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by TorquayDNA
28 Aug 2019, 12:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Bolton and Bury
Replies: 47
Views: 14656

Bolton and Bury

You're absolutely right DawlishMatt, and that same thinking should be applied to business in general. How many times have we seen cowboy building trades go into adminstration leaving all their debt behind, then start up again the next day with a tiny name change? And I've seen the effects this has on the poor subbies who have to face financial ruin because they haven't been paid for however many month's work.

However, this has a special relevance for the sport industry as these are institutions which have heritage and a unique fanbase, to whom the club is really 'their' club. These fans have a sense of ownership and to many it's like an extra member of the family, and when that club dies it's a huge loss to a lot of people.

There is clearly a governance problem with the EFL and I hope that it is forced to be subject to independent review (it is answerable only to itself at the moment, IE the football clubs that make up the EFL also make up the rules). I do worry that as more sharks snaffle up these lower-tier clubs to use as investment vehicles and dispose of when done, the EFL rules are only going to head in one direction as the same sharks make and enforce the 'rules'.

It's thoroughly unsustainable and that's why we're seeing the first signs of the rot sucking the life out of the most vulnerable clubs. Sadly, the picture painted by DawlishMatt seems to be the way TUFC is heading - relative success on the pitch at a crippling and terminal price to the balance sheet.
by TorquayDNA
16 Apr 2019, 22:27
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Another Target to Aim For?
Replies: 5
Views: 1963

Another Target to Aim For?

Looking through the English League tables, as far as I can see we are the top scorers, even more than Man City! In fact, across Europe the only higher goals for figure is PSG!

I might have missed something but that's what I noticed after a quick glance at all the tables above us.

I think 100 goals this season would be a cracking achievement! Anyone know how many we had scored when GJ joined?
by TorquayDNA
05 Apr 2019, 10:07
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: A plea to TUFC fans at Woking on Saturday
Replies: 30
Views: 5641

A plea to TUFC fans at Woking on Saturday

It's a shame the clots aren't on this forum so they can see this excellent thread. Not that it would make much difference I suppose, as they're doubtless illiterate; these words would merely float through the empty cavern that occupies the space between their ears.

If anyone does spot this sort of behaviour, it's a good idea to record video which could be useful evidence for the Club/police
by TorquayDNA
15 Mar 2019, 09:28
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Current opinions on Clark Osborne and Gaming International
Replies: 107
Views: 15334

Current opinions on Clark Osborne and Gaming International

Forget spelling mistakes, concentrate on the issue at hand. Not sure if it's been mentioned in this thread yet (I've read through as much of the thread as I could).... but has anyone noticed the ENORMOUS amount of debt being racked up? In the 2017 accounts(as in up to 31 March 2017), Riviera Stadium Ltd were owed £360,000 by The Torquay United Football Club.

The sum as at 31 March 2018 is £1,200,000. Yes, £1.2million! :O

I'm not an expert accountant, but I can see that something is going seriously wrong here. I can't understand why CO is ploughing so much cash into what is so clearly a very risky venture. Anyone who buys the club is going to have a huge debt to pay off, which surely will put off any investors.

It's such a shame as the Gary Johnson effect is so enjoyable for all Torquay fans, if it wasn't for the impending disaster in the background.
by TorquayDNA
02 Oct 2018, 16:44
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United V Woking - 29/09/18
Replies: 172
Views: 28831

Torquay United V Woking - 29/09/18

Haha, that made me laugh... I would NEVER apologise to any Manure fan, nor the Cornish (Devon way is the right way of course).

We can't apologise for everything no, but we do have a responsibility to make amends for past atrocities where we can. Not to do so just because Russia gets away with it is not conducive to a peaceful world. Maybe my choice of words wasn't quite right, but we do have a responsibility to at least attempt reconciliation.
by TorquayDNA
02 Oct 2018, 15:41
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United V Woking - 29/09/18
Replies: 172
Views: 28831

Torquay United V Woking - 29/09/18

This is an excellent conversation, thanks to everyone who has contributed and particularly Merse (and daughter) for the insight into colonial abuse. What a debt we owe.
by TorquayDNA
27 Sep 2018, 10:28
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Osborne meeting with Kevin Foster MP and Cllr
Replies: 79
Views: 14466

Osborne meeting with Kevin Foster MP and Cllr

Soupdragon wrote: 27 Sep 2018, 09:06 Thought people might be interested in my take on a report back I’ve had from the briefing for councillors about TUFC/Nightingale Park etc. To me, there wasn’t much new there at all, except that it’s been the last THREE owners who’ve been after the freehold of Plainmoor. So far as I can work out, CO was told ‘no’ to significant Plainmoor development and pointed towards Nightingale Park, where such development is in line with the local neighbourhood plan. CO’s proposal was for a multi-use stadium; he added residential without any prior discussion with council/TDA.

It appears that the ‘plans’ shown at the recent Mayor’s forum were the first ‘tangible’ things anyone had seen. No-one at the council/TDA has seen any business plan: they’ve been told that the aspiration is for TUFC to be a sustainable ‘lower league/league 1/league 2 club’.

There were, of course, concerns raised by councillors (all councillors from the three wards around Plainmoor: Ellacombe, Wellswood, St Marychurch & Babbacombe were there, among others; no councillors from the Nightingale Park site ward were present). These concerns centred around an unwillingness for council staff to allocate any time to this until a business plan has been forthcoming; wanting to receive evidence that the catchment area would support such a development; wider town centre regeneration issues; and a general backstop of not allowing CO to stick houses everywhere as a basis for delivering any TUFC-led development.

I think one of the main issues is reputational. This council has already been ‘done over’ regarding other major developments, including Oldway, where a pie-in-the-sky proposal came to absolutely nothing and has cost local council tax-payers a huge amount of money for no return whatsoever (on this site, I don’t think there’s a need to repeat who the principal was in that proposed development). There’s a feeling among councillors that this must not happen again. Without wanting to be too harsh, I think that this council, both staff and elected members, have been seen as a bit green and able to have the wool pulled over their eyes over some developments in the past. I think they see that now and are determined not to be mugged again.

This is just my take; happy for it to be triangulated by others speaking to their own councillors and reporting back.
Very interesting, thank you :goodpost:
by TorquayDNA
19 Sep 2018, 14:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Stadium for Exeter?
Replies: 13
Views: 3351

New Stadium for Exeter?

Indoor sports arena for Exeter Chiefs? Given they have a shiny new stadium with incredibly good leisure facilities to serve Exeter execs at Sandy Park, I think not.
by TorquayDNA
12 Sep 2018, 12:53
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Mental Health, Alcoholism, Substance Abuse.....
Replies: 33
Views: 14128

Go G.O!!

Dave mate, you're getting yourself into a hole. What is addiction if not (at least in part) a mental health illness? Read the NHS guidelines ... hat-is-it/

Your initial comments proclaiming that people with addictions only have themselves to blame is what has got our backs up. You seem to be bundling binge drinkers and addicts into the same category which is absurd.

Just think about what you're saying.
by TorquayDNA
11 Sep 2018, 22:25
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Mental Health, Alcoholism, Substance Abuse.....
Replies: 33
Views: 14128

Go G.O!!

Southampton Gull wrote: 11 Sep 2018, 17:15 I've got no compassion for pissheads. I've lived with alcoholism, the lies and the excuses so don't look for any sympathy from me, especially when your posts portray an angry little man.

It's self inflicted and easily avoidable as with other addictions. If you're so fcuking sensitive about it you should have kept your trap shut.
What a vacuous, ignorant man you must be if that's what you believe about mental health illnesses. Thankfully you're in a decreasing minority of insensitive dinosaurs.

I don't usually like to wade into online arguments but as you're a forum admin I find it thoroughly disgusting. I could go on but I won't (especially as it's a football forum). Shame on you.
by TorquayDNA
05 Sep 2018, 15:02
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Osborne meeting with Kevin Foster MP and Cllr
Replies: 79
Views: 14466

Osborne meeting with Kevin Foster MP and Cllr

Plainmoor78 wrote: 05 Sep 2018, 14:58 Although it is useful having the local MP on board, it must be remembered that he has no say in the matter as it is the council who will make the decision and he is not a member of the council.
Good point, but it is a good start that he is obviously working with council members to bring this issue to light.
by TorquayDNA
05 Sep 2018, 15:00
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Osborne meeting with Kevin Foster MP and Cllr
Replies: 79
Views: 14466

Osborne meeting with Kevin Foster MP and Cllr

If nothing else, the notes from Kevin Foster highlight just what an ignorant buffoon/crook Gordon Oliver is, something we all knew of course, but this is hard proof. Let's hope Kevin Foster and co can hold out until GO is gone for good, because I seriously doubt the longevity of TUFC otherwise. The shambles that was the mayor's forum was the epitome of his incompetence.

One thing's for sure: CO isn't just going to give the club away and write off his debt (why would he, even if he were an honourable businessman) so unless the unimaginable happens and he turns the club around, I'm very much afraid the TUFC we've grown to love has already died and is currently in shut down mode.

I hate doom mongering, but sadly it's the truth... Anyone got some good news? 😀
by TorquayDNA
01 Sep 2018, 19:14
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Osborne meeting with Kevin Foster MP and Cllr
Replies: 79
Views: 14466

Osborne meeting with Kevin Foster MP and Cllr

Kevin Foster = our only hope.

Good lad, at least/last someone holding CO to account.
by TorquayDNA
28 Aug 2018, 16:08
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUST Updates
Replies: 600
Views: 368219

TUST Updates

Thanks for the update, your work is appreciated.
by TorquayDNA
28 Aug 2018, 07:46
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUST Updates
Replies: 600
Views: 368219

TUST Updates

Do representatives of the TUST still meet regularly with the owner, or when we the last meeting with CO?