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by mickyflash
02 Feb 2014, 11:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Jack Rudge
Replies: 25
Views: 5395

Jack Rudge

Is he even here? Not in the squad yesterday, and nothing on the website yet. Shock!
by mickyflash
29 Jan 2014, 13:09
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Aiden O'Brien
Replies: 28
Views: 4020

Aiden O'Brien

brucie wrote:Here is a novelty perhaps. Would we maybe not have been better employed looking at one or two solid signings that might actually improve the squad, rather than signing a bucketload of has beens,chancers,triallists and players with no football league experience?
Would you care to name these solid, experienced players of a good age that are available, within budget and happy to come down here mid season, with no gaurentee what level of football they will be playing next year?

The fact that Hargreaves is looking at the very same people AK was looking at (Rendell, Cooper) tells me that the pool of players we can attract at this moment in time is very small and the likes of the above are the best sort of player we can get right now. In fact we were only able to sign cooper because the board has decided to give CH tore money than they gave AK.

Here's a novel ideal.. Instead of presuming someone we have signed is crap before they have even arrived at the ground. why don't you wait until you have seen him play and actually.. You know.. Support him?
by mickyflash
11 Jan 2014, 00:07
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Shamir Goodwin
Replies: 61
Views: 7653

Shamir Goodwin

I've been hoping for a good win for months!
by mickyflash
09 Jan 2014, 23:11
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: shaun cooper- Signed
Replies: 103
Views: 13560

shaun cooper

SteveDeckchair wrote:I'll tell you what he doesn't bring to the club. His bleddy wallet!
Or any kind of credibility, or professionalism
by mickyflash
26 Jul 2013, 09:44
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Player to bring in (suggestions)
Replies: 939
Views: 108631

Re: Player to bring in (suggestions)

Richinns wrote:Not true kentgull. No wind up - hopefully news we will be before Saturday as Ling himself said.
by mickyflash
15 Jul 2013, 13:05
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Danny Stevens - Thankyou
Replies: 116
Views: 13329

Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Well said Scott. I agree with pretty much all you have put

What a sensitive bunch this political correctness era has turned us all into. Football and forums are all about opinions and we are not all going to have the same one. What happens the next time we lose at home 0-4? Will we have to delete the match day thread for fear of hurting the players feelings.

I certainly do not visit, read and occasionally post on this site for the players benefit. I give my time, energy, money and support on a Saturday. I visit this site to interact with other like minded people and hear their views.

Personally I am glad and not one bit surprised Danny and Joe have left, both were poor, but at the same time I am completely against AustrianAndy's criticism of Billy Bodin. I feel he is probably the player we had last season, if not in the best form.

Does that give me the right to tell Andy to shut up. or to stop going on about him? As some of you have. No

He is entitled to his opinion and I am entitled to disagree with him, and also entitled as I often do, to scroll right past it. Sorry Andy but sometimes they are just too long!

At least Trojans post was on topic which is a rareaty in itself these days (i am aware that so is this post and discussion) and Torquay united related. It sure beats reading about how someone used to own an orange car.
by mickyflash
12 Jul 2013, 13:53
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Player to bring in (suggestions)
Replies: 939
Views: 108631

Player to bring in (suggestions)

I know some names are missing and its all speculation but a team like this really has got some potential



---------Manse Harding Mozika---------



Squad players
Jake Hutchings
Niall Thompson
Ashley Yeoman
by mickyflash
05 Jul 2013, 12:33
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: 5 more to come in
Replies: 40
Views: 4087

Re: 5 more to come in

Richinns wrote:Spot on. He needs to earn the right to say I will control midfield - just like Eunan did.

I do however predict a better season for him and I think the off field distraction of Macklin and Leadbitter may very well be a blessing in disguise.
Great point :goodpost:
by mickyflash
04 Jul 2013, 20:02
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: 5 more to come in
Replies: 40
Views: 4087

Re: 5 more to come in

I am hoping, against hope that AK is keeping his cards very close to his chest, as we have been led to believe he likes to do. I just can't believe he is not looking for any option in CM.

I take solice in the fact he says at least 5 players, maybe he is just ear marking the positions of the players he is advanced talks with.

One of his very first moves when he arrived here was to strengthen this area (Ladabie), and it seemed he didn't fancy Craig or Morris in this area, ladabie's bite was a huge welcome when he arrived, and I was looking forward to a player of his nature arriving.

The thing is, apart from Ladabie himself agreeing a deal with Notts Co. I can't really see who we may have missed out on?

The only other conclusion I can come up with, is that Billy may move in here in the 'Eunan' role.
by mickyflash
02 Jul 2013, 14:31
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Squad Numbers
Replies: 20
Views: 1990

Re: Squad Numbers

Fonda wrote:Bodin to 10? So we're only confident of signing one decent striker then...
I noticed Benyon was training in the number 26 kit, the number he wore while on loan last season

Will this free up the number 9 shirt for another "decent striker"?
by mickyflash
18 Jun 2013, 18:35
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: chris brass
Replies: 119
Views: 47075

chris brass

Without coming out and saying "I couldn't work with Shaun" - did anyone else get the impression that by going to great lengths to explain how he would normally do all that he can to keep the structure of a clubs staff in place, imply that he wasn't up to the task? (in Knills eyes at least)

It certainly appeared on the touch line that Taylor had become a spare wheel, last season. But is this down to a personality clash, a gulf in footballing knowledge and tactics, or just good old fashioned footballing reasons?
by mickyflash
08 Jun 2013, 11:14
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Contracts
Replies: 52
Views: 9807


It's not bad business at all, it's football. Especially at our level. The fact is our entire squad bar one exception has been signed via the bosman ruling, and you can have it both ways. We have seen many a fine player grace he turf of plainmoor via a free transfer some of those like Bobby and Eunen recently have given the club a tidy profit but that certainly isn't the norm. The majority will move on and be replaced which is what is happening.

Are they good players at this level? yes. Are they the best players in TUFC history to decide their future lies elsewhere? No, not by a long way
by mickyflash
08 Jun 2013, 11:13
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: is this the most boring summer ever??!!
Replies: 128
Views: 15224

is this the most boring summer ever??!!

I think we all need to calm down in terms of player recruitment, I know we all want to see players sign so we can get excited about the season ahead, and I am guilty myself of checking the website daily in anticipation. BUT lets remember that Martin Ling was not even appointed as our manager at this time 2 years ago, and Paul Buckle had only just started his assault on our players. We more than recovered then I really do not see all the players we are supposedly missing out on.

The board acted quickly to sort out our manager situation and we all commended them for that, unfortunately it means we now do not have much to talk about during this boring period until we approach the end of June/beginning of July when the transfers will heat up.

With regards to Rene, I honestly do not know people are waiting to hear news on him. He is under no obligation to sign for anyone until he is good and ready. All he really has to do (by the 10th June) is let us know weather he intends to sign the contract we have offered him, and by the sound of things he was good enough to do that weeks ago. He could have easily strung us along keeping his options open. We know his intentions so we take his wages, add it to the budget and move on to other targets.

Players can easily go on holiday - they all have agents who know doubt are keeping them in touch with proceedings
by mickyflash
06 Jun 2013, 13:26
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Ideas for Mr Candy
Replies: 430
Views: 109805

Re: Ideas for Mr Candy

Quick Q for Andy

Looking at the details about the club quiz on the website, this line:

"Tickets are available at £10 per person and a curry from our award-winning chef Callum Williams will be included in this prize"

is that a curry included within the £10 ticket or is it really part of the prize?
by mickyflash
01 May 2013, 10:35
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Our next manager
Replies: 97
Views: 8681

Re: Our next manager

Agreed Brucie, for me the club would not have ran the risk of sacking Ling if a verbal agreement had not already been in put in place with Alan Knill.

Why would they risk employing any other manager who does not know the squad with the amount of players out of contract and a retained list required ASAP? I think it is and always was going to either be Martin or Alan, someone along the line decided to go with Alan, and I, along with many applaud their decisive and quick decision.

However, if this decision and subsequent sacking was done without having a quiet word in Alan's ear either before or shortly after the Bristol Rovers game I would be very shocked! The last thing the club needs right now is 2 weeks without a manager at the helm while we undergo an interview process. As Brucie says I believe the club are trying to leave a respectable amount of time before making the announcement.