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by Yellows
25 Oct 2015, 11:50
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Chairman's Statement
Replies: 18
Views: 3003

Chairman's Statement

A message to the supporters...
I WOULD like to thank all of the supporters who made the trip to Basingstoke Town on Saturday to give the team your usual fantastic backing.
I am as hurt and upset as you about the performance; it fell well below the standards that we expect and I can assure you that the staff and players will be working extremely hard so that it won't happen again.
By everyone working together and pulling in the same direction, we can take this club forward.
Thank you for your valued support,

David Phillips

Torquay United FC Chairman

Read more at ... 4X5rxRR.99
by Yellows
17 Oct 2015, 11:20
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

stefano wrote:I find it incredible that people with apparently no understanding of basic spelling or indeed practical use of the English language, still think they can just walk into a football club and take it over. Who the hell will construct the necessary contracts? Would any of them understand it if done for them? Will they just walk away when it all gets too much and their little heads cannot stand any more? Who knows? George of course knows where TUFC will be next year. Does he hell? He seems to think he is Nostradamus. Well in a way I suppose he is. Nostradamus basically talked a load of crap and then afterwards everybody read into it things that had just happened and decided that was what he was predicting. Well George .... it's bollocks! ;-)

Me thinks you should by (sorry buy!) a modern Dictionary Stefano
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Added in 2 minutes 58 seconds:
stefano wrote: BBC. Embarrassing. Can't. They're. ....some cases? . I've. It's (or it is)..... plus... "as what the local area is." Well no comment on that! ;-)
Stefano behave stop picking on George!
:na: :na: :na:

Added in 6 minutes 18 seconds:
Trojan 67 wrote: What the legend with six (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) called forevertufc said.



Added in 4 minutes 56 seconds: What the legend with six (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) called SNW said.


Its Saturday!

See you all there!
:scarf: :scarf: :scarf:
I predict a :red: today
by Yellows
15 Oct 2015, 16:41
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

Bomber wrote: Only HMRC have any real power when it comes to winding up a football club.

All debts to HMRC and other football clubs have to be paid in full, as per the Football Creditor's Rule, all other creditors - unsecured creditors - are forced to accept 10p in the £1 or whatever the Administrator decides.

A football club entering Administration is not like a normal business going into receivership - it's more along the lines of a personal bankruptcy.
Its not just Football Clubs but Football Creditors which includes Players, Managers and of course ex Managers if money is outstanding.
by Yellows
15 Oct 2015, 16:01
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

tomogull wrote: I am reluctant to drag this thread even further than it is, but call me naive if you like, but I trust the chairman and Steve Breed to come out and tell us if there were severe financial concerns. We were promised transparency from the start and they have so far been far more forthcoming than the Flowerpot Men, Bill Phillips and Simon Baker.
Given the History it is important to be Transparent.
:rules: :rules: :rules:
by Yellows
15 Oct 2015, 13:24
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

Scott Brehaut wrote:Not Mrs Bristow and the Board - just Mrs Bristow.

She, and she alone, kept this club afloat whilst the rest of the Board sat back and spent her money - isn't that right Bill and Simon, or perhaps you can tell us exactly how much you put in and how much you took out of the club you love so much....
Scott you have made your point about Mrs Bristow funding but you have to accept that Bill and the remaining people who made loans in the past also lost money by writing off their loans. Mrs Bristow did hold the majority of Shares. The hard facts is that Mrs Bristow appears to have been ill advised in this instant. You must also accept that the existing Shareholders purchase the Club for nothing.
:rules: :rules: :rules:
by Yellows
15 Oct 2015, 12:19
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

Richinns wrote:At the recent fans forum the current board stated that they are running without debt yet George is saying there is a 600k debt since they took over and the club is close to folding.

George - you are therefore stating that the current board at the club are liars then?

George are you really saying that the Current Board has incurred a Debt of 600k since Handover? if so is that a P/L Debt please provide a breakdown. The forecasted loss to 30th June was 450k but that was for 12months majority of this loss was covered by Mrs Bristow and the Board at that time
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Added in 3 minutes 5 seconds:
Bomber wrote: Would this 100k include any monies owed to HMRC?
I would very much doubt it as the National League have a link with the HMRC if you do not pay your PAYE on the due date they will Telephone you or come around and get it!
:rules: :rules: :rules:
by Yellows
15 Oct 2015, 08:28
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

Jeff wrote:Never been a more boring thread on this site.

Yet I do keep checking it to see if more flannel has been posted

I have to agree with this. I am not sure where this is all going. The purpose of all this must be to keep Torquay in Business and not get Relegated. The Club is owned by Shareholders. It is a Private Limited Company. If Torquay needs Cash over and above its day to day trading to fulfil the two criteria it must be funded by the owners. If no cash is available they must say so in a timely manner and not leave it to late.
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Added in 3 minutes 51 seconds:
PhilGull wrote: So you are on the board? Or work for the club? Or you're just guessing based on what someone who knows someone said they saw in the books six months ago when an entirely different group of people were running a vastly different company?
The budget of 600k is mentioned, does this included those on Garden Leave, Redundancy Payments etc or actual Playing Staff now?
:rules: :rules: :rules:
by Yellows
14 Oct 2015, 10:46
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

Richinns wrote: With those math skills and the way the accounts were left by the old regime - I can only conclude you must be 'Wild Bill'!
Wild Bill could not add only take away!
by Yellows
14 Oct 2015, 07:51
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

tomogull wrote: You have this obsession that the club is going to get relegated. Providing we keep clear of any more serious injuries, we will be okay. We'll see how we play against Grimsby on Saturday - a good test to see just where we are.
We must avoid relegation by investing in Players. 4 points from the last two games is not enough Is more like 2 points lost. That is the reality
:rules: :rules: :rules:

Correction Gents typing error! Fair play I did have a glass of wine last night to Celebrate a Draw! Good to see you are all paying attention

:scarf: :scarf: :scarf:
by Yellows
13 Oct 2015, 16:57
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

Richinns wrote: Yells - you are yet to respond to my question?!
I assume you mean Bill Philips the answer is no, I don't know George or Mushroom. I do support Torquay United and I have an opinion based on facts that I have and not hearsay. I do support the Board but disagree with a number of statements that has been put out. Given that they had the Club for nothing they need to inject more capital now. We must not get relegated. As I mentioned I am here to keep things honest. Now some may think I have another motive but that is their choice.
:rules: :rules: :rules:
Now for 3pts!
:scarf: :scarf: :scarf:
by Yellows
13 Oct 2015, 15:45
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

Scott Brehaut wrote:
The only reason why you disagree with the way the club was handled when it was taken over is because it meant that it wasn't losing money any more - or certainly not the the extent that it was, and therefore makes your job, and the other parasites on here, a lot harder.
It may well be losing less money but it will be at a high restructure cost. For example if you are paying someone 1k a week and then sack him yes you have saved the 1k in the short term but it may well cost you more in compensation at a later date. That is called a Liability!

:rules: :rules: :rules:
by Yellows
13 Oct 2015, 12:49
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

Scott Brehaut wrote:It was done in the only way they could have done it. The club was on its last legs.

They did almost exactly what your mate would have done (see post from mushroom above)

Hopefully another win tonight will keep you parasites at bay for a few more days.

Scot I would expect that sort of reply from someone who is unaware of the position and unable to grasp what should have been done on handover. The only thing I can agree with is getting the Win tonight. Meanwhile
:rules: :rules: :rules: Get a Grip!
by Yellows
13 Oct 2015, 11:33
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

Bomber wrote: Truro still needed to pay the Bond though.

Shouldn't that be 'Torquay have a good balance sheet' rather than 'has a good balance sheet'.

Also, why were June's wages paid by the current consortium and not the previous one, as stated at the fans forum.

Finally, why do you and your friends only target this forum?

Surely if you really believed what you were saying you would say it to anyone?
The June Wages was covered off in the Agreement the Club was purchased remember for nothing as a "going concern" If you had the SOF it would confirm the actual position

:rules: :rules: :rules:

Added in 7 minutes 56 seconds:
Scott Brehaut wrote:It was a much needed restructure to ensure that the current Board could keep the club afloat. The previous Board pissed Thaea's money up the wall. Regardless of how much you try to convince us that Bill Phillips was a saint, he sat back, along with the rest of them, and helped to spend Thaea money quicker than she could withdraw it from the bank.

It was unsustainable in its previous form, and the new Board realised this very quickly. The reason why you and the rest are pissed off is because they have managed to breathe life into a club that was dying very very quickly, ruining your plans to pick it up for nothing and chuck a Sainsburys on it.


It was a needed Restructure but it was done in an expensive way wielding the axe. They simply got it wrong. It will cost dearly to put it right.
:rules: :rules: :rules:
by Yellows
12 Oct 2015, 17:21
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: The Yells, George, Mushroom et al thread
Replies: 48
Views: 6103

The Yells, George, Mushroom et al thread

I don't even know who George or Mushroom are!!!!! FACT!!!!
by Yellows
12 Oct 2015, 17:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 80131

Cox Resigns

Scott Brehaut wrote:It was a much needed restructure to ensure that the current Board could keep the club afloat. The previous Board pissed Thaea's money up the wall. Regardless of how much you try to convince us that Bill Phillips was a saint, he sat back, along with the rest of them, and helped to spend Thaea money quicker than she could withdraw it from the bank.

It was unsustainable in its previous form, and the new Board realised this very quickly. The reason why you and the rest are pissed off is because they have managed to breathe life into a club that was dying very very quickly, ruining your plans to pick it up for nothing and chuck a Sainsburys on it.

That fact of the matter the restructure has caused the current liability. They alone have to deal with hopefully not at the cost of relegation

Added in 5 minutes 6 seconds:
Bomber wrote:But asking for a Bond is standard practice, as is the same for Conference North/South clubs.
Truro City needed to pay a similar bond to fulfil their fixtures a few years ago.

It seems you are just trying to different ways to frighten us. HMRC closure didn't work so now you're trying this.
No Bond was paid to the National League by Torquay United. Its as simple as that

Truro was in Administration with a 4.5m Debt. Torquay has a good Balance Sheet and at the time paid all their Debts when due

Now it is down to cashflow

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