Search found 20 matches

by ReadinGull
17 Aug 2017, 15:22
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Nicholson sacked 17/08
Replies: 510
Views: 62731

Nicholson sacked 17/08

It's always the hardest thing. Every club wants the Manager doing badly out, but haven't really got a coherent replacement that ticks all boxes. in truth we want it all, ex-player who has reached the heights as a player, gone through the leagues as a manager so knows how to operate on a budget, good connections for short terms, development skills for the long term. They just don't exist. Good experience is a must I think, just that we have looked badly disjointed in the two I've seen, need strong organisation. Not that we SHOULD have beaten Tranmere, but we SHOULD have been creating more with man then men over. Kev was a nice guy, maybe we need a nasty one!?
by ReadinGull
21 Oct 2011, 13:40
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Argyle Match
Replies: 33
Views: 3542

Re: Argyle Match

Two mate, me and the wife.... if you know anyone who has any spares let me know.
by ReadinGull
20 Oct 2011, 20:15
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Argyle Match
Replies: 33
Views: 3542

Re: Argyle Match

Defo Brady, I've been calling them every 2-3 days as it was until today, I'd not got any exact date that they will go on general sale, just told "a little later if there are any left".

..but try I shall.

by ReadinGull
20 Oct 2011, 14:21
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Argyle Match
Replies: 33
Views: 3542

Re: Argyle Match

I for one am Gutted.

Just happens to be the weekend I could get down there so booked the hotel and time off back in August, great its Plymouth, not so great doesn't look like we will get a ticket. So looks like one of my two trips down a year I can afford is now wasted.

Anyone has any spares from the Gillingham game, please let me know, though I'm not sure how you go about showing a stub over the phone anyway?!

Can I change my username to Guttedgull??!
by ReadinGull
10 Apr 2011, 14:28
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Another reason why I hope we go up..
Replies: 34
Views: 2686

Re: Another reason why I hope we go up..

HRG man, you should have spent the money on another Jar in B&L.

I had to work in Creepy Crawley for a while, the whole place is a dive, and i only got to see the nice bits.

The media was awash with that non-league cack, if we don't get to go up, i'll personally love to see them trip up, not get promotion, realise they have spent all the money, have to sell all their players, get a 10 pt deduction, booted out the league. I'll then go an see them at Didcot Town and mock them by glueing a quid to the floor int he away end...
by ReadinGull
21 Feb 2011, 13:52
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Southend United
Replies: 132
Views: 10708

Re: Torquay United v Southend United

hmm, I think I saw that too crazy.

I think that if we have one guy (literally in this case) who launches it rather than plays it out, we'll be fine, okay it's wasted, but it is at least another 70 yards from being in our net. If we had an entire back 4 doing the same thing, it's curtains. Guy isn't exactly blessed with pace, so is probably aware and doubtless previously fell foul of a mis-control and being unable to atone for the error. I think those saying don't hoof it would have even more to say if he was losing the ball two or three times a match...
by ReadinGull
07 Feb 2011, 13:40
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Play-offs or Consolidation ?
Replies: 33
Views: 3030

Re: Play-offs or Consolidation ?

ferrarilover wrote:Consolidation please. In fact, I don't ever want TUFC to go up beyond L1, but I'm well happy with L2 for the next few years.
What I really like about TUFC is that it's a small club. I like that the whole thing is worth less than Wayne Rooney's monthly salary. I like it because it's £13 to get in. I like it because I can wander up to the players at full time and congratulate them on a performance. I like that I can hang out by the tunnel and get my shirt signed. I like that I know by sight if not name, every supporter who stands within a 50ft radius of me. I like that Rotherham away is a big game. I like that our record signing cost £50,000. I like that the supporters have to paint the steps in the off season. I like that we sit and watch the FA Cup draw in case it produces a single tie which could change the course of the history of the club forever. I like that tea is £1 and a programme is £2.50. I like I can stand up. I like watching guys who earn good, but realistic money. I like that they all WANT to play, because if they don't, they can't feed their families or pay the mortgage. I like that I'm excited every time we get even a brief mention in the national media.
Yeah, Premier League football is better quality, but it comes at a massive cost, one which I am unwilling to pay. I don't want to have to pay £30 to get in. I don't want to have to pay £5 for a programme or £3 for a kipper tie. I don't want have to sit down in a 40,000 all seater stadium built miles out of town, surrounded by tourists and glory supporters. I don't want to have to win a competition or pay £500 to get into the VIP area of some gaudy nightclub just to catch a glimpse of our centre-back. I don't want to be disinterested in the FA Cup draw because our Russian or Middle Eastern owners have more money than they know what to do with. I don't want to pay £50,000,000 for Dave Torres just because it's a drop in the ocean to our owners. I don't want to know that my £30/week goes to paying some Spanish c**t with too much hair product and monogrammed alloy wheels on his pussy pink Ferrari.

How boring must it be to be a Chelsea fan? The only way is down. Since they are expected to win every game, the 90% of the time they do, there is no sense of thankfulness or excitement but the 10% they lose produces such depths of depression. Equally, it doesn't make a blind bit of difference how much a player costs or wants in salary, Abramovich just pays it and puts up.
Imagine just how incredible it would be if TUFC won the FA Cup. There are riots in Manchester if United DON'T win the FA Cup.
All those guys all over the world wandering around with the Arsenal crest on their shirt, what do they have in common with Robin Van Persie? By contrast, aside from occupation, each and every one of us could reasonably compare our lives with that of Mark Ellis, or Danny Potter.

In short, top level football is boring, it's killing the game and the sooner it all comes crashing down in a big ball of TEN FIGURE debt and prawn sandwiches, the better.
I want TUFC to stay as far away from it for as long as possible and I absolutely do not want them to get any closer than the middle of L1.


Exactly, maybe the odd JPT fuelled trip to London.
by ReadinGull
07 Dec 2010, 14:03
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Money money money
Replies: 10
Views: 1827

Re: Money money money

There was a guy on 5 live explaining all the football finances a while back in the wake of the liverpool fiasco.

He was saying that clubs have debts 2 or 3 times the net worth of the clubs turnover is not necessarily bad, its like you or I having a mortgage.

I generally think that for competition reasons it doesnt look so good having throw away millions from billionnaire benefactors, however, that said the current prem teams form seems to displace that theory somewhat....

Generally I think its a shame there isnt more dripping down the leagues and local FA's, but honestly, it ever was thus.
by ReadinGull
26 Nov 2010, 14:11
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: 40 points by Jan 3rd ...
Replies: 16
Views: 1871

Re: 40 points by Jan 3rd ...

Well Mr Cheesey 40 points eh, that would be nice, so long it doesn't mean a nasty "down with the Christmas decorations" situation.

Madison should be twinned with Torquay I reckon, both superb places.
by ReadinGull
18 Nov 2010, 21:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Bid for Benyon rejected!
Replies: 108
Views: 13976

Re: Bid for Benyon rejected!

he won't be sold. how can i be so sure? simple. he isn't modelling any gear in the online club shop, this and only this guarantees you a move!
by ReadinGull
23 Oct 2010, 19:27
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: First Gulls Shirt
Replies: 10
Views: 1469

Re: First Gulls Shirt

Dave mate, thats cutting, well it is cutting in as it goes, but if it goes over yer head and you get yer arms it then it fits. it looks no less tight than is acceptable round town for young ladies... i must be fashionable...:)
by ReadinGull
22 Oct 2010, 13:20
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: First Gulls Shirt
Replies: 10
Views: 1469

Re: First Gulls Shirt

blue and yellow westward developments sponsor. still fits *punches air* still wear it *punches air* still never seen torquay lose while wearing it *punches air* still get shocks of everything and anything while wearing it because of nasty nylon *zaps the car door*
by ReadinGull
22 Oct 2010, 13:10
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Finally, a bit of criticism
Replies: 11
Views: 1852

Re: Finally, a bit of criticism

Good call. i suppose as long as you are consistent....
by ReadinGull
20 Oct 2010, 13:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Finally, a bit of criticism
Replies: 11
Views: 1852

Re: Finally, a bit of criticism

ha, yeah I was going to use liverpool as an example.

forever, i get what you are saying, but like Fonda says there time when you have to hold your hands up and say what everyone else can see. Indeed the art of management.

If I stand up for my team at work if they balls up, I can't deny the balls up, how can I? I can defend them as professionals, point to every other signle time thats its gone well, and better than well, but have to admit on the occaision they were rubbish that they were, well, rubbish. That shouldn't be any different for footballers and managers. Surely the real art of management is not defend regardless but be honest publicly with appraisal and motivate in private?
by ReadinGull
18 Oct 2010, 13:22
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Finally, a bit of criticism
Replies: 11
Views: 1852

Finally, a bit of criticism

I was glad to see Bucks finally coming out with a little criticism of the team. Too often he puts over emphasis on the positives, which from reports sounds like there were some, but you don't get 4 from 24 by "playing well", "looking bright" etc without having "sorry shower of shite" thrown in at points too.

Just wish instead of silly mistakes, he'd use a more direct term liek poor decisions or just plain bad defending.

praise when praise is due, rocket up the bumole when it's not.