Search found 17 matches

by TheElk92
21 Oct 2019, 15:31
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: FA Cup 1st Round Draw - Who do you want?
Replies: 45
Views: 23472

FA Cup 1st Round Draw - Who do you want?

As I’ll be out of the country, I’m wishing on a lower ranked, home tie to see us through to the 2nd round. If we can make it to the 3rd round this year, I’ve just got a feeling we might finally get a dream draw.

Exeter, Plymouth and Yeovil have all had big ties in the Cup in recent years. Our time has come!
by TheElk92
09 Oct 2019, 10:57
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Where has the Drummer Man Gone
Replies: 53
Views: 16679

Re: Where has the Drummer Man Gone

They've all been told that they should not travel to Notts County this weekend as they will be barred from entering. The grounds for the club to do this are highly questionable, given the banning order handed out is TUFC internal and not handed down by the courts.

When you boil it down to what it really is, some young lads running on the pitch for a few fleeting seconds, a 1 year ban is extremely disproportionate.
by TheElk92
09 Aug 2019, 14:45
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Bromley v Torquay United 10/8/19
Replies: 124
Views: 29020

Bromley v Torquay United 10/8/19

It’s reassuring that most people are keeping a level head after Tuesday's heavy defeat. For those who are coming out with the knee-jerk reactions, it’s worth remembering a few things.
Our squad have not overnight become bad players – we won the league for a reason. By the same token, Moors came 2nd in the National league for a reason – they’re good.

Tomorrow will be tough but I have no doubt that we’ll see a much improved performance. They’re young lads who are collectively having to step up their game. It may take a little time but there’s enough talent amongst them to ensure that we do well this season. What ‘well’ constitutes, still remains to be seen!
by TheElk92
09 Apr 2019, 23:38
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

Launceston Gull wrote: 09 Apr 2019, 15:37 I understand why pitch invasions happen but my view is save it till the end of game. Running onto the field when we scored our equaliser did us no favours. Woking at that stage were rocking and we may well have been able to go on and win the game, there was time; remember Woking still very nearly pinched it in the dying seconds. The delay may have cost us focus and momentum and could possibly have cost us dearly.
Haha. Are you actually serious? You're actually seriously suggesting we could've won if it weren't for the celebrations? The 'pitch invasion' extended the celebrations by a matter of seconds. It made little to no difference. The adrenaline levels of the players were going to be sky high regardless of whether 0 or 100 fans entered the pitch.

You also say we could've gone on to won it had it not been for the invasion but also blame the invasion for nearly making us lose.
by TheElk92
08 Apr 2019, 14:50
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

Yorkieandy wrote: 08 Apr 2019, 14:22 This is something i've been advocating for a while now. IMO there needs to be specific sections at home and away games for fans who want a more 'vibrant' experience at games and fans who are this way inclined can take in flags, drums, controlled pyro or whatever.

The issue we have at lots of grounds nowadays is that fans all want different things when they go to a game. I think we all agree that a group of lads bouncing up and down with flags and smoke bombs stood around young kids and elderly people, or just people who don't appreciate being exposed to this sort of fanaticism isn't going to end well.

If there was a specific section for example at the end of a stand specifically for all this stuff where likeminded fans can go and create an awesome atmosphere whilst at the same time not impacting of those who want a quieter atmosphere then that would be the way forward for me. The issue we have nowadays is that everyone is mingled together and everyone has a different way of supporting their team and that creates problems.

In many ways it's embarrassing how a game (soccer) considered minor a few years ago in the States is now showing us how things should be done. They are spot on with these 'pyro' areas and spot on about the way fans can interact and drink alcohol etc.

I'm not against bringing pyro into grounds and all that stuff so long as it's in specific areas that everyone knows about and it's regulated. At the moment we have the scenario of a few scrotes just letting off the odd flare or smoke bomb around others who have no choice but to be exposed to this simply by the fact they are unwitting sat / stood near to them. This is the main problem IMO and not so much that smoke bombs / flares etc are being brought into grounds.

If you want a quiet, more cerebral day at the footy then stay well away from the pyro end and then nobody can have any complaints because everyone knows which area they prefer to be in and where they stand.

I definitely think it's something worth campaigning for.
Well said. I would offer that there's political and financial influences in the English game that act as a pretty significant barrier to any drastic change. The Premier League wield an incredible amount of power and they quite like their 'product' as it is. :red:
by TheElk92
08 Apr 2019, 14:48
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

wivelgull wrote: 08 Apr 2019, 14:39 Running onto the pitch is, for Torquay United, a fairly recent phenomenon. The first time I observed this behaviour was at the 'great escape' game (TUFC vs Crewe Alexandra) in May 1987. Before that it was unknown. The Codgery will back me up on this; certainly there was no pitch incursion at the 1965 Spurs game or during the 1965-6 promotion season. Even at the height of the glory days no-one ran onto the pitch (or, if they did, it was an individual rather than a group moment). The influence of television, of course, is the determining factor here.

I don't argue with the initial strand of your input as I'm not in position to do so, though if I'm understanding the latter part correctly, you're suggesting that fans only ran on the pitch to get themselves on TV?

If this is your argument, then I'd firstly refer to other people's posts, mentioning the wide age range of the invaders. It wasn't all just young kids who I'm assuming you think are most likely to want to have their moment of fame.

Secondly and more to the point, if this is indeed the motive (to get on TV), then why not invade for all three goals? Maybe, just maybe, it's because this was a goal of great magnitude, setting us on course to become league champions for the first time in all our lifetimes (albeit NLS).

I'd suggest in that split second, people are not considering being on TV or what they've seen on TV, but just the pure desire to celebrate and be close to the players.
by TheElk92
08 Apr 2019, 14:02
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

Southampton Gull wrote: 08 Apr 2019, 12:26 I have to say that spending most of my weekends doing security at different sporting events around the country and trying to stop smoke bombs and flares etc getting in, it was a strange feeling to be stood on the terraces observing the smoke with the noise etc with a sense of pride in the following of my football club. I can see both sides of the argument and I guess its left me with a question as to which side I agree with. It was pretty impressive to be a part of it all.
It certainly makes for a spectacle. On a slight tangent, it's interesting that some stadiums in the States, such as at Orlando City, have designated areas for the use of pyro as it's recognised as bringing colour and atmosphere (and therefore all important $$$) into the grounds.
by TheElk92
08 Apr 2019, 13:52
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

Yorkieandy wrote: 08 Apr 2019, 12:55 Good post. Some reasoned points there and it's hard to disagree.

My only comment would be that by invading the pitch they are committing a criminal act and whilst it's not like robbing a bank it's still a law and that needs to be respected regardless of mitigation. If we all got let off when breaking laws when getting a bit too carried away then there wouldn't be much point in having any laws.

Therefore i feel a small fine would be probably the most appropriate thing in this case. Just my opinion though and i appreciate all your points.

Likewise. I don't necessarily disagree with your point re. fining invasions more broadly. I do though think it needs to be considered on a case by case basis. There was nothing malicious on Saturday though like you mentioned, it can be in other cases.

Agree to (somewhat) disagree!
by TheElk92
08 Apr 2019, 12:53
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

Whataboutery. None of the above happened? Nor is it likely to happen. The reality is, that the pitch incursion was an isolated incident generated by the specific event. That being a 92nd minute equaliser to place one hand on a title FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY.

I'm assuming from your comment, that you're referring to the Midlands Derby (ie. Jack Grealish incident) between two huge, inner-city clubs with huge fan bases, with a rich history of confrontational fixtures. I don't think TUFC is in any way comparable.

We might as well all stay at home for fear of being burned, blinded or just outright murdered by individuals amongst our own support.
by TheElk92
08 Apr 2019, 12:41
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

United62 wrote: 08 Apr 2019, 12:30 Here we go again... the York City fan telling us all how to behave. It was a crucial goal at a very crucial time. The fans went wild (I certainly did!), some (a small minority of the 1400 there) spilled over on to the pitch to celebrate with the players. It was a bit of fun (yes, which could have got out of hand, but didn't) and the corner area was soon cleared once the celebrations had died down.

Mountains and molehills.

You'd have thought it was Millwall v West Ham after the game though what with drones hovering, police keeping the HOME fans in (you couldn't make it up!) whilst they herded everyone past the waiting buses ... and if you weren't getting on one you had to squeeze past plod who thought that it would be a good idea to virtually block your exit.

Woking fans were, quite rightly, furious at the decision to keep THEM in whilst the Yellow Army headed for coaches, cars, trains, etc.

It was incredible how overzealous the security for the match was. It seems they were expected a Viking-esque hoard of rampaging fans. I live in London, go to Spurs fixtures and it was almost comparable to that (relative to scale). It was also quite hostile, the Surrey police didn't really seem to try and engage with the fans at all. Just stood there and filmed, looking moody.
by TheElk92
08 Apr 2019, 12:29
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

Wokingham Gull wrote: 08 Apr 2019, 12:18 Totally agree with TheElk. This was not the Stone Island Army making trouble. This was true fans getting well and truly immersed in the excitement of a last minute equaliser at the very end of a match against our nearest rivals.

I was right there at the corner, and even I thought about jumping on the pitch in the heat of it. The only thing that stopped me was more about getting my old inflexible body over the barrier and back again!!

I bet there are some on this forum who jumped on the pitch, no harm done, and if some of you moaners were right in the heart of it, when the players ran towards us, and the Woking Steward opened the gate in the corner, you too may even have got excited enough to get carried away and join those on the pitch, once in your life.
Exactly! It was all in good spirit! I have absolutely no doubt that the players were just as caught up in it with the supporters.
by TheElk92
08 Apr 2019, 12:25
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

Though yourself and others are condoning the (hypothetical) banning of these supporters? I respect that rules are in place. Otherwise you could have complete anarchy. The way the rules are enforced suggests that there is a level of consideration taking into account for the incident in question. Incursions small scale and large happen every single season in every single league, though banning orders do not always following, depending on the specificity of the incident.

Yes, it is unlikely that any of those punishments will be enforced. Again, this is something regularly trotted out on here re. points deductions. Hereford fans were throwing rocks at Stockport support on Saturday, to put our game into a little context. I think they're much more likely to see some form of punishment.

I'm not arguing that people who didn't go on the pitch are less passionate or care less. It's like choosing whether to stand on the terrace, or sit in the stand. It's a question of choice and individual expression that has no reflection on how 'big' a supporter you are. Again, football is unique because its fan culture is passionate and expresses itself in different ways. It's a broad church.

I just find it disappointing that often throughout my time following Torquay, we've been very quick to throw our own under the bus in the name of upholding rules and regulations. The club is seeing a rejuvenation in support that is bringing young people through the gates in impressive numbers. Do some of them act up a bit? Yes. That's young people. Do they care about the club and their hometown? Yes. It's important to remember this when accusing people of being criminals, thugs etc.

God knows, not long ago, it looked like TUFC would never be close enough to a football pitch to contemplate invading it.
by TheElk92
08 Apr 2019, 11:58
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

Yes, I understand that there are rules and regulations but the very reason why football is unique and the most popular sport on earth, is because it evokes passion, it's colourful and creates iconic moments. If everyone acted in accordance with the rules, sat there and clapped then the spirit of football would be very much diminished. It seems that many on here would like that.

Celebrating by entering the pitch and joining the team for what was a matter of seconds versus deliberately endangering someone's safety are very different kettles of fish. I just don't understand this puritanical, absolutist adherence to rules & regulations that people have on the forum. The social media pages are awash with people buzzing about Saturday and enjoying the scenes, yet on here the Stasi are in full swing.

We're taking regular 1000+ away and are about to win the league but we're here discussing conventions on encroaching the pitch and the war crimes of our own fans.
by TheElk92
08 Apr 2019, 11:34
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 13864

TUFC Fans Banned?

Some of the responses to this thread are absolutely incredible. The fans on the pitch were celebrating, the players were running around hugging the fans. Are you really that miserable that the ecstatic celebration of a goal that seemingly seals this club's first proper title, in the 92nd minute, versus our rivals for the title, after the despair of recent years, is an offence so grave that it is deserving of banishment from supporting the club?

I hope you didn't celebrate the club staying up in 1987 and that you've condemned Netflix for seemingly 'glorifying' the terrible scenes that followed the final whistle that day.

Take a day off from sucking the fun out of everything that doesn't fit the rigid, homogenous view you have football fan culture.
by TheElk92
20 Dec 2016, 14:13
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 32
Views: 10745

TUST UPDATE ... -ownership

Much of this is still absolutely relevant. We have a lot more fans than we think we do. As Exeter suggested at the meeting in the link, they have members from across the world and from all walks of life.
Torquay has an alumni of international students from our language schools that runs into thousands who still have a strong affinity and connection to the area and football club (AND MONEY). There's so much scope for growth, including the local community, south devon expats and our international relations.