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by Taelee73
17 Sep 2024, 17:58
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Bishops Cleeve FC v Torquay United Sat 14 Sept KO 3pm
Replies: 83
Views: 7837

Bishops Cleeve FC v Torquay United Sat 14 Sept KO 3pm

Boing is acceptable at the end if a match, however in my view nothing should be said from the safety of the crowd that you wouldn’t say face to face in the street.

It was a disastrous performance and result, there are no real excuses for that, whatever kit they wore, whether they thought they were too good, injuries. Again people are going on about winning promotion this season, that this should be the aim. The whole set up at Torquay has changed, from owners to manager to players, this season should be seen as one of building. Does nobody have patience anymore? Although I’d love promotion/play offs, who wouldn’t, a mid table finish has to seen be acceptable with a totally new setup, whatever the standard of the division and part/full time nature of it. As long as there is progression and a team steadily improving that can then push on next season.

Anyone thinking we set out to lose, were told to lose, it’s an opinion I guess, but players personal pride if nothing else would say otherwise.
by Taelee73
16 Sep 2024, 16:38
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Time for the 2nd pink strap to go...
Replies: 37
Views: 2366

Time for the 2nd pink strap to go...

Some people really think we’re not bombarded with subliminal messages and psychology that influences us every single day?

Governments, every major retailer selling cars to selling food, sports clubs, the armed forces, they all use methods to get us to think a certain way (the Labour leader continually using the phrase ‘I get it’ over using something more sophisticated to appeal to the masses) to vote for them, to excuse their failures, to believe one person over another, to buy one item over another or maybe an item we don’t even need at all (sweets next to the checkouts in supermarkets is an obvious one) and within sports, to give individuals and teams an edge, professional footballers are quite often seen as smug, superior, why do you think that Is? The clubs will have looked at every trick in the book to make them think they are amazing, better and also to cope with the abuse.

Big money is invested into influencing us all.

Within the context of this argument about a pink kit in a match, it may well be that an unintentional effect has occurred, no one on here could claim with certainty either way, you can have an opinion but unless it’s your field of expertise then you cant say it hasn’t. It will be interesting to see how often it is worn again though.

Last season, how many of you bought the home kit? Not many, why? It had the right colours, it was a similar style to ones from the 90s and it was awful. This years kit, the right colours, Similar style to ones from the 90s and everyone loves it. Why, what makes last years so bad and this years so good in your eyes? Can you articulate why you like one and not the other. I know I hated watching us in that kit last season, I can only articulate that it just looked tacky, I can’t explain it a more sophisticated way than that.

No one said we lost just because of that kit, we were terrible and would have most likely fully deserved to lose whatever kit was worn, and it’s nothing to do with the players not being able to see one another, no one ever said that. No one can deny that the kit resembles a pub sides strip or a kick around kit with your mates in Ibiza. Does it make you feel less professional when you wear it, maybe, even if just a percentage. it’s also the colour. Football is still seen as a masculine sport, pink is not normally associated with being masculine to the majority. If you want to accuse me of being a dinosaur, out of touch or accuse me of some form of bigotry then so be it, but that’s my opinion.
by Taelee73
15 Sep 2024, 10:29
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Time for the 2nd pink strap to go...
Replies: 37
Views: 2366

Time for the 2nd pink strap to go...

People really thinking psychology doesn't come into football?

Diet, changed the way the game is played.
Cutting out the beer, cigarettes changed the game.
Statistics, how many miles run, heart rate etc have changed the game.
Money, unfortunately/fortunately has changed the game.
Playing on a decent pitch as opposed to a mud bath or artificial will have an effect on a players mindset

Small crowd, big crowd, same again. How many teams raise their game coming to Plainmoor? Some are intimidated to start with, then improve very quickly.

TUFC once painted the away changing rooms in pastel colours as they thought it would give a calming influence over an aggressive one, that one was short lived.

Some players need an arm around them, some need to be shouted at.

Some of the above is way OTT for me, you can go to deeply into miles ran, pass completion etc etc.

The kit you wear will have an effect, especially if its awful or has an association, then even if it's a slight affect and subconscious, it will change your mindset. That kit looks like something you'd wear abroad on holiday and not the kit of a professional football team.

Hopefully they'll ask the players, they'd obviously be happy to have an excuse
by Taelee73
15 Sep 2024, 08:02
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Time for the 2nd pink strap to go...
Replies: 37
Views: 2366

Time for the 2nd pink strap to go...

Who knows if it’s psychological?

I’m sure you could do a study on players and how they respond to playing in certain colours, we all remember Man Utd and their grey kit, they said at the time it was because they couldn’t see each other, but grey isn’t exactly an inspiring colour is it?

There’s a difference from fans loving a strip to players enjoying playing in it. I quite like it tbh, however to me it also doesn’t have anything to do with Torquay Uniteds traditional colours. I am a dinosaur, but 30/40 years ago, a pink football strip just wouldn’t have happened.
by Taelee73
15 Sep 2024, 07:52
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Bishops Cleeve FC v Torquay United Sat 14 Sept KO 3pm
Replies: 83
Views: 7837

Bishops Cleeve FC v Torquay United Sat 14 Sept KO 3pm

Wotton played over 600 professional games, he turned Truro City into a very decent side, one that turned us over easily last season. A side that had no home ground and limited resources, but it took him time. That side all sang from the same hymn sheet, each knew their role and the role of the team.

He identified the players he wanted at Torquay and some he inherited, as I said, some players who should fit in sometimes don’t. We were forced into that team yesterday due to injuries, a birth and a player who we have to pay a salary to for a season with no return. You have a squad for a reason, every player in it should be able to seamlessly come into the first team and play the same way as everyone else, unfortunately at the moment those outside the first eleven are more fringe players than first team Players in waiting.

Will they improve, not if they are unable to follow the managers instructions, if they do as they are trained and still don’t perform then they bring the whole team down. You can cope with one player not performing, but not 2 or 3.

I have faith Wotton knows exactly what he wants and knows what he’s doing, if the players don’t get it in within a certain time, it will prolong the time taken until we get that squad of first team players. I’m sure he’s already looking.
by Taelee73
14 Sep 2024, 21:11
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Bishops Cleeve FC v Torquay United Sat 14 Sept KO 3pm
Replies: 83
Views: 7837

Bishops Cleeve FC v Torquay United Sat 14 Sept KO 3pm

You move players on by loaning them out, I’m assuming we can do that?

Wotton did sign these players, as per every squad, some work and some don’t. If they haven’t the capability or refuse to do what he tells them, then there is no point in them being here. Will he give those fringe players today another chance when the other 3 players are back, or will he use the money available to get loans in. I can’t imagine he’s the type to give too many chances if there are other options.
by Taelee73
14 Sep 2024, 19:25
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Bishops Cleeve FC v Torquay United Sat 14 Sept KO 3pm
Replies: 83
Views: 7837

Bishops Cleeve FC v Torquay United Sat 14 Sept KO 3pm

He’s clearly incredibly angry and rightly so, trying not to swear, he’s trying to choose his words, trying not to destroy them but wow, the anger. Players that don’t listen, or can’t, need to be moved on. There’s several players at the moment that if they don’t listen/ do what he wants, then have to go.

i was all for not over reacting, but unfortunately Moxey has never been a loud voice, as player coach though he should have been a leader today. I’m not sure Wotton gives many chances, you feel if he can get players in, several of this lot will be out the door.
by Taelee73
14 Sep 2024, 18:14
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Bishops Cleeve FC v Torquay United Sat 14 Sept KO 3pm
Replies: 83
Views: 7837

Bishops Cleeve FC v Torquay United Sat 14 Sept KO 3pm

It still early days in the Wotton regime, and so we shouldn’t go overboard, but there is no denying this is a terrible result. Like the last few seasons our first 11 are decent enough, but beyond those we look very weak indeed. Moxey I thought would be a regular this season, but it does look at the moment that he has become a weak link. Without a tall hold up player upfront we look toothless. Mussa has at times looked really impressive, but has also been a liability.

It would be a shame if we have a run of poor form as you feel the attendances and feel good factor may dip. Next Saturday will show how much faith our new/returning supporters have.

The FA Cup also brings the excitement in the opportunity of playing a ‘big’ team over the course of the season, and most definitely the added bonus of added income.

It sounds as though we should have two players back from injury for next Saturday, hopefully it’ll help steady the ship.

I think the question needs asking as to whether we prepared all week with the expectation Cooke would be playing, if so what a silly gamble as it seems less effort was made to prepare for having two small strikers upfront instead.
by Taelee73
13 Sep 2024, 08:16
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: (TUST) "Yellow Army Share Issue" NOW LIVE!
Replies: 37
Views: 10081

(TUST) "Yellow Army Share Issue" NOW LIVE!

Must have been years ago, but I remember a floodlight upgrade we had and the club said they were now Championship standard!

TBH does anyone look at the big screen? It’s something that’s not utilised, especially at halftime. If not advertising, then maybe highlights from our history could be shown?

I think they said they’d hold onto the money until Christmas and see how the squad is doing, injuries etc.
by Taelee73
11 Sep 2024, 20:39
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: (TUST) "Yellow Army Share Issue" NOW LIVE!
Replies: 37
Views: 10081

(TUST) "Yellow Army Share Issue" NOW LIVE!

A fantastic effort to be honest, it was always going to fall away a bit once the most eager had paid in. My salary (and maybe a few others) is due on the 25th, if this is still within the timeframe, there may be a late boost of latecomers paying in then.
by Taelee73
08 Sep 2024, 18:38
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Welling v Torquay United Sat 7 Sept KO 3pm
Replies: 109
Views: 6620

Welling v Torquay United Sat 7 Sept KO 3pm

We’re inconsistent, which is pretty much what you would expect with a new team and manager, we played poorly yet should have scored 3. Wotton mentioned use of the long ball, the players will have his style drummed into them, sometimes the default method is long ball if we’re struggling. Hopefully in time there will be less rogue play and more of his style, I’m sure he’ll let them know!

I’d take where we are now, a young squad who will develop and maybe make us money, the next few seasons should be interesting.

Whoever gave Lovett abuse, why, just why? Would you say it face to face on your own, nope.

I didn’t moan about having too many Chairman’s Chats, if it’s every month so be it, I’ll still be listening in. My opinion was simply that too many may result in them eventually saying the same things every time about certain subjects. An opinion isn’t moaning, it’s an opinion.

They have praised Warnock up, so he is obviously providing decent advice, Wotton doesn’t need any, 600 odd games and a really good job at Truro speaks plenty.
by Taelee73
07 Sep 2024, 14:21
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Chairmen's Chat No2
Replies: 12
Views: 1090

Chairmen's Chat No2

Never said I was bored, I just said once a month (9 videos or 12 if it carries on after the seasons ended) and there will only be so many things to talk about. How the team is doing, how the manager is doing, how the ground updates are going, how much money has been raised, how great the attendances are.

Just feel they will need to keep it fresh and be careful talking about the results etc, it’s all ok when we’re getting good results, but if we have a bad spell (longer than the 3 defeats in a row) and fans start moaning, they’d have to chose their words carefully. Like them, I’m thinking beyond September 2024, next season and into the beyond. That’s just how my mind works.

I personally felt one at the start of the season, one after the magical 10 game mark, one at Christmas, one with a couple of months to go and one at the end of the season and maybe one in the close season would be perfect (6). Any new ideas, initiatives, emergencies, a big cup match, player sale can of course be posted when needed, as smaller sound bites.

Not bored, as I’ve enjoyed them Just thinking long term.
by Taelee73
07 Sep 2024, 10:00
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Chairmen's Chat No2
Replies: 12
Views: 1090

Chairmen's Chat No2

Fantastic stuff, they are doing what had been needed for decades, trying to make us sustainable. Player sales and Cup runs should be seen as bonus money, not vital.

Crowds haven’t been averaging 3000 since Leroys’ time in charge 20 years ago, I expected 2,500 on Tuesday so it was amazing to get 3000. I hope we can keep it around the 2800 - 3200 mark all season. If we get back to the FL then maybe the crowds would grow again?

That £160,000 is fantastic, but it is likely to be a one off chance for investment unless we get that cup run. I was a little concerned when they said they’d look to see where it could be spent on in a few weeks, glad Mark said Christmas, we’ll have a better idea then on injuries or building renovations needed.

I know the club have said there will be no further comment on Booth, I saw him at the opening game and not since, will he be quietly moved on in May or given the chance to reintegrate? It is important, we are missing one player and one players salary for the season.

I like Wotton, he is knowledgeable and passionate, always organising and pushing the players, it’s fun sitting behind him in matches and watching, so much better than Mr ‘come on’ from the last few seasons.

All in all though, it feels the club is doing everything right, so I am very happy.

I do feel these interviews could be every two or three months though, there’s only so much to say if too often.
by Taelee73
03 Sep 2024, 22:23
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Chippenham Town - VNLS - 3rd September 2024
Replies: 67
Views: 5209

Torquay United v Chippenham Town - VNLS - 3rd September 2024

Thoroughly entertaining first half, it’s the first time that the team has gelled for long periods, rather than moments. Good movement, prolonged pressure on their play it out from the back system. A disjointed second half to be fair, could have finished 6-2. Ash with a marvellous tackle to keep the ball in and then a poor shot, one cleared off the line for them, the only downside the injury.

Fantastic crowd over 3000, which for a Tuesday was fantastic.

Wotton, I really like, such a difference from before. Always organising, cajoling, he’s a breath of fresh air.

Really promising.
by Taelee73
01 Sep 2024, 08:45
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Set Pieces, Strategy, Game Plan
Replies: 14
Views: 2571

Set Pieces, Strategy, Game Plan

Sometimes it’s speed of though.

I think I posted on here that players are thinking of the pass to make rather than just passing, and by then the moment has gone. Hopefully in time the passing and the players movement will come naturally as they understand each other better. We have to remember these players have still only been together for 2 or 3 months, some fans need patience.

We sit a couple of rows behind the dugout, Wotton sees what we do, he was exasperated at some of the decision making.

The 2 free kicks that were frustrating to me were one where we had two players standing over the ball just outside the box, not an opposition player within 20 yards and they didn’t play the quick short one. Wotton stood shaking his head as he had seen it, like I say, quick minds. The other was Mussa, I like him, but that free kick miles over was frustrating, as it was all rushed and no one talked about the options. I was watching Wotton as Mussa lined it up, he wasn’t giving instructions or watching, he was actually looking the other way and talking. He was obviously happy to leave it to them, and I just felt so near the end and a decent position he could have tried directing things. Not a dig, as I really like him, he is passionate, he talks and organises constantly, such a difference to Johnson and Downes who just stood there, he sees what’s not working. It must be frustrating when you’ve played 600 odd high standard games and see things the players don’t, yet.

It’s still early days, we are overachieving in our points tally in my opinion so far as this season, as this season could be seen just as one of building and stability. I would take our points total so far, I was disappointed like most others when I walked out yesterday, however it feels this team will only get better.