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by Wellswood
05 May 2016, 14:19
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Announcement this week??
Replies: 40
Views: 7701

Announcement this week??

The positive optimism would have to extend to believing most of the players we would want from this year will sign new contracts.

Based on what we've (rumour) heard about an increased playing budget, we should be able to keep them here. We also heard that Nicho has met with the new owners, lets be optimistic and hope he had a positive experience.

For me, at this stage, without any solid news, it's a waste of energy to worry about it.
by Wellswood
05 May 2016, 09:39
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Announcement this week??
Replies: 40
Views: 7701

Announcement this week??

"by Bomber » 6 minutes ago

PhilGull wrote:
The conspiracy theorist in me says that with no players or coaches on the payroll it will only take a few quid to make the other staff (tea lady etc) redundant and GI have some real estate to sell and make a profit on! ;-) Bye bye Torquay United, hello Wimpy homes estate!

They wouldn't be able to do that without the consent of the Cary Estate and assistance from the council."

PhilGull was joking......I think. If not, well, we just survived a relegation battle, we have a solid group of players, and manager, one of the best stadiums in the league we are in, how about a bit of positive optimism, that is after all the right of every fan of every club in the off season.
by Wellswood
29 Apr 2016, 11:39
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Money Money Money
Replies: 54
Views: 9442

Money Money Money

"It wasn't me who suggested they wanted to build houses, I was replying to another post who suggested that. And anyway my view doesn't change because IF they just want to manage the stadium that tufc use then there are 2 options, they make other revenue streams, actually similar to what MB did. Or they make the rent higher which would be paid for by who? Ah yes lower wages for the players and us fans.

Perhaps they want to introduce speedway to torquay? That would be great wouldn't it, sat or stood miles from the pitch.

Lets see what the actual playing budget is, £400k doesn't seem enough to me considering what it cost us last time to get out of this league."

- If they only want to manage the stadium, why would they buy the club?
- I don't understand your point on rent, if Gaming International own the club, what is the point in charging the club higher rent. Isn't that a bit like
me charging myself for cleaning my own car?
- Yes I agree they probably want a football club in their portfolio so they can turn it into a speedway club, as speedway would be really popular in a
new housing estate (new stadium) or even better at Plainmoor. I think there may be easier ways to establish speedway than buying a football
club, no?
- £400K, sounds like a step in the right direction to me. No I have a better idea, lets club together as fans and buy the club for £1 and see if we can
muster an £800K budget for the season. (if someone bought you a new Ford Focus, would you moan because it wasn't a BMW?)
by Wellswood
28 Apr 2016, 14:57
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Harrop
Replies: 146
Views: 22718


"First time I've posted for years (infact I had to re register) but this news has been a call to arms. I had no issues with Geoff Harrop during his previous spell with the Club but the idea this form of jobs for the boys scenario may be hatching has made me feel a little sick inside.
I made the 150 mile round trip throughout this bleak footballing winter and at times the enjoyment factor was pretty thin, but I kept going and eventually the sun well and truly shined over Plainmoor. The news that the man most responsible for this turn around could be squeezed would find me doing something else on a saturday afternoon next season.
The £200 season ticket is quite a deal but I'll pass it over for the present. Dave Phillips and Steve Breed please help us!"

how about, lets not panic and assume, this is nothing more than a rumour, but then as we all know, rumours in football ALWAYS come true don't they.
by Wellswood
28 Apr 2016, 12:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Money Money Money
Replies: 54
Views: 9442

Money Money Money

so maybe i'm misinformed or confused in some way, I thought Gaming International are a Stadia Management company, running speedway tracks and MK Bowl, creating multiple revenue streams and profit from these locations, redeveloping or improving these stadiums where possible, is this not the case?
by Wellswood
28 Apr 2016, 12:32
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Harrop
Replies: 146
Views: 22718


But the people from the past are not involved with the club now. I just don't see the point in raising fears over the every detail when no one on here knows any facts about what will happen. It is healthy to discuss, but why is every discussion so negative?
by Wellswood
28 Apr 2016, 12:07
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Harrop
Replies: 146
Views: 22718


This whole thread is pure speculation.
by Wellswood
28 Apr 2016, 11:46
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Money Money Money
Replies: 54
Views: 9442

Money Money Money

"Wellswood I am speaking for myself when I express my concerns.

Gulliball has expressed the situation very clearly.

If you have no concerns then I think, with respect, you are being naive."

I disagree, I'm not being naïve, I can conceive of the possibility that this could all go t*ts up. However, based on logic, ie, Philips and Breed have saved this club this season, they are fans of the club, they have put a lot of time, effort and stress into righting the ship, so, do we think they did this in order to sell us out for a fast buck, ruining the good they've done and the potential legacy they can leave behind? Or do we think that maybe, just maybe, being businessmen, that maybe, just maybe they have enough about them to ensure the future of the club is in good hands and that the new owners have a plan and the means to take the club forward. Philips has already come out and intimated that we as fans will be very pleased with the plans the new owners have. Again, would he say this and lie to us?

If you are correct and we are in grave danger, at this stage, what do you propose should be done? My stance is, at this stage, we have no reason to be or think negatively, we have every reason to be optimistic. Time will tell and if things were to go as you suspect then we will have the opportunity to deal with it then, right now, we don't and there is no apparent need to panic.

The existing stadium is fit for purpose but is also limited in its use and not in the best location. A new stadium would breathe new life and revenue generation opportunities into the club. The Plainmoor site is hardly prime real estate land so I seriously doubt the new owners are in this to make a quick buck from building flats on Plainmoor. They are a group with a lot of experience of managing stadia, creating new revenue streams outside of the primary use, this is what we need, no?

Portugull, is the glass half empty or half full?
by Wellswood
27 Apr 2016, 15:46
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Money Money Money
Replies: 54
Views: 9442

Money Money Money

We as fans are worried? speak for yourself, I'm not saying it's impossible that things can go wrong but I don't see any reason to be negative about what's happening at the club at the moment.

Philips clearly cares about the club, as does Steve Breed, this constant questioning as to whether they have done their research etc is ridiculous, of course they have. Our Chairman was stood down near the dugout throughout the game on Saturday, speaking to the players and Nicho, it's clear their is a feelgood factor both on and off the pitch.

Sometimes, good things do happen, and people do things for the right reasons. Instead of looking at this negatively, why not be optimistic, and have some patience and wait for the details to be announced, the club have communicated with the fans very well over the last few months, there no reason to suspect anyones motivations or intentions at this stage.