Search found 548 matches

by Kit_robin
20 Sep 2018, 13:37
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: FA Cup - Lymington vs Torquay United 22/09/18
Replies: 247
Views: 35640

FA Cup

Bxm Foxy wrote: 20 Sep 2018, 12:32 A decent cup run will bring in some decent prize money too don't forget!!! Make the first round proper is £25K. Not to be sniffed at by Torquay United!!!
Actually if we make the draw for the first round proper we would have pocketed £45,000 (well actually at least £46k actually as we know we get £1k from the beeb for streaming our game Saturday). And that’s before we take into account our share of gate receipts - won’t get much from Saturday I imagine but if we’re drawn at home in the next round to a local team we could see a few thousand turn up. That would have a not insignificant impact on the playing budget I suspect.
by Kit_robin
05 Jul 2018, 00:59
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Vincent Dorel
Replies: 18
Views: 4120

Vincent Dorel

by Kit_robin
24 May 2018, 10:02
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Player Search - Who Will Turn Up?
Replies: 713
Views: 152659

Player Search - Who Will Turn Up?

Regarding McGinty I look at it like this...

Ben Gerring and Ed Palmer (both players regular torquay fans know something about) were good enough for a play off team last season. Is McGinty better than both of them? On what I’ve seen yes, so I would be happy if he stayed.
by Kit_robin
25 Nov 2017, 19:20
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: MOTM - Leyton Orient
Replies: 11
Views: 1955

MOTM - Leyton Orient

by Kit_robin
24 Nov 2017, 10:44
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Leyton Orient thread
Replies: 74
Views: 20212

Torquay United v Leyton Orient thread

I think we were a tad unlucky that the game immediately after the Ebbsfleet victory was against Dover, who were by far and away the best team I have seen in this division so far. A game against them was always going to be tough even if we were doing well, so to meet them when our form and confidence was so fragile was unfortunate. Although we obviously could have done better.

This game is a real opportunity to show the rest of the division, the fans and , perhaps most importantly, the players themselves that we are capable of stringing a few results together. A win would put us 4 points behind Orient and, I think I am correct in saying, four points from safety no matter how the results go. To get ourselves within two results of safety would be a massive boost to everyone. Lose and we’re back to square one again.

I still have concerns about the balance of our forward line so I’m not expecting us to rip them apart, but we are certainly playing well enough at present to win the game. I’m going for another 1-0 win.
by Kit_robin
23 Nov 2017, 11:44
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Sutton united V Torquay United 21/11/17
Replies: 101
Views: 25352

Sutton united V Torquay United 21/11/17

Plainmoor78 wrote: 22 Nov 2017, 23:50 If from what I heard, and I understand it correctly, the relegated clubs may well indeed contain a surprise.
It goes like this. There are sides competing for play off spots that have artificial pitches. These are not allowed in the football league. The national league has said that any team in the play offs not eligible to play in the football league will be automatically relegated.
I dare say someone on here and will correct me.
You’re half right. The national league have stated that any club in the automatic or play-off places (and I presume successful in the play offs) who have a 3G pitch and then REFUSE to replace it with a grass one (and therefore turn down promotion) will not be able to take part in the national league the following season. That is a double relegation out of the entire national league.

I think that is slightly harsh, but I presume their reasoning is they don’t want the integrity of the competiton to be called into question by having clubs turn down promotion. As well as preventing other clubs from being promoted, it hardly helps the national league in their continuing argument that there should be 3-up/3-down between the NL and EFL. It may also render a play-off final, one of the NL’s ‘showpiece’ events a farce if one of the clubs playing in it have categorically states they will not replace the pitch.

Also as I understand it the blocker is not the FA but the EFL. The FA is, broadly, in support of 3G pitches but the EFL clubs routinely vote against it. I’m sure the FA could do more to put pressure on the EFL but at the end of the day it’s their competiton and their members vote for their own interests: if they think stopping 3G pitches being allowed may save them from the non-league abyss of the worst was to happen, then they are hardly going to cote for it I suppose.
by Kit_robin
13 Sep 2017, 17:31
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Gary Owers
Replies: 781
Views: 137751

Gary Owers

tomogull wrote: 13 Sep 2017, 15:45 However, I feel that Harrop and Dave Thomas have some explaining to do to fans. Last week, it was stated in the Herald Express that there was a shortlist of Paul Cox, Ronnie Moore, Richard Money, Micky Adams and 'an unnamed former Premier League player and that negotiations 'were progressing well'. Now we find out that none of those on the shortlist have been appointed. Why ??? Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying one of those should have been appointed ahead of Gary Owers - simply why not. We won't get any answers of course because communications between the club and fans is surely at an all time low since the club was first elected to the Football League.
I don't think there's anything sinister there chap. The (rather sad) answer to your question is that the HE are now an irrelevance when it comes to news about TUFC, and know as much (if not less) than people who frequent the message boards.

Most of the names on that shortlist were either educated guesses (like cox, who we may have talked to but who knows) or were people we actually talked to - Ronnie Moore was at one of our games for example. When other names were bandied about by the herald they were lifted directly from the forums, either here or BTPIR - Westley and Kevin Wilkin.

The fact they didn't ever mention Owers until last night was because he wasn't at any of our games until last night, and the club aren't leaking information like they used to (good thing to, in my opinion).

As for the other part of your post, harrop never confirmed any names and as far as I can see from his statements hasn't ever said anything factually incorrect. You could argue that his statements could have been more frequent - we are down to last two, or there's been a hold up for example- but you certainly can't accuse him of misleading anyone.
by Kit_robin
08 Sep 2017, 07:41
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Will you be boycotting on Saturday?
Replies: 53
Views: 6718

Will you be boycotting on Saturday?

Lloyder5 wrote: 08 Sep 2017, 06:36 not the time for hissy fits, wait and see who is appointed.
COmpletly agree. Most of the people in favour of a boycott sound like petulant teenagers. Wait for the facts to emerge and then make your stance - Herrera/Todd/Nora batty then by all means stop going to Plainmoor, I would completely understand. But boycotting and then the club announce Ronnie Moore/money/westley/mourinho - you'll look foolish then.
by Kit_robin
08 Sep 2017, 07:39
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Will you be boycotting on Saturday?
Replies: 53
Views: 6718

Will you be boycotting on Saturday?

timmax wrote: 08 Sep 2017, 00:37 Clarke Osbourne wants you to walk away, lose interest as it makes his case for getting the green light for the freehold. He is a very clever man, a fecking devious greedy liar yes, but he is not the incompetent cowboy some are saying. He has been piss taking for over 30 years and has become rather good at it.
Turn up in numbers and keep turning up.
What's utter tosh. It would be fine apart from virtually nothing he has done fits your narrative. Like employing more staff than the last regimes, or spending money he didn't have to on sacking a manager. If he wanted to kill the club he would have left nicho in charge and squeezed the budget- a shit team is the most effective way to lose supporters.

I am not saying he isn't a snake in the grass, who's long term aim may be to screw us over in a property deal, but the best way of doing that is to make us a better run club in the short term - it convinces the council we warrant a stadium elsewhere, and if the stadium is a no go they can unload their investment, sell the club and get some money back.

For them it's business, and no business man would deliberately chuck money down the toilet.
by Kit_robin
08 Sep 2017, 07:29
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Management options
Replies: 1302
Views: 181027

Management options

Jesus there is a load of hysterical crap on this thread. Do you lot get angry like this every time something doesn't go exactly the way you thought? I pity your partners.

For what it's worth I think 3 weeks is TOO long to appoint a manager, however without the FACTS of what had happened during those three weeks I am unable to judge as to whether it is acceptable or not.

Harrop could have appointed a manager in three days, 7 days, 2 weeks if he had wanted. If time was the most important factor (looking at the shrieking outrage on here it apparently is) then after 14 days he could have said "this is taking too long... sorry Chris Todd/Steve fully, I know we told you to bugger off but now 2 weeks have gone by you're all that's left." And who would have been happy with that outcome?

Perhaps, and this is by no means a guaranteed fact but has much chance of being true as any of the other bollocks on this thread, Harrop has refused to take a shite manager and would rather wait and keep looking as people dropped out the race (like Ronnie, Garry hill, who both visited the training ground etc.) than make a panic appointment. Maybe some stipulations the club have to protect the club, like moving to the area, have meant negotiations have stalled with some people who looked like they were set to join. Again, who knows, but there's as much evidence for that as for some malevolent wish for Harrop to leave us without management for 3 weeks.

Boycotts? When none of you know the facts or the result? As always the proof of the pudding is in the eating. If when the manager is announced, and its Robbie Herrera, well then by all means boycott. Unless an appointment like that comes with a detailed explanation as to why it would be completely unacceptable. But if the appointment is an experienced, respected coach then maybe it was worth the wait.

Seriously, get a grip and keep your powder dry for when it REALLY matters.
by Kit_robin
22 Aug 2017, 15:24
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Management options
Replies: 1302
Views: 181027

Management options

KingsGull1983 wrote: 22 Aug 2017, 15:20 I can't see why people are linking so many names of so called experienced lower league managers.This is a sorry sign of how far we have fallen. They are going to be more expensive options and no guarantee they will be a success and will jump ship at the sniff of a bigger job.
Why not go for a local option with lower league experience, ex players shouldn't be ruled out just because the last couple have not worked out.
Perhaps you would like to list the ex-players with experience that you wish for? Tully is the only one I can think of, and although he does have some experience it was short lived and not sustained.

Unless you are talking about people like Joyce and Rodgers, in which case please tell me what sort of medication your on!
by Kit_robin
30 Jul 2017, 01:24
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United vs Tranmere Rovers 5.8.17
Replies: 131
Views: 67778

Torquay United vs Tranmere Rovers prediction page

lucy6lucy wrote: 29 Jul 2017, 20:03 Reached new heights with you're page Raymond ( I am confused if it's a blog, thread, e-mail, message when you post).
Before anyone sees any offence from my part. I find it highly insensitive and utter joke that a barrow fan is now doing a match thread for Torquay. Are you seriously a wind up merchant or lead a sad life. Pathetic. Tranmere is actually in prenton. :@ :'( :'( :@
Well, no Torquay fan had bothered so why shouldn't he? He's a member of the forum after all.

The only pathetic thing I see is someone endlessly slagging off another forum member because they happen to support another team. Fair enough if it's off topic, perhaps, but this is all about Torquay and got some replies. I suggest you either chill out or grow up, whichever is most applicable.

As for my prediction, I don't see any point in being too pessimistic before a ball has been kicked in anger (even if I struggle to believe it!) so going for a nice 3-1 gulls win.
by Kit_robin
05 Jul 2017, 08:38
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 124
Views: 27168


Plymouth Gull wrote: 05 Jul 2017, 06:57 Montel Gibson (the one mentioned on here) also showed promise but I feel we ended up looking like a 3-3-4 formation at times so perhaps would require further inspection.
I did note with some small interest that we played 3-4-3 last night. Obviously that could have just been because of the players nicho had invited, but I did wonder whether he had invited players that fitted that formation - the players he's signed this year do seem to lend themselves to playing that sort of formation.
by Kit_robin
04 Jul 2017, 13:30
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC 2017/18 Squad
Replies: 157
Views: 36943

TUFC 2017/18 Squad

gullsdiv2 wrote: 04 Jul 2017, 10:14 Number 2 looks a lot like Will Hancox
Could well be as the photo isn't completely clear, but I'm not sure it is.

Pretty sure 25 is Mitchell as mentioned.

Also, who is 18?

EDIT: don't worry, is forgotten we had signed Klukowski!
by Kit_robin
15 Mar 2017, 07:38
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay V Tranmere
Replies: 55
Views: 11038

Torquay V Tranmere

Definitely Lathrope who hit the bar.