Search found 255 matches

by Bigman
20 Jan 2024, 08:21
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Chippenham Away tickets
Replies: 6
Views: 1364

Chippenham Away tickets

I didn't realise online ticket sales for Tuesday closed yesterday and don't live in the bay to get one at the ticket office today.

Is anyone going today and Tuesday and would be willing to visit the ticket office before today's game to get me 1 student and 1 child ticket for Chippenham? I'll meet you at Chippenham to exchange tickets and money (and maybe buy you some chips - says alcohol not for sale to away fans).

Thanks in advance.
by Bigman
13 Oct 2019, 09:49
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Notts County v Torquay United 12/10/19 3pm
Replies: 53
Views: 30312

Notts County v Torquay United 12/10/19 3pm

Our forward passing was poor today, don't think Reid had a touch for first 35 minutes so dropped to halfway where he's not going to threaten. Whitfield kept driving into dead ends out wide and although Kalvin seemed to have the beating of the full back he was too slow with decision making. Think an Andrews free kick that was easily gathered and a Cameron scramble from a set piece were our only attempts all game.

Notts had hardly any of the ball first half but missed 2 good chances and were a threat from set pieces all game. They managed second half well and we never had a sniff.

Weren't helped by ref at start of second half, so many free kicks for nothing breaking up the game and never gave us a chance to get going. Never a foul for their second, the winger went to lean into Kalvin who got out the way. Good delivery though, and good strike for their first (which given he's a full back and the way he shaped up i thought he was going to sky it).

As said in another thread, set piece delivery was especially poor, had lots of them but never threatened.
by Bigman
13 Oct 2019, 09:30
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Corners and Free Kicks
Replies: 5
Views: 2403

Corners and Free Kicks

Our set pieces yesterday were terrible, had so many in good positions but only made one chance out of them all game. In fact 2 sailed straight out of play, 1 from Little, 1 Whitfield, must've been so annoying for the centre backs coming all the way up the pitch for that.
by Bigman
07 Aug 2019, 09:16
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO
Replies: 168
Views: 32808

Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO

No sour grapes here, just disappointment with our team's performance. Result well deserved. I felt ref was poor in both directions, second half she gave as many dodgy free kicks our way as she gave Moors first half (though her gender is irrelevant, the male linesman was poor also).

Hard to argue for the quality of facilities when most are temporary and half the ground is shut, and statements about parking are just factual in that provision for it is poor.
by Bigman
07 Aug 2019, 07:57
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: MOTM - Solihull Moors + Away Estimate
Replies: 11
Views: 2354

MOTM - Solihull Moors + Away Estimate

Niate - only defender winning anything
Kalala - at least had an impact
Hall - blocked a couple shots otherwise it could've been worse

That's about as much positivity as i can scrape together.

No idea on attendance, had a block of home fans in the middle of the away end (what was that about?) so difficult to know how many were ours. Home support was terrible, they cheered the goals and far end sang a bit at end and clapped a backheel but otherwise nothing. Away support was loyal but struggled to get going given the start we made. Fair play to the players, they had the decency to show their glum faces at the away end at the final whistle.
by Bigman
07 Aug 2019, 07:48
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO
Replies: 168
Views: 32808

Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO

Can't believe in our most successful year we haven't won any of the 3 games I've made it to.

One final comment - after hearing a lot about how poor Niate is (including from the bloke behind me after he got booked) I thought he was the only defender winning any balls and trying to fight their big strikers, my MOTM.
by Bigman
07 Aug 2019, 07:33
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO
Replies: 168
Views: 32808

Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO

Glad someone else thought the pen was a dive, report suggested clear foul, will have to see it back. In fairness Andrews won a free kick doing the same thing so can't condone that either.

The one positive I'd take is that we could and possibly should have scored 3 despite playing so poorly. Probably could have conceded 6 though.
by Bigman
06 Aug 2019, 21:42
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO
Replies: 168
Views: 32808

Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO

Kalala at least brought some life to the attack, from his build up we had 2 off the line in one attack, one outstanding save and took an awful penalty. Andrews coming on helped balance too.

The short passing was appalling though, so many simple passes out for throw ins. Work needed.
by Bigman
06 Aug 2019, 20:44
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO
Replies: 168
Views: 32808

Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO

We're still in pre season, a lot of simple passes going out, too many a yard off the pace. Solihull have been stronger and more determined than us, their final ball is largely awful but we can't clear it and they've missed 1 if not 2 absolute sitters. Our only chance was Reid off a defensive mistake but he passed it to keeper. Keating nearly got in but through ball over hit. Our game plan seemed to be use Opi's pace but apart from winning a couple corners he did nothing, their left back is quite good, thought it was him that won the pen (which was a horrendous dive).
by Bigman
05 Aug 2019, 16:57
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Solihull Moors v Torquay United - Tues 6th August 19:45 KO
Replies: 168
Views: 32808

Solihull Moors Away Tuesday 6/8/19

Found a page of "Important info" on the Solihull website. ... 50568.html

It suggests parking at the ground is limited for a fiver or the NCP at Airport cargo terminal a mile away is £3.
For ‘SatNav’ purposes use postcode B92 9EJ for the ground, B26 3QT for the NCP.

This is cobbled together from various websites, so if anyone has actual knowledge feel free to correct me.
by Bigman
19 Jan 2019, 20:17
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: MOTM - Bath
Replies: 12
Views: 1827

MOTM - Bath

Hall by a mile
Davis made some decent runs
MacDonald nearly scored, couldn't do much with the goals
No one else worth mentioning
by Bigman
19 Jan 2019, 19:20
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Bath Away jan 19th
Replies: 406
Views: 68825

Bath Away jan 19th

Poor performance, only Hall emerges with any credit, Janneh and Andrews poor, Reid and Evans anonymous.

Penalty miss was the turning point, knew we wouldn't win after that. Their penalty looked soft and no idea how Janneh missed from under the bar right at the end so should've got a point but the occasion and crowd size maybe affected the players.

Expect Johnson will give them the necessary kick up the backside and hopefully they'll go on another good run.
by Bigman
25 Apr 2018, 11:19
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Gary Owers
Replies: 781
Views: 137751

Gary Owers

I suspect the retained list is already sorted and looks like this:
by Bigman
04 Oct 2017, 11:26
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Maidenhead, Match Day Thread 03/10/17
Replies: 133
Views: 60816

Torquay United v Maidenhead, Match Day Thread 03/10/17

I fancied checking the Maidenhead perspective, to see if they'd blame it all on their delayed journey, and while they mention their players looking leggy and blame a couple of goals on poor defending they're fairly complimentary of Torquay, suggesting there was no evidence for why they'd taken 14 games to get a win. ... /1-2849574
by Bigman
02 Oct 2017, 11:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Late & Injury time goals
Replies: 21
Views: 4307

Late & Injury time goals

I've been thinking of posting something on this for a while, it's become a running joke with my wife that she now asks whether we conceded in the 92nd or 93rd minute this week.

I started working out how many points we dropped last season from goals in the last 10 minutes, but having hardly ever been ahead or even level at that stage I got to Christmas and it wasn't actually that many, but over the years and particularly this season it's been a recurring theme.

Is it mental or down to fitness levels? And does anybody with any connection to the club know if anything's ever been done towards trying to address this? My suggestion would be that if points are dropped in the last 10 minutes, the squad have to go on a 10k run on Sunday morning. If the problem is fitness, this'll get them fitter; if it's mental this should make them focus - 10 minutes of effort now means a lie in tomorrow.