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by Chill
17 Apr 2024, 20:51
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Reflections on the 23/24 season
Replies: 10
Views: 4885

Reflections on the 23/24 season

The majority of the blame must lie at the feet of Johnson! The last couple of seasons he was just taking the piss, how the hell can his brother be considered a bloody scout for talented players? It was a fabulous last couple of seasons for Johnson, on a brilliant golden handshake and no one involved at Plainmoor gave a damn about the results!
by Chill
17 Apr 2024, 20:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Potential Buyers
Replies: 626
Views: 152759

Potential Buyers

tufcjon wrote: 17 Apr 2024, 17:42 That is incorrect. The TUST-led consortium bid has not fallen by the wayside through lack of money. The bid satisfied the requirements of the administrator and the National League. There was an alternative bid that was chosen in preference to it.

Let us hope that the administrator’s decision proves to be the correct one, that the deal goes through and sees a future just as bright but even better funded than the TUST consortium bid.
Maybe not through lack of money, but certainly lying by the wayside in a crumpled heap!

Are you able to say why the other bidders came out on top, 'cause something doesn't seem right here.
by Chill
17 Apr 2024, 10:40
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Potential Buyers
Replies: 626
Views: 152759

Potential Buyers

standupsitdown wrote: 16 Apr 2024, 15:33 TUST is the fans representatives part of a consortium. Most of the money I assume will come from elsewhere but some will be required for place on the board. Other trusts have raised more than this and very quickly.
The trust is indeed the fans representative of a consortium, but that consortiums bid has fallen by the wayside, I'm guessing through a lack of money.

Other trusts have done well, and other teams play in the premiership!
by Chill
16 Apr 2024, 12:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Potential Buyers
Replies: 626
Views: 152759

Potential Buyers

Taelee73 wrote: 16 Apr 2024, 11:52 TUST would be great, but what exactly did they mean when saying they'd need £150k raised from us within a few weeks?

Can they cover this if we don't, as we struggled to get 25k in a month recently.

That would be like being told you weren't going to be charged for murder but manslaughter instead, and then finding out you were going to share a cell with Hannibal Lecter!

We know that a million a season is barely enough to keep our heads above water, so how the hell are the trust gonna manage on their ten thousand a year or whatever it is.

We have to start being practical!

Speaking of practical, whoever is top bidder at the moment seems to be checking every nook and cranny at Plainmoor and has rather a tight grip on things, and I would surmise that they will also have a tight grip on their money also.
by Chill
13 Apr 2024, 20:47
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Potential Buyers
Replies: 626
Views: 152759

Potential Buyers

Taelee73 wrote: 13 Apr 2024, 15:26 And Wrexham owe about £9 million in loans to their owners I believe.
Wrexham are now in Division one after consecutive promotions, so £9 million well spent me thinks. We spent almost two thirds of that and look like we're heading for consecutive relegations, so money not so well spent.

A Mike Bateson type owner (which is probably what we'll get) is fine for stability, and he kept us in the league for more years than I can remember. We are no longer in the league though, and being stable, and possibly part-time in the non-league is not something I am looking forward to.
by Chill
13 Apr 2024, 14:25
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Potential Buyers
Replies: 626
Views: 152759

Potential Buyers

culmstockgull wrote: 13 Apr 2024, 13:45 Ok, consider me the preferred bidder for a moment. Now ,I get my accountant and solicitor to go through the accounts and company set up with a very fine tooth comb,considering the previous set uo I would probably pay to have fine combing done twice .That will take a few days. Assuming their are no black holes that havent been disclosed I may consider waiting a week or so to see what league we are in, it will make a huge difference to the overall business plan, staffing etc.
So I am not expecting anything until well into next week or even later.
That is why I alluded to the Wrexham crew. If our bidders were of the same ilk we could expect a meteoric rise in our fortunes, but if they are as you surmise checking where every penny is coming from and going to, our rise (if any) could be rather different!
by Chill
13 Apr 2024, 13:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Potential Buyers
Replies: 626
Views: 152759

Potential Buyers

hector wrote: 12 Apr 2024, 11:42 I think we are to assume there are just rumours and people putting forward possibilities in hope rather than expectation.

Whoever, it is, if the first words they utter mention “new stadium” then I’m done.
It seems that you're right, though on reflection I don't seem to remember any rumour coming from any of the TUFC sites that actually turned out to be true. I might have missed something though, and of course all rumours help with the straw clutching.

It seems also that there will be no fanfare from the bidders unlike the Wrexham crew. let us hope we are not back to square one and are going to be treated like mushrooms again!
by Chill
12 Apr 2024, 11:15
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Potential Buyers
Replies: 626
Views: 152759

Potential Buyers

Admiral wrote: 11 Apr 2024, 23:58 The deal will hopefully be done tomorrow. Not just Watt, another (richer) party too.

Are we to assume that Watt and the richer party will be working together, or are they separate bidders?
by Chill
09 Apr 2024, 20:40
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Truro v Torquay to be played at Meadow Park, Gloucester
Replies: 141
Views: 37750

Truro v Torquay to be played at Meadow Park, Gloucester

Is there a Mrs Bastard?

I liked the way that Arkell looked up to see who to pass the ball to, thought what's the point and hoofed it!
by Chill
01 Mar 2024, 21:19
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Revenue ideas?
Replies: 82
Views: 14867

New Revenue ideas?

Chill wrote: 29 Feb 2024, 21:12 Very commendable ideas, but in reality that's all they are, commendable, because most of them wouldn't run the club for five minutes let alone a season. I don't have any ideas commendable or otherwise, but the one thing that shouldn't remain an idea and be put into place at the next home game is the return of paying cash on the day. Why it was cancelled beggars belief.

Nope, ideas aren't going to save us and the only thing that will is a very nice person with very deep pockets. :nod:
Having been left somewhat red-faced by Bristol Gull and his seemingly endless ideas for new revenue, I thought I'd better put my thinking cap on. So today I emailed an American billionaire, because if Wrexham can do it why can't we? This person fits the criteria perfectly, being a very nice person (so not Jeff Bezos) and with that sort of money their pockets must be pretty deep. I must stress though, that the holding of breath is not to be undertaken!
by Chill
29 Feb 2024, 21:12
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Revenue ideas?
Replies: 82
Views: 14867

New Revenue ideas?

Bristol_Gull wrote: 22 Feb 2024, 22:50 Here are a few other quick fire ideas

- Save Our Club Crowdfunding campaign with local and national appeal. Use social media, local media, and club website to highlight the situation and encourage donations.

- Charity matches (think former players and ex-pros who support grassroots football)

- Sponsored walking football (with ex pros) - this caught my attention at AFC Bournemouth where we now live ... all-match/

- Auctions; memorabilia, gifted items from local businesses

- Exclusive / Retro merch - see above. Other desirable items could be created, including re-runs of classic kits.

- Sell naming rights to the stadium (controversial perhaps!)

- Business Partnerships - for example borrowing ideas like ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ in partnership with local restaurants who create special menus with a portion of proceeds donated to the club,

- Online 50/50 draw - go BIG! Perhaps make it an 80/20 draw in favour of the club

- NLS Fantasy Football league - get fans from across the country involved. Pay to play, % process to TUFC.

- Digital match day programme - expand reach beyond the game with a digital programme that includes wider sponsorship opportunities, purchase programme via fixed price or minimum donation. It means fans who can’t get to the game can still contribute

- Boots and Laces Mega Quiz Night - pay to play, nominal prizes for winners. Proceeds to club.

- Community fundraisers - involve the local community, schools etc to host fun fundraising activities.

- Sell out concert @ Plainmoor - put on a fundraising concert with major bands, perhaps Muse would pay homeage to their wider roots? Think Live 8 for local football!

- Run a ‘Soccer 7s’ tournament and festival - this is another HUGE one from Bournemouth based on the rugby 7s which attracts 30,000 people each year.

- Sell Player NFTs (current and historic) - NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) are unique digital assets and artwork and could include collectible things like player cards. Funds could go to player wages

- Collectible player cards - same idea as above using the old school method. Think those World Cup stick books that come round every 4 years. I’ve still got piles of cards from when we had 4 divisions!

- Matchday bundle - create various ticket options for example 1) ticket and a pint, 2) ticket, pint and chips 3) ticket and home shirt - ideally include items where there is already a high profit margin on the items so that discounts can still be offered to purchasers.
Very commendable ideas, but in reality that's all they are, commendable, because most of them wouldn't run the club for five minutes let alone a season. I don't have any ideas commendable or otherwise, but the one thing that shouldn't remain an idea and be put into place at the next home game is the return of paying cash on the day. Why it was cancelled beggars belief.

Nope, ideas aren't going to save us and the only thing that will is a very nice person with very deep pockets. :nod:
by Chill
24 Feb 2024, 12:56
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Aveley F C Saturday 24 Feb KO 3pm
Replies: 97
Views: 29748

Torquay United v Aveley F C Saturday 24 Feb KO 3pm

Probably somewhat late in the day for joining the prediction thread, but given the expected crowd level and with that the volume level, and with the players (if we have any) playing in their correct positions and a plethora of other things happening, I'm going for a 2:0 win.
by Chill
24 Feb 2024, 12:41
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Osborne gone!
Replies: 262
Views: 42504

Osborne gone!

DVNGull wrote: 24 Feb 2024, 12:21 I'm surprised there's still fans fawning over Osborne, it's no wonder why the council didn't engage on where the future was going given his track record.

Biggest moan he didn't go to games? Don't make me laugh. You seriously need educating.

Osborne saved the club for his own interests, not for anyone else. Good riddance.
Well you got something right, in that he saved the club. :nod:
by Chill
24 Feb 2024, 00:08
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Osborne gone!
Replies: 262
Views: 42504

Osborne gone!

Yeofan wrote: 23 Feb 2024, 23:21 Fair enough. I'm extensively involved with startup funding, and have, in my time invested ( succesfully ) in several football clubs. I also have a lot of contacts on the UK BA circuit. If you want to attract a buyer you need to be prepared to answer questions, and also be receptive to potential interest no matter how unlikely the source.

However , as they say on DD, "I'm out". Hope you find someone elsewhere.
Oops. :|
by Chill
24 Feb 2024, 00:06
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Osborne gone!
Replies: 262
Views: 42504

Osborne gone!

Colorado wrote: 23 Feb 2024, 23:09 Your question is a reasonable one and I think merits a response and a little introspection. I'm guessing that was the reason for your post in the first place.

It is my understanding that Mr Osborne DID save us from the brink of insolvency and a majority weren't all that concerned about his track record.

I think based on the preponderance of evidence he did some good things. When GJ was appointed after Owers I think the majority were pleased and success followed.

So what's the problem then. Shouldn't we all be singing his praises?

The reason is, and I'm speaking purely for myself is that he COMPLETELY FAILED to connect with the fanbase and gave every indication he could care less about football. I would ask you to read the funny article by Jim Parker in Torbay Today in which Mr Osborne deigned to be interviewed. This came about BTW only after one relentless, intelligent, and polite Torquay Fan confronted George Edwards after a game and got no answers.

In the first paragraph Mr Osborne takes a rather odd approach when asked about why he isn't actually seen at Plainmoor: "Why am I not here more? The absolute bottom line is that I do not have the time." To my mind, that's really not the way to start off an interview.

Later he takes this as an opportunity to "sound off on his opinion of social media" and the "loss of respect of society." That's a little odd when, in general, societal norms traditionally involve talking with the fanbase or attending one or two games a year. He also went on to talk about his "right hand man" George Edwards who I believe was the CEO of the club. When I posed the question, what does George Edwards do on Jan 7, there were 10 responses all of which indicated they didn't know.

Further as others have commented he has not actually followed through on any of the stadiums that he has wanted to build and currently the Abbey Stadium Speedway Stadium is in a right state such that Gaming International is being investigated by the local council.

BUT.........ALL THAT BEING SAID, as my late father used to say "A stopped clock is right twice a day and I think we shouldn't forget that soccer, like everything else in life changes over the years and if we truly want Torquay United to exist into the future then we really have to open to change and give a little. While I love Plainmoor stadium and shed a few nostalgic tears walking into the ground earlier this month, I would ask, are we living in the past. Is it vital that we play at Plainmoor?

Do we need a stadium that holds 6500 and yet gets average gates of 2500 or thereabouts?

Wouldn't any reasonable businessman want to feel that there is some wiggle room to make changes without being vilified and ridiculed that they as they owner see fit.

We are at THE MUST CRUCIAL TIME IN THE HISTORY OF THE CLUB. Are we willing to accept change? If not I think we are done for as a step 6 or above club. And perhaps some of us out there are truly okay with that. But I don't think we can have it both ways. Give some and play somewhere between League 2 and Step 2. Don't give an inch and get used to playing Tavistock, Bideford, and Exmouth.

Again, we can't have it both ways.
:goodpost: Might as well start somewhere. :nod: