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by Busterjames
30 Dec 2018, 22:24
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Segregation
Replies: 22
Views: 2966


grockle wrote: 30 Dec 2018, 11:57 Surely H&S regulations should be nationwide and uniform, and not at the whim of some jumped up little Jobsworth.
So very true I’m afraid.
I will get blasted by a vocal few on here for saying this (but I know and appreciate others who have always stood/stuck up for me) The problem lies with Andrew Candy and his meddling with H&S!
I was once told he reported the Club for not having enough “safe” run off area between the pitch, Astro and Bench..., you couldn’t make it up how much unnecessary meddling goes on by him! Takes a nice little cut now again as usual :rules:

Shocking problem with tickets but I also always see plenty of free tickets or “comps” given out to the same faces who do nothing for the Club!

Grrrrr, I’m so happy we have turned our season around with performances BUT lots still needing to change.
by Busterjames
26 Dec 2018, 18:58
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New South Devon Link?
Replies: 5
Views: 827

New South Devon Link?

I think that a link there would be amazing.
Chris Todd is there and a million miles better than Oggy and that idiot Grincell who has always slated the Club until it comes to the option of profiting from it!
Feel sorry for the young lad Olaf as he looks like he has ability but you know these coaches will jump on the bandwagon and claim others are just as good purely from there masterclass :|
A new link and fresh start is what’s needed with us moving up the leagues, my son has been coached first hand by these two and has told me they think more highly of themselves than the others think of them but I know this isn’t always the case.
Fingers crossed we move our youth and football operations out that way as the new site looks great and hopefully the start of something like Exeter have.
by Busterjames
26 Dec 2018, 17:30
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New South Devon Link?
Replies: 5
Views: 827

New South Devon Link?

Does anyone who any more detail on what’s been quoted on the main website and twitter?
Does this mean the Torquay Academy School link has been ended? :keepie:
by Busterjames
03 Dec 2018, 20:54
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United announces board appointments
Replies: 80
Views: 12818

Torquay United announces board appointments

Southampton Gull wrote: 03 Dec 2018, 17:05 She's quite welcome to come after me with litigation for saying publicly that she shafted the previous board......but she won't. If you need to know more then do your own research. I couldn't care less about your ulterior motives, or your opinion of me, never did 😉
The woman is evil for the Club. Absolutely wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Shocking decision just as things were looking on the up. :Z
by Busterjames
27 Aug 2018, 18:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mr Owers steps down
Replies: 611
Views: 74419

Go G.O!!

Yorkieandy wrote: 27 Aug 2018, 16:14 To be fair to Busterjames i agree with his whole post above more or less and i think given his explanation some people are maybe being a bit harsh with their criticism. There are a few people still active within the club who have unfairly been cast as guilty by association but who do and have done lots of good for the club and the fans and who genuinely do care. I suspect Andrew falls into this category but for those who don't know every individual who is associated with the club and who has been associated with the club these past 6 or 7 years (most of them absolute cretins by the way IMO) then it's easy to generalize and chuck everyone into the same soiled bucket. Ironically as i have just done.

Obviously in this case with Mr Candy it is wholly unwarranted but i can see why Busterjames has done so. Sheer frustration.

The fans of this club have been shit upon from great heights from an alarmingly high number of people involved with TUFC over the past few years and it just keeps on shitting it down. The reason being that a significant majority of people at the club in the past have been bellends and a significant majority of people there now are bellends. Andrew Candy and perhaps a select few more excepted from being bellends. I'm sure he'll be relieved to read that!

If everyone at the club had integrity and the decency to front up and communicate like Andrew Candy then the club would be in a far, far healthier place than it is right now.

Maybe someone can produce a TUFC lanyard that says "ANDREW CANDY - ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS AT TUFC"? Or probably as it is now - "ANDREW CANDY - THE GOOD GUY AT TUFC". :lol:
Thank you Yorkieandy, appreciate you understanding my initial thoughts and feelings and not looking to try and guess my age or criticise me if my opinion doesn’t match yours?!

I hate how this Club is plummeting, watching Fylde v Harrogate on TV wondering when these became better Teams and Clubs than my beloved TUFC.
by Busterjames
27 Aug 2018, 12:50
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mr Owers steps down
Replies: 611
Views: 74419

Go G.O!!

andrew candy wrote: 27 Aug 2018, 11:03 I am not really supposed to comment on forums but in the circumstances I think it appropriate that I try and clarify why I think Busterjames has made this comment. I believe it relates to a disagreement last Saturday about one of the ball boys and his perceived lack of action. The ball boy in question is my grandson who is 8 years old and only started helping out at the Club as they are often short of ball boys. He is still learning and generally does a good job. He will be the only ball boy present no doubt this afternoon as he covers the Truro games as well.I was naturally defensive and if Busterjames is the person I spoke to, he felt I had been rude to him which I do not believe I was. However, I am prepared to apologise as I do not want any ill feeling. For the record, I work on a part-time basis covering the licencing of the stadium, dealing with the Safety Advisory Group, health & safety, contracts of employment, HR advice and commercial contracts. Attending on match days, including the Truro games is done on a voluntary basis. I do not think I have upset BJ before and of course he is entitled to his opinion of me but I really think there are more important issues and people at the Club than me to worry about. If BJ wants to come and discuss his feelings over a cup of coffee I will be very pleased to see him and hopefully iron out what I hope are misconceptions. I am not anyone's puppet. Thank you to friends, ex-colleagues and others not immediately known to me for your kind words of support which are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your reply, even though you state that you shouldn’t and I’m sure your employees would rather you didn’t also?!?

I was watching the game from the Pop in my usual area from my season ticket that I wish I’d never brought again so didn’t see this issue you mention although I think the ball boys do a great job in what looks like an area that has no support given?

I apologise for my comments on you directly, I just feel the whole Club (and it’s clear on here who’s peoples favourites are) are doing nothing right since Dean Edwards took over and I’ve tarred you with the same brush as everyone else I’m afraid.

As you clearly read these pages can you please pass on our thoughts and feelings towards your current manager from us all here and make him clearly aware of how unwanted he really is. With this you’d be a hero (I know 24 hours is a long time in football) lol.
by Busterjames
26 Aug 2018, 23:11
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mr Owers steps down
Replies: 611
Views: 74419

Go G.O!!

Southampton Gull wrote: 26 Aug 2018, 23:07 You are obviously a total cretin then. Actually I'll change that to just too young and impetuous to understand a valuable club servant. Servant being the key word that even you should understand.
Please don’t start guessing or assuming age on here based on a keyboard message.
I’m entitled to my opinion as much as you.
What is it Mr Candy even does then that is so protected.
I don’t want to dilute from the point G.O has dragged our Club into its lowest point ever!
by Busterjames
26 Aug 2018, 23:03
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mr Owers steps down
Replies: 611
Views: 74419

Go G.O!!

I appreciate everyone’s own opinion on the team and individuals and I won’t be changing mine on him or anyone else I’m afraid.
He’s taken a wage from the Club and done nothing of any good in my opinion.
He was Dean Edwards puppet and that still sticks out for me.
I look at the Club now and anyone who was ever any good for the Club has left and found much better pastures and all I see at the Club now is a joke of a team, a joke of a bench, a joke of a community set up, a joke of a commercial department and a joke of a .........., what is it Candy even does :clap: :na: :rofl:
by Busterjames
26 Aug 2018, 22:05
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mr Owers steps down
Replies: 611
Views: 74419

Go G.O!!

No seriously, what Club and what’s he been doing?

What’s this talk of Tim H leaving also..., that prat Andy Candy will be the only one left..., god help us all!! :red:
by Busterjames
26 Aug 2018, 21:21
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mr Owers steps down
Replies: 611
Views: 74419

Go G.O!!

Southampton Gull wrote: 26 Aug 2018, 21:01 But has been coaching at a Premier League Club who were really impressed by him.
Just to balance Jerry's argument ;-)
I’m sorry..., what Premier League Club?!?
:lol: :O
by Busterjames
25 Aug 2018, 19:04
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Hampton & Richmond 25/08/2018
Replies: 213
Views: 30430

Torquay United v Hampton & Richmond 25/08/2018

I can’t pretend I have any more optimism for my Club anymore.
We have fallen into a dark dark place and I really see no way out under current circumstances >:(
When I think back just the last 5 years how many great players and staff we have lost alongside youth players this Club has taken blow after blow and is unrecognisable from what I remember.
G O out and take your joke staff and lazy players with you. :Z
Teams do well at this level with bonus clauses in all Football contracts.., play well, get paid well! :clap:
by Busterjames
15 Aug 2018, 22:11
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Assistant manager?
Replies: 72
Views: 13550

Assistant manager?

Kingsgull83 wrote: 15 Aug 2018, 20:18 Not really a fair comparison between a supermarket and a football team. Most other clubs would announce the back room staff to the loyal supporters.
It sums up what is wrong with the club no connection or communication with the fans.

I am not sure many fans if not happy would just ‘go somewhere else’
:goodpost: :clap:
Someone on my wavelength. I might not of put it down in words very well but you clearly get my understanding.
So pleased I don’t have to get over myself now!!!! :@
by Busterjames
15 Aug 2018, 18:14
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Assistant manager?
Replies: 72
Views: 13550

Assistant manager?

brucie wrote: 15 Aug 2018, 16:29 I cannot for the life of me understand why we havn't got an assistant manager.
We have an assistant.., Mr Taylor, the cheep amd in house option.., to go alongside the Micky mouse GK coach and match day coaches I was slated for moaning about.

As a player I wouldn’t be inspired or have the feeling of desire like I see other teams have with that backroom set up. Players are selfish and fickle and with our current staff set up we are going nowhere!
by Busterjames
13 Aug 2018, 07:53
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Assistant manager?
Replies: 72
Views: 13550

Assistant manager?

sgf wrote: 12 Aug 2018, 22:18 If you don't know who they are how do you know is it's a shambles ?? Just another twattish comment from someone trying to spread negativity.

"The fat kid" warming up had no relevance to the game, which maintained our unbeaten start, without conceding a goal.

Behave yourself. If you think after 3games we’ve cracked it you have no idea.
If they are involved then the Club should explain who they are and as a paying customer I have a right to know what they are achieving.

Nice description of the poor lad though. You're the shambles.
by Busterjames
12 Aug 2018, 21:43
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Assistant manager?
Replies: 72
Views: 13550

Assistant manager?

It’s Shaun Taylor 100%
Not sure what the other coaches are doing in the dug out and then going inside at half time.
Who’s doing the scouting then of other teams?
Who was the fat kid also with the training kit on and the physio taking part in the warm up who both look like they have never kicked a ball before!