that tufc should be is the conference and if anyone believes the club are goimg to bounce right back with the current board, manager, coaches and youth then you better think again.

Tufc ate gone and gone for a very long time and albeit hard to accept it is deserved because the incompetence of all involved is truly criminal.

Goodbye Tufc it's all over no

Thank god, its been painful watching clowns run and manage a perfectly decent football league club9 that didn't deserve this treatment. Running a football club is running a business, if you don't treat people right word spreads quickly and you go out of business.

This is the beginning of a very slippery slope, it is not just the players that need a clear out and if that doesn't happen Tufc is doomed.
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 19:13
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Update for the fans on TUFC site
Replies: 110
Views: 11291

Update for the fans on TUFC site

Lol, more insults did someone mention baiting and stick? PMSL :P :clap:
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 18:19
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Update for the fans on TUFC site
Replies: 110
Views: 11291

Update for the fans on TUFC site

Lol Scott wrong! That's rich coming from you! I think you are confused about the definition of a debate in the hope that if you throw enough shit some will stick, ummmmmmm doesn't seem to be working for you admin, Maybe you need sacking for someone fresh I hear Alan knill likes a challenge mind you his.decision making and habitual habit for being wrong are almost up there with yours
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 18:00
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Goodbye Football League....Hello Conference
Replies: 158
Views: 25492

Goodbye Football League....Hello Conference

That's right Scott it's not well done and it could have been avoided, shame
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 17:59
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Goodbye Football League....Hello Conference
Replies: 158
Views: 25492

Goodbye Football League....Hello Conference

That's right Scott it's not well done and it could have been avoided, shame
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 17:54
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Update for the fans on TUFC site
Replies: 110
Views: 11291

Update for the fans on TUFC site

Yes lock it, matt you and Scott are defiantly trolls and clearly stupid and dont like losing a debate, I would have thought you would be used to losing stuff by now. It's insult after insult from you 3 as I said hilarious, and clearly your motives are all self obsessed, cheers it's been emotional lol, PMSL at you
by yellowwot1
26 Apr 2014, 17:39
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Update for the fans on TUFC site
Replies: 110
Views: 11291

Update for the fans on TUFC site

Knew you would see the wood for the trees eventually matt atta boy! Didn't think you could get anything any more wrong than your moyes revelation but you have proved me wrong scott well donr p. hope you both enjoy the conference with CH and the board. You both crack me up , hilarious.