Search found 5 matches

by Rex_Ham
15 Aug 2015, 19:01
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Wrexham v Torquay
Replies: 85
Views: 13268

Wrexham v Torquay

Hi all TUFC fans, sorry for the delayed reply but for some reason, I'm not getting any notifications of any thread activity!

First off, for @Orange Gull - the Kop looks awful as it is doesn't it? Such a shame because I can remember VERY recently being on there with '000's of others in EXACTLY the same config as it has now - it used be something like the 3/4th biggest Kop in all the leagues at about 12k capacity!

When we very, very nearly went under a few years ago when Hamilton tried to sell the ground from under our feet, the rescue package involved the nearby Uni buying the land and developing the site to include student accomodation (which you can see in the background now)

Phase 3 was 'supposed' to be the development of the Kop, to maintain the min requirement for International's of a 15k stadium capacity....The Racecourse is the oldest International stadium in the world btw... - but, for various reasons, it's never materialised, and so at the moment, we're left with that big ol' eyesore. Such a shame :(

While we're still in this poxy league, there's NO chance of anyone investing in redeveloping it now, so we're stuck with it for now.

As I said earlier though, as clubs, we're both similar with our doom-mongering, yet look at us both now...2 wins from 3 games and starting to sit pretty(ish).

FYI though, we TOTALLY dominated Aldershot today - from start to finish - and (doom mongering...) we should have thrashed them by 5 or 6 nil...but we didn't.

Torquay, after thinking the end of the world was nigh after Tues night's performance, won away from home today.

Thus highlight's the inconsistencies of this league, and (krap) level that we're both in ATM..... let's get outta here!! :lol:
by Rex_Ham
13 Aug 2015, 16:35
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Wrexham v Torquay
Replies: 85
Views: 13268

Wrexham v Torquay

Hi again all. Wrexham fan chipping in...

Few things to point out from the comments on here.

1. On Sat against Bromley, apparently we had the lions' share of the game but they had 3 chances and they all went in - that's not always gonna happen at our (low) level, so to say we were hammered is not true, we played some decent stuff there too, but unlike Tues night, nothing came of it.

2. We haven't 'invested heavily' coz we've not got the cash to do so - a lot better than recent years gone by, but there were no fees paid out for any of our players - just GM doing a LOT of wheeling & dealing and moving on a LOAD of the players that were at the club for years that were not putting the effort in week-in, week-out that they should have, and replaced them with players he's had with him (or wanted to have) before.

3. Your forum sounds a lot like ours when something goes wrong - the doom-mongers are out in force in no-time. Patience is a virtue as they say. Last years' champs Brizzle Rovers started off very blandly, with the first five games bringing only 1 win, with 2 draws and 2 losses, new teams need time to gel as we all know (but seldom cut them the slack they need to do so early doors of the season!)

Let's hope it's onwards and upwards.....for both clubs ;-)
by Rex_Ham
12 Aug 2015, 00:10
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Wrexham v Torquay
Replies: 85
Views: 13268

Wrexham v Torquay

I've always had a special admiration for Torquay fans, ever since our league days, when you were already relegated (by a gazillion points) but still brought up a decent number of truly dedicated fans - who got a warm round of applause off us when entering our local watering hole on that day!

Once more tonight, your dedicated fans who made the awfully long trip up north, were warmly applauded by our crowd when the announcer thanked the 89 fans who had made the trip up on a Tues night to The Racecourse.

Onto tonight's game. When we saw your team run out - we thought...Jeeez, they're a big old team! The smallest one looked about a 6 footer!

However, as the game wore on (with us lot not knowing what to expect from OUR completely new team either....) we started to be heartened - especially after our disastrous result on Sat!

Then....wallop! Out of the blue you had a corner and we were 0-1 down!! Here we go again we thought!

Second half, it was a different story. Gary Mills must've given them a right old rollicking at HT and we were a different team...or rather, a more decisive team!

You all know what happened 2nd half by now, but suffice to say, we well deserved the result...

I really hope we go on to clinch automatic promo to the league....but also hope you go with us via the Play Off's.

by Rex_Ham
08 Mar 2015, 23:52
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay v Chester Tue 10th
Replies: 76
Views: 10977

Torquay v Chester Tue 10th

I feel for you TUFC fans.

It just shows what a topsy-turvy league this is....

We've done the double (Wrexham) on the once champions-elect, Barnet...and yet lost at home ... the 'no-hopers' of Telford FC!

Chin up - EVERYONE's beatable in this crap league!!

You'll do it.... and prolly end up just outside the play-offs ;-)

Good luck for the rest of the season....
by Rex_Ham
21 Feb 2015, 19:32
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Wrexham 1st leg
Replies: 116
Views: 14422

Wrexham 1st leg

Hi TUFC fans

Was at the match today and yes, we were 'all over you'... but as usual (for us), couldn't convert our possession to actual goals!

As it lies, it could go anyway. You lot score an early goal and it's in your court! We score early and it's uphill for you.

Got talking to some Torquay fans in the pub across the way from the ground (explained us Wxm fans have a LOT of respect for Torquay fans from years ago when you had been relegated from the league for WEEKS, but still had a (mini) bus turn up for an end of season game at The Racecourse...PROPER fans ;-) )

Whoever wins, at least Wembley will have some TRUE fans there supporting them on...not just the 'Day Trippers' :bow:

Good luck for the rest of the season (after Sat ;-) )

