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by TeJay
28 Mar 2011, 17:42
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27227

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

Seems like some of our lot before the season started some grudge. I don't have this 'we're a massive club and you're tiny and you're shit etc' mentality, nor did i want that to come across. I suppose the crux of my point is that overall it was a fairly even game, a draw was probably fair on both teams and the ref was just as bad for both sides so i found it hard to believe when i saw some on here claiming that you were robbed and the ref was a complete and utter homer. Oh well sod it i bare no grudge against Torquay. Even if you are only a tinpot bottom half club.*

*Remember what i said a while back about me joking about that sort of thing and not to get your knickers in a twist? Yeah same applies ;-)
by TeJay
27 Mar 2011, 18:42
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27227

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

Southampton Gull wrote:
How do you work that out? I think almost all of us on here are grounded enough to realise we're a small club as well as knowing we're in a lofty position considering our fanbase and the budget that goes with that. What seems to be the bone of contention here is the majority of Northampton fans that have posted on here have said this division is crap and they should be hunting promotion not dicing with relegation. Surely NO club has a right to be anywhere but where they find themselves, regardless of budget or size of club. It's how results go on the pitch that count, end of. Due to those we're near the top and they are not. There's no inference to me that what you say is correct.
Given most of the circumstances, we should be higher than where we are. We should, but we're not, tough shit on us. Theres a few reasons why we're there but i'm confident in those being turned around either next season or the season after. Oh wait that's me being big headed 8/

My 'bone of contention' is how some of you managed to form the opinion that you were supposedly robbed of 3 points by some awful referee who really had an axe to grind against you. Same goes for your manager.
by TeJay
27 Mar 2011, 17:11
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27227

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

Dave_Pougher wrote: LOL love that line,,

Mystic meg is alive and well
She doesn't need to be alive to work that out.

4 minutes added. You took say a minute with the goal celebrations, so that makes an added minute. 95 minutes. Another minute making substitutions. 96 minutes.

Oh look we scored 96th minute.

Matt, hardly plucking random seasons out of my arse. I'm comparing the position you're in to when we were last in that position in this league. Common sense more than anything
by TeJay
26 Mar 2011, 23:26
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27227

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

ferrarilover wrote:Last point from me on this, since TJ has come armed with wild speculation and nothing more...

How many would you be getting if you had a Champions League game against Barcelona...?

Answer: It doesn't bloody matter because, like it or not, you're 20th in L2 so you don't get to play in the CL. We'll never know how many fans you'd get if you were 4th, becuase you're not 4th, you're languishing at the bottom, despite clearly being far too good for this division, or any other if some of your fans are to be believed.

What a ridiculous comparison.

Are we in the Champions League? No. So can we play Barcelona in the champions league? No.

Are we in League Two? Yes. Can we potentially finish 4th next season? Yes.

Armed with speculation and nothing more?

You're getting around 2,000 for home games.
In 2006 when we were last promoted from this division, our lowest home gate was 5012. We were usually getting 5800-6800. So yes it's fairly safe to assume we'd be getting somewhere around the double mark of what you get

Also, we won't be going down. So your sudden hate and grudge will have to wait. Barnet have been garbage all season, it's fine getting one result but we'll see how the rest of the season pans out. Burton have games in hand but it doesn't mean they're winning any
by TeJay
26 Mar 2011, 19:32
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27227

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

regiment0609 wrote:
yeah, i agree with royal, this is getting a bit tedious now.

just couldn't let the above highlighted point go by without a response tho.

that is exactly what i was saying, big club, where are the fans when you're down in 20th ?? the 400 away fans that were there last night would've been there whether we were 4th or 24th.
Well i said we'd be getting double what you get, which is generally around the 2,000-2,300 mark? Double that you're looking at 4,000 to 4,600. 4,553 there last night.

Like i said, we've been bad all season but it's not as if we've been down here all season, we've genreally fluctuated from midtable to down here.

And no, Northampton isn't a rugby town, well it wasn't until their chairman started pissing money at it
by TeJay
26 Mar 2011, 17:40
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27227

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

regiment0609 wrote: welcome to the forum. everyone is entitled to an opinion, and you've had yours - now f**k off.

the only thing i'll agree with you about, is that a point a piece was probably a fair result from a footballing point of view, but lets actually be honest here for a minute, if that's possible. your "big" club, isn't a big club. bring yourself to the real world, look at where you are, and what you've achieved, and you're no better than anyone else in that division. WE are a small club, a well run small club, a well supported small club (yes, not 1000s and 1000s of fans, but proper supporters who get behind our team, win, lose or draw - we stayed to applaud our team off the pitch after 100s of your "fans" had left for home). but because you think you're a big club, you think you are superior. you're not. i can read, i know you say you are not being totally serious, but there is a degree of that mentality throughout your club, which is why you hear those sort of comments so regularly. AND for that very reason, you will never be a big club.

whatever happened at the end, that resulted in the free kick being awarded, may well have been the correct decision, i don't know, couldn't see it, but there was plenty of cheating, diving, kicking out at our players after the ball (your superstar Harrod did that a few times, so don't tell me he was innocent in what led to the free kick award)etc etc, that was somehow missed by the officials. and if you are happy to watch your team doing that week in week out, that's your perogative, but you'll win f**k all doing it.

:clap: but well done, a point against a team that were stuck for about 7hrs on a coach, with less than 30mins to prepare for the game, is a great result and worthy of a pitch invasion. carry on like that and you might just survive in div2.

You say you're well run etc, yeah brilliant, so are we. Your point is?

Glad you say your support isnt all that. If we were 4th we'd be getting at least double what you get in terms of attendance.

I'd love to know where you get this idea we have a 'big club' mentality. Before you suggest the Hotel End forum, i'd like to get in there first and say its full of either idiots or people trying to wind you up. The latter part obviously succeed.

As for the game, Your players indiscipline in the wall cost you a goal - fact. You argued with the ref and ended up surrounding him at a couple of points - fact. Your defender gave away a needless freekick into added time - fact. If you hadn't wasted so much time in substitutions we wouldn't have scored - fact.

Like i said, the officials were just as bad for both teams. You could say both of our goals were from soft decisions. On the other hand you could say there was a foul against us in the build up to your first. No point in crying claiming you've been robbed like Buckle has. Not our fault the ref is shit is it?

ferrarilover - Poor management and poor signings is the reason. I'm not overly bothered however seeing as this sort of thing tends to be a one off. You don't normally see us that far down do you? Then again if we can get a draw off that massive high flying Torquay side, we obviously aren't that bad are we 8/
by TeJay
26 Mar 2011, 11:44
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27227

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

Reading some of this is brilliant stuff

Whinge whinge whinge the ref hates us and he gave nothing to us...Yeah right he was just as poor for both teams. To suggest he was some sort of homer is just ludicrous :rofl:

Like one of you said, was a clear foul in the build up to your first goal, bloody good finish though, dont know his name but he'll do alright for you lot.

Our equaliser - yes it was retaken but do you think the ref stood there mentally begging for us to score? It was retaken for encroachment and we scored from it. Tough shit it's your own fault

Branston was all over our players in tugging, pulling etc and it was amazing how he managed to last the game. Crowding the ref for every decision only works when you have a ref as weak as he was 8/

The freekick which led to Bauza's equaliser came because of an off the ball incident where one of your centre backs pushed/kicked/whatever and Harrad ended up on the floor, again, your own fault. Boot on the other foot you'd be screaming for it. Yes it came 6 minutes into 4 allocated minutes. For those of you who are too blind to work out the basics, this is because of your long winded celebrations in injury time and your 2 substitutions which were dragged out to maximum potential. It will seem like a kick in the bollocks but it was refreshing to see a ref who actually played the full injury time

It's funny how those of you not there have some amazing ability to make out you were robbed and you should've won 10-0 and the ref was a homer.

All in all a fair point i suppose. Will you go up? This league is so wank it's hard to say.

Anyway, i hope those of you who visited San Sixfields had an enjoyable day out, good to see you weren't overawed by the prospect of seeing the sleeping giants of NTFC in action against your minnows. I'm sure if you all speak to your club shop they'll get some DVD's in for the game ;-) *

*Sod it someones going to take that seriously so i'll just clarify I'M NOT BEING TOTALLY SERIOUS.