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by A Cobbler
10 Sep 2011, 18:50
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Northampton vs Torquay
Replies: 135
Views: 12445

Re: Northampton vs Torquay

There, I spend pre-match telling you how bad we are defensively and then we go an keep a clean sheet!

Anyway, I can't disagree too much with your lads assessments of the game.

You were quite clearly better in the first half and you were knocking it around quite nicely, although your possession didn't really lead to too many clear cut chances.

We were the better team in the second half, and we should have scored one of our chances, Bayo should have really got a hat-trick within 5 minutes but his radar was a little bit off today. Your only real chance in the second half was a mad scramble in the penalty area where we managed to get about 5 consecutive blocks in.

With regards to the ref I thought he was fair enough to both sides. Yes Bayo did get away with a bit today, but I also thought he let Rene Howe get away with a lot of backing in to our defenders, so even stevens there really. The lino got pretty much all the offsides correct (your fans weren't in a great position to spot them from behind the goal), but the one where your keeper stopped the ball going out was a really bad decision, luckily for you we didn't score from that.

I thought you guys were one of the better teams to visit Sixfields so far, yet you're one of the few teams who didn't beat us! You certainly looked better than Morecambe (who sit top of the league). I thought O'Kane was your best player, he looked really good at times, while one of your centre-backs was hilarious. I don't know his name but he basically spent the whole match slicing the ball and slipping over in the penalty area. Provided a bit of light humour to the afternoon anyway.

Good luck for the season guys. To borrow an old managerial cliche, I expect you to be there or thereabouts.
by A Cobbler
10 Sep 2011, 12:34
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Northampton vs Torquay
Replies: 135
Views: 12445

Re: Northampton vs Torquay

tufc si wrote: I hope I'm wrong but if Bayo is firing on all cylinders like you say, I think our centre backs may find him hard to deal with, especially his size! Branno counter balanced him last time and Bayo did absolutely nothing all game but as you state, he's no longer with us!!

Were just gunna have to get it going through the midfield and up top and score more goals than we concede, I'd take a 10-9 win today haha!!
Bayo was certainly on fire against Southend last Saturday. He caused their centre-backs no end of problems and scored an absolute stunner too.

And knowing our defence, I wouldn't rule out you getting 10 goals either ;-)
by A Cobbler
10 Sep 2011, 09:32
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Northampton fan's express there opinion on
Replies: 19
Views: 1661

Re: Northampton fan's express there opinion on

Thought I'd butt in on this conversation. Firstly, it's nice to see you all rate us Cobblers fans so highly! lol

Secondly, to be fair I think some of the comments on that thread are true. I stand by what I said on that thread that Buckle is really tiresome with this 'we're unlucky all the time/we're getting no luck/the worlds against us' attitude. It never seems that one of his teams ever concede a goal that wasn't 'lucky'. If you took him at his word he'd probably claim the ball went into the Rovers goal after bouncing off the mascots arse.

Oh, and merely to prove my point....latest Bristol Rovers article on the BBC website: Buckle rues 'out of luck' Rovers

I don't think it's really sour grapes against either Bristol or Torquay. I think it's just the fact that he's definitely an arsehole.
by A Cobbler
10 Sep 2011, 08:31
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Northampton vs Torquay
Replies: 135
Views: 12445

Re: Northampton vs Torquay

Hi guys, a Cobblers fan here.

I know before the first game of last season some eejit fan of ours came on here and gave you all some stick which soured your views of us a bit. So I thought I'd come on here and show you that we're not all morons.

Obviously you've started very well again this season but I see that a few of you have have put us down to win. To be honest you all have more expectation in a Cobblers win than our own fans at the moment. It really depends on how your defence perform on the day. Pretty much every game this year with the exception of the first two, we have let in at least two goals which is making it very hard for us to win.

I don't know how well your defence has done, although your league position suggests they're doing quite well. But I have to admit to being a bit relieved that Guy Branston is no longer in your team. He was one of the very few people who seemed to handle Bayo Akinfenwa, so hopefully Bayo will be firing on cylinders, which is a scary thought. But either way if your defence is up to the task today you should be able to get something from the game, especially taking into consideration your away form.

Anyway, best of luck for the season guys (with the exception of today of course)!
by A Cobbler
28 Mar 2011, 17:32
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27140

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

NickGull wrote:The NTFC/TUFC debate sure is starting to go around in circles now. Fair play to the Northampton fans coming on and having their say - as we've always said, opposition fans should be made to feel welcomed on to the site, not told to f**k off. I doubt any of you will stick around, but y'know.

I have already said my thoughts on the game once, so shan't do so again, but both teams were pretty poor, which just shows the standard of L2 and the difference of quality in this division - i.e, there isn't one!

Good luck for the season Cobblers, if we're in the same league next year then I hope you'll allow drums into Sixfields in future, as it would make it much more fun..
Great post.

Things are much better if it's all just a bit of friendly banter. Good luck for the season Torquay fans.
by A Cobbler
28 Mar 2011, 15:10
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27140

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

Awayday wrote:Cobbler, to be fair no one on here seriously wishes you guys relegation, but as we know very well the BSP is a very big wake up call. People see it as "Non League" but it is a very difficult league to get out of (unless you go further down).

You say you may have the odd moron who thinks you are a bigger club than you are, where as I do not know one Torquay fan who thinks we are any bigger than we actually are. If anything we pride ourselves on being as small as we are. Not many clubs have a fan base where everyone knows or knows of everyone. When we went to Wembley (twice) we couldn't even fill out the lower tier of the ground, but we don't mind that, that's who we are.

As for the drum....... How can your club email me saying due to health and safety we are not allowed a drum, but you are allowed some muppet dressed as a dragon to walk up and down with one? What was more annoying was your club even said "We will not allow our home fans to have a drum, therefore please respect the fact we cannot allow away fans to have one". Along with charging home fans £18 and away fans £19 you have to agree yourself it is very spiteful.

Anyway good luck for the rest of the season
To be fair mate I wasn't calling them morons on that basis, more that they were getting so worked up about the whole thing, which really is pointless.

With regards to the drum and ticket prices, yer I do see your point. E-mail the club and ask for answers.
by A Cobbler
28 Mar 2011, 14:40
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27140

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

HRG wrote:Only as long as statistics are banned, I've had quite enough of the damned things in this little row :sleep: :)
by A Cobbler
28 Mar 2011, 14:32
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27140

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

ferrarilover wrote:Moron, that'll be me then I guess. It's not a few idiots on your board Cobbler, it's dozens if not hundreds of them. Whinging and moaning every time they fail to beat any other L2 club by 10 clear goals. It gripes me that the vast majority of Hotel End users seem to belive NTFC to have a divine right to be in a higher division because, once, a million years ago, you had a single season in the top flight. I have responded, not by posting on your board, but griping about it on my own board (I know, I know, it's Louis' board).

If you're going to come here, see the world written from the point of view of a Torquay fan, then be surprised enough about it to brand some of us morons, I suggest you take a look closer to home.



The way to find me less boring is to f**k off back to your own board and post nonsense on there, you'll fit right in.
I branded a very few of you morons, and accepted that there were indeed morons on our board. So really, I dont need to take a look "closer to home", seen as I had already acknowledged it before you gave such advice.

You have a really good knack of taking quotes out of context and making it appear that I have belittled your club. I have no gripes with your club. In fact, I have a real soft spot for your club for the fantastic way you treated us when we won promotion at your place in 2000. I was only 8 at the time, but distinctly remembered your fans clapping us as we we celebrated on the pitch.

Learn to read the whole quote, and maybe you will get something out of the post.

And HRG, too right we are the ambassadors ^.^ Why don't we start a massive Torquay Northampton love-in to re-adress the balance? o:)
by A Cobbler
28 Mar 2011, 14:02
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27140

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

HRG wrote: Um we're not arguing over who's bigger, we know we're a small club. It's your lot on the Hotel End that need reminding. Otherwise yeah, I agree. I've stated why I'm irked, some of your club's idiots need to stop acting like they support a Premiership club-in-waiting and calling clubs like Torquay 'inferior'. We're in the same league for god's sake. In return I shall refrain from having a strop about it.

Well I'll try :na: =D
No, I completely agree with you as well. It really is silly that a few mongs on both forums have started this. The point I was making, that dear Matt does not seem to realise, is that neither of us are big. Most of our fans accept that, with a very small number on our forum either being deluded, or winding you up really well. The point is that I would hate for a number of Torquay fans to dislike us, or wish us relegation, based on a couple of people on an internet forum. In much the same way that I do not hate your club based on the very few morons on your board.

Good luck in your chase for promotion.
by A Cobbler
28 Mar 2011, 13:48
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27140

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

ferrarilover wrote:Our list of gripes appears to be growing by the day. It now seems that it was a foul on Robbo which lead to their free kick. Jesus referee, you're either the worst referee in England, or a cheat, which is it?


A Cobbler, I think you'll find that you're sh*t and we're doing rather well, see here for confirmation >>> ... efault.stm
I love how you completely ignored the post that surrounded it.
by A Cobbler
28 Mar 2011, 13:39
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United
Replies: 330
Views: 27140

Re: League 2: Northampton Town vs Torquay United

Hi Torquay fans. A passing Cobbler here.

Let's face it. We're both small, shit clubs who occasionally have a glorious season every 5/10 years. Sometimes we are better than you. Somtimes you are better than us. This season is the latter. So why are we arguing over who is bigger or better? And what is more, why are some fans (in both sets I add!) taking a bit of banter so personally? I'm pretty sure I read some guy wish us relegation because his drum wasn't allowed in the ground!

Every group of fans have idiots, but this whole thing is utterly futile and makes us all look like mongs.

Enjoy the rest of the season.

From the supporter of a team that this season is slightly more shitter than yours.