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by DonnyGull
27 Apr 2014, 21:05
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Mansfield Town v Torquay United - 26/4/14
Replies: 227
Views: 35238

Mansfield Town v Torquay United - 26/4/14

AustrianAndyGull wrote:Just remembered. Cheers for the shout at half time Tony! (Donnygull). Good to see you are well and all is ok. :-D
Thanks Andy, had been down to Devon visiting family - so really pleased I made the decision to go to the game, en-route back to Donny. Lad went to Donny v Reading game, so he's even more depressed, as it looks like they are heading downwards too. I'm suffering too at the moment - yet another Chest Infection.
Hopefully catch up next season. Come on You Yellows. :-D
by DonnyGull
26 Mar 2014, 16:31
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: York City v Torquay United 25/3/14
Replies: 186
Views: 33725

York City v Torquay United 25/3/14

AustrianAntheaGull wrote:Our predicament this season has been brought about by the following:

1. The issues with Martin Ling at the back end of last season which led to Alan Knill being given the job.

2. Alan Knill not making the best use of his playing budget although I do accept that his feet were pulled from under him on a few occasions by the board with regards players he wanted to bring in. Knill had to work with some of Lings total duds like Bodin who has been an embarrassment, Nathan Craig who has talent so I'm told. Playing football isn't one of them. Also there is Tom Cruise who may as well get a job modelling beachwear for Freemans. I mean he's a decent looking geezer* but can't play footy to save his f**king life. Playing professional football is just one mission too far for Tommy.

* this in no way implies I favour the male sex :-/

Of the players already here that have proven themselves in the past to be capable at this level, Knill shipped out Damon Lathrope on loan when we were crying out for a holding midfielder to steady things up, he contributed to turning Mansell from winner to whinger and he also rotated Nico so much that the poor bloke was eventually admitted into A&E at Torquay hospital suffering from dizzy spells. He also sent out the only player we have with real pace, Niall Thompson (who was really decent first half last night) on loan when we lack any pace going forward. Ashley Yeoman who has proved he can knock in a goal or two given a chance and a bit of service was dispensed with as Knill favoured his new attacking signings that turned out to be as potent as a 4 pack of Carlsberg.

Knill then proceeded to carefully assemble his squad adding the dangerously basic Dale Tonge at full back who is the polar opposite of Bravo Two Zero by Andy McNab which actually gets better with every read. Tonge gets worse with every game. Ben Harding was brought in too and as soon as he pulled on the lemon shirt he turned into a midfield merangue. Soft on top (that'll be the hair wax), wobbly in the middle (as that is pretty much all he does - wobble about and jockey the opposition) and crumbly at the base (injury prone). To be fair to Ben he had a half decent game last night but overall I'd rather us have signed a couple of barn owls to do the same job. Sit around looking alert but also emitting pellets each time an opponent runs at them.

Karl Hawley came in too and I thought he would be just like a sh*t Nicolas Anelka but it transpired he is actually just sh*t. I don't want to say anymore really about Hawley because he hasn't had service and Goodwin at Chesterfield aside, he has provided me with one of the best goals I've seen this season away at Morecambe. Still sh*t though.

Jordan Chappell was the new Bodin! (Jesus have mercy on our souls). He came in with lots of top clubs looking at him. Looking being the operative word. I saw ability in Chappell but like Bodin, the player has to take some personal responsibility for completely wasting any talent that they possess and turning themselves into a laughing stock. Jordan has had plenty of opportunities like Bodin but just has failed big time. I mean how hard can it be to run at players and get decent crosses in? I still think Jordan can become a decent player but he needs to get his finger out of his sphincter and quick.

Courtney Cameron came in but to be fair to the lad he has struggled to adapt. I'm sure he will make a go of it somewhere but once again another player pulls on a lemon shirt and fails spectacularly. Joss Labadie possibly saved us last season but when he returned he saved himself. Didn't give a sh*t. Anthony O'Connor was signed initially on loan despite the international duty shenanigans and has looked a decent prospect in parts but has struggled of late. In a nutshell (that's for Gullscorer) Knill has signed some absolute dross and the only ones with any prospect of making it in the football league IMO are Pearce and Chappell. Even Pearce got changed around more times than Gok Wan on speed.

Add to this the uncanny knack Knill had of making truly bizarre decisions both on and off the pitch and it can be hypothesised that Mr Alan Knill had a large part to play in our relegation to the conference. (If we DO survive now then I DO promise that I shall go to Field Mill for our last away game in an item of womens clothing).

I'm sure Alan is a really nice man and he has a new job at Northampton and good luck to him but he let us down big time and there can be little argument about that.

3. The board playing silly buggers with possible transfer targets being lost due to Knill being called to the boardroom for a bit of jackanory about funds available or not as the case maybe. I must add here however that my feeling is that if Knill had been given 20 million to spend he still would have put together a team filled with jelly. Instead of Lionel Messi he'd sign Mr Messy, he'd sign Mr Lazy, Mr Jelly, Mr Bump, Mr Wrong, Mr Slow, Mr Muddle, Mr Dizzy, Mr Forgetful and Mr Clumsy. A team filled with Mr Men no less and managed by Mr Greedy and Mr Bounce (Knill and Brass respectively). An expensively assembled team of crack Mr Men but ultimately along came the missing link. The Mr Man to end all Mr Men. The colourful kids character that would define our season as a whole ------------- Mr Impossible.

And so it was to pass that instead of getting a few Mr Men on the cheap to do a job we ended up with a load of Little Misses instead. Not just in games, by Christ we've had some little misses and some HUMONGOUS misses including that one at the death on Saturday but no, we got a load of girls masquerading as footballers with the odd exception of course.

What I'm trying to say in not a very succinct manner is that I believe that regardless of how much money Knill was given he would still have bought poorly and the odd ones that turned out to be any good would end up having their confidence screwed to the ground by mismanagement.

4. The appointment of Chris Hargreaves has already turned out to be a gaffe of Jo Brand-esque proportions and his lack of common sense and a flippant burning ambition to go for broke when all is lost will see is remain in the conference for while to come. I'm not a football manager but like last night, I and many others were able to deduce that the game was petering out to a 1-0 loss and even a 1-1 draw wasn't really going to help us so I'd have just said f*** it, let's go with a back 3, make a triple sub and chuck men forward. If we get done on the break then no harm done, we're going to lose anyway. That is what many people would have applauded, not least those who got back home at 5am this morning. Why plod Chris? We're going home with nothing again. Be decisive, there is absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. This has happened now on a number of occasions and it is this lack of urgency and bravery to stick his neck out and to f*** with it all, give it your best shot mentality. I also don't like the overly camp wetsuit type skin tight training suit he wears on the touchline. Not a good look if I may add. I used to say to a mate at school who was from a rich family and had all the latest footballing paraphernalia but who was atrocious at playing the game. Same with golf too. We used to say, "ALL THE GEAR BUT NO IDEA".

Step forward Mr Hargreaves.

Obviously Chris was left a monumental task on his appointment but he believed he had the bollocks to get the players up for this. He hasn't been able to do so and for the most part it is because quite simply the players we have are absolutely awful but his managerial actions haven't really been one of a man desperately stretching every sinue to get us out of this hole. THAT is the disappointment, the surprise and the sadness. THAT is why he isn't the man we need to take us into the conference. I'm saying it now because when Knill kept us up those of us happy to go along with it were heavily criticised for turning on him when it went tits up. Well if I say now that I am unhappy with the appointment of Hargreaves going forward and I believe he won't succeed here then it's done and I'm not waiting half way through next season when it starts going belly up. I could be wrong of course, it is just my opinion. All I'm saying is that I have immense concerns in what is a critical season for us next season. Get it disastrously wrong and, well, it doesn't bear thinking about. The conference is a tough, tough place to be and although Chris was a combative player in his time with us, I have failed to spot any modicum of toughness thus far in his early days with us.

His loan signings have been totally woeful. Goodwin has been extraordinarily average other than his excellent goal at Chesterfield. Stockley should pack up now and go and retrain as a plumber or brickie or something. Preferably something that doesn't involve movement. Conor Wilkinson oh deary deary me, Enoch Showunmi is big and tall but can't play football Showunmi, Showunmi! He's big and tall but cannot play football Showunmi! Showunmi!. Poor poor additions to help kick us when we're down.

5. The players are just really, really, really sh*t and it doesn't seem to matter who replaces who, who plays where or anything. NOTHING works.

So there you have it. My reasons why we are rooted to the foot of the table and playing the worst football I have ever seen from any team in the history of football ever.

Now last night. Again we were predictable, boring and limited. We had a few decentish opportunities including a free kick from Mansell which was pushed round the post but largely we created the sum of my my bank balance. Nothing. For those of you who say according to the stats we had a million shots at goal then I can tell you that I only count the chances that we are slightly likely to get a goal from. A shot at goal that goes 20 metres wide isn't a goal threat. A header towards goal that bobbles 5 feet wide is not a goalscoring chance. Making the keeper work or peppering the goal with good efforts are chances and we did neither really. Same old same old.

We will probably manage to win a game or two more before the season is out as is probability but it's not enough and we aren't good enough or even lucky enough to grind out 3 or 4 wins from 7 now. In all honesty we deserve to go down and we can have no complaints. Not about luck or referees or anything. We've just been mindnumbingly poor all season. We've had umpteen chances to turn things around but have not taken any of those opportunities and so we are where we deserve to be.

Last night I really felt for those who came up from Devon and other southern counties as I got home at midnight and I was totally knackered and deflated. Not angry but the same feeling of resignation and acceptance I had since we were smashed out of sight up at Hartlepool. I had the utmost sympathy for them travelling home and I did get a bit angry at the club in some ways for not giving those fans anything back. Some have followed the club through thick and thin all over the country for years and yet they freeze season ticket prices and continue to give nothing back. Well last night I felt like urging fans to not bother buying a season ticket. The club are taking the piss and treating fans like cash cows and something has to be done about it. It's not right. Even a few token gestures other than the patronising free pint offer by Hargreaves will help ease the disillusionment some fans feel with the club right now.

Anyway, on the pitch we simply are not capable AS A TEAM AND AS A UNIT of all pulling together and getting some results, there are just too many weak links. We can't score goals and we can't keep clean sheets. We can't create and we can't get any good fortune either so where can you go from there really?

RICE 7 Did ok. Could have been quicker getting rid of the ball.

O'CONNOR 4 Not good at all.

NICHOLSON 4 Got skinned a lot and dispossessed a lot too but got stuck in.

DOWNES 7 Not as good as he was now but still largely reliable and was visibly disappointed when clapping us at the end.

PEARCE 8 Our best player once again. A rock.

BODIN 2 I still cannot believe we are paying this bloke. Had a really good first half on Saturday then backs it up with an anonymous second half and then a powder puff performance yesterday. It is just not acceptable ad hasn't been for 2 seasons. If for whatever reason Bodin is kept on next season I have to question my attendance. He would struggle to get another league 2 club IMO.

HARDING 5 Not the worst player on show. Thought he had a solid game.

THOMPSON 7 First half he gave them something to think about with his pace and created a number of good moves and crosses. He is still inconsistent and raw but defenders don't like pace and he is the one player who gives us what we have been crying out for all season. PACE MAN!!!! A threat first half. Faded badly second.

BENYON 4 Nothing really apart from the usual workrate.

SHOWUNMI 4 This man cannot control a football.

SUBS: Hargreaves once again starts with a pairing of Enoch and Eliott which does not work and leaves Yeoman on the bench. For the Newport game I would have started Yeoman. He hit th last gasp winner v Bury and will be full of confidence and then next game he gets benched again. Just start him for a bit and see if we get better. Give the lad a chance. The rest of our strikers couldn't score in a Plymouth nightclub! Bad decision to start with those two yesterday. Yeoman did sod all when he was on admittedly but we were just rubbish. Stockley then came on after 70 minutes and then I knew it was game up. Hargreaves saw fit to only use 2 subs.

Anyway, it was a good laugh all night. Good to stand with everyone again although Super kept knocking out some devastatingly pungent rectal gas which made me feel a bit sicky. Good to speak to Donnygull Tony again since Burton too and just enjoyed my night despite the footy.

I'll try and get to Brizzle should we win at Southend but if not it's Mansfield away for me then I'm done and ready for the conference to see who comes up from North/South and the like.

Top marks to all the Gulls there last night. Remarkable.
Excellent post as always Andy and good to see you again last night - even with the result. I think everyone should cross dress at Mansfield if we survive! :clap:
by DonnyGull
26 Mar 2014, 16:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Songs to sum us up and our football league future
Replies: 17
Views: 1351

Songs to sum us up and our football league future

HeavenAndHele wrote:Surprised no-one's mentioned (I was in the crowd!)
Beat me to it - sums up what our next couple of seasons may be
by DonnyGull
25 Mar 2014, 16:56
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: York City v Torquay United 25/3/14
Replies: 186
Views: 33725

York City v Torquay United 25/3/14

AustrianAntheaGull wrote:Can't wait for good old York. Going back up to my second home. Not in terms of property ownership though you'll understand. I can't even afford to live inside a wheelie bin never mind own a home. Couldn't fit inside a wheelie bin either to be fair unless it was one of those family size ones, I'd have a bash at that. Put it on it's side and lay in it and it's waterproof too. sh*t hot!!

No, York has been a place i have lived near and been in and around since i was knee high to a grasshopper and it's such an amazing place. I'll be there with a mate (ok, I'm paying him) and I'm looking forward to watching our songs dissipate into the North Yorkshire night air before they can ever reach the David Longhurst and the Minster army. Someone bring a tannoy and i'll stand at the front facing our faithful, hanging off a railing knocking out songs like they do in La Liga. What could possibly go wrong?

Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

York are in cracking form and i can't see us getting 3 points here. I'd take a draw. I'll see all you lot up there lads and Super and Bix too. I wonder if Donnygull Tony is going? Not seen him since Burton nor does he post anymore. If you're reading Tony, get yersen off lad!!!! UP THE GULLS!!!
Hope to see you there Andy.
by DonnyGull
18 Jan 2014, 10:31
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Northampton Game OFF
Replies: 158
Views: 15616

Northampton Game - ON/OFF

bengull wrote:Match OFF

Inevitable really, the amount of rain that has fallen has been ridiculous, near on unprecedented really.
Perhaps the decision could have been made earlier but they had to give themselves every opportunity to get the game on.
Its the sensible decision though and whilst we might not have a game for 2 weeks (3 if Oxford progress in the cup) and the good feeling and momentum generated by Hargreaves might be in jeopardy, we have to appreciate that the pitch would have been destroyed today.

Perhaps if Oxford do progress we could play Northampton next Saturday?
Unfortunately Northampton are playing Chesterfield next Saturday in a rearranged fixture! ... 01_3610197
by DonnyGull
30 Nov 2013, 16:43
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Scunthorpe United v Torquay United - 30/11/13
Replies: 199
Views: 21969

scunthorpe United v Torquay United - 30/11/13

Off work sick - wearing my Torquay shirt hasn't brought the team much luck today - just made me feel even more sick at what is happening at the moment, I don't think we could even buy a win - feels worse than last season.

Think we defo need a change in manager now - perhaps Andy in his Squirrel outfit would do a better job!!! Hope he's keeping his nuts under cover! :lol: :-D
by DonnyGull
21 Oct 2013, 17:44
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Who is going to Burton a week on tuesday?
Replies: 17
Views: 1647

Re: Who is going to Burton a week on tuesday?

Me and son will be going, dropping in on way back from weekend in London. Dropping Wife and daughter at Derby Rail station to make their own way back to Donny! :)
by DonnyGull
31 Aug 2013, 16:13
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Hartlepool United - 31/8/13
Replies: 141
Views: 12800

Re: Torquay United v Hartlepool United - 31/8/13

Sat in a Dutch Bar in Costa Brava, supping a couple pints of Bavarian Lager watching Gilette Soccer Saturday - hoping to see Jeff Stelling squirm soon!
by DonnyGull
03 Aug 2013, 13:47
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New home shirt
Replies: 609
Views: 76069

Re: New home

Ordered mine early hours Friday, received Saturday (today) morning. Can't fault ordering process, received e-mails to keep me informed of progress of my order.
Yellow stripes are fine, perhaps shorts to match navy blue on shirt and then have white socks.
Pleased with my shirt.
by DonnyGull
03 Jul 2013, 14:46
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Dave Harris R.I.P
Replies: 23
Views: 3170

Re: Dave Harris R.I.P

Sorry to hear the sad news about Dave and would like to send my heart felt condolences to Nancy and the rest of Dave's family and friends.

It is ironic that the news on the Forum of Dave's passing, came on the day that Elliott Benyon resigned for the Gulls, a player I know they admired and treated like a son, Elliott always took the time to speak to them.
A couple of seasons back, Dave and Nancy had a lovely photo taken of them at Grimsby - by the Official TUFC photographer. Me and my son happened to be in the photo too. A couple of weeks later at a game at Bury, Dave and Nancy approached me and my son as we were about to go through the turnstiles (we didn't know them at the time) and asked if we had seen the photo (we hadn't).
Dave and Nancy told me that they had brought a copy of the photo and Elliott Benyon had had it signed by all the Torquay players for them - they were chuffed to bits with it.
Dave and Nancy went to the trouble of taking our address and forwarding a photocopy of the photo to us, we were also thrilled to receive it from them - following this they always took time to speak to us, when we saw them.

RIP Dave - You will be missed by all fellow Gulls.
by DonnyGull
10 Jun 2013, 12:57
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Player to bring in (suggestions)
Replies: 939
Views: 108631

Re: Player to bring in (suggestions)

AustrianAndyGull wrote:That's a good shout Tony, a few people I know back in Donny are disappointed to have seen him released as he looks a good prospect but he'd never get a look in now with them being back in the Championship. I'm sure he would like the opportunity to get his career moving forward again but it's the geography problem once more and I reckon he'll go somewhere nearby maybe like Mansfield, Grimsby, Scunny or somewhere like that.
That's the only problem!! He was born in Mansfield, so would expect a local team to snap him up.
by DonnyGull
10 Jun 2013, 00:34
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Player to bring in (suggestions)
Replies: 939
Views: 108631

Re: Player to bring in (suggestions)

Bit of a long shot - Jordan Ball - Striker released by Doncaster Rovers - a product of their Youth Team. Scored two for Doncaster's Youth Alliance team in their 4-0 Alliance Cup Final win v Exeter in 2012.
Came on v Chesterfield in Johnstone Paints Trophy and scored with his first touch (a bullet header) - a real goal poacher's goal, looks strong and reads the game well.
His only other game was a substitute appearance v Hartlepool - again he had the ball in the net, only for it to be disallowed for an infringement. :)
by DonnyGull
28 Apr 2013, 00:33
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: BBC Predictor
Replies: 54
Views: 7645

Re: BBC Predictor

DonnyGull wrote:Just tried the Predictor

Gillingham Champions 1st - Just getting over 100 pts
Port Vale 2nd
Cheltenham 3rd

Relegated Aldershot & Barnet

Torquay 6th from bottom - hopefully getting 53pts. :ping:

Here's hoping!!
Should have had a few quid on my bottom of table predictions . Barnet and Aldershot relegated and Torquay finishing 6th from bottom on 53 points.
Predictions made on 17th March.
by DonnyGull
27 Apr 2013, 17:22
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United V Bristol Rovers 27th April 2013
Replies: 298
Views: 24453

Re: Torquay United V Bristol Rovers 27th April 2013

I thought the stress of today was bad for me in supporting Torquay, in their successful bid to escape the drop.

My lad - supporting his local team Donny Rovers, has just experienced the highs and lows of football. Penalty to Brentford 90 mins + 4 (son almost in tears). Brentford miss penalty, Doncaster break and score (Coppinger - ex Exeter City) League One Champions. Lows to Highs in 20 seconds. Now dancing around the living room.

Stuff the Premier League - that's what supporting your local team is all about! :clap: :clap: :clap:
by DonnyGull
27 Apr 2013, 16:38
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United V Bristol Rovers 27th April 2013
Replies: 298
Views: 24453

Re: Torquay United V Bristol Rovers 27th April 2013

bixieupnorth wrote:barnet 2-0
Barnet losing 2-0 bix