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by tktufc91
02 Mar 2017, 20:09
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Would you go and watch Torquay United in the Conference South?
Replies: 63
Views: 11199

Would you go and watch Torquay United in the Conference South?

It doesn't matter whether we're. National League, National South or Devon League, I will always try to get to as many games as I can. Despite how bad we are, the miles travelling and the god awful results along the way, my weekends wouldn't feel right without prolonged visits of the famous Torquay United.

I pray we can get out of this situation again, but I'm not confident. 2 wins from our next 2 games would certainly go a long way in restoring my faith.
by tktufc91
27 Mar 2016, 23:01
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Dover v Torquay United
Replies: 132
Views: 22812

Dover v Torquay United

Doverfan wrote:Good evening gentlemen, can I first assure you I do come in peace, but equally do so to hopefully counter and offer an alternative perspective on some of the comments contained within these pages, written I am guessing at a time when passion and yesterdays circumstances took over from rationale.

If I may, let's deal first with the tackle which putting injury aside just for a minute wasn't good, and on another day I would concede a red could have easily been given and no could have argued. But to suggest as one of your posters did that Payne purposely set out to harm your lad, or as another insisted even more emotively and melodramatically that he intentionally tried to "do him" is surely an utterly ridiculous thing to say and more over the top than the tackle ever was.

Why on earth would anyone, never mind one who has previously been sent of twice want to even consider such a pre-meditated act of thuggery and against someone he doesn't even know, and more so in risking a red which would of meant him picking up a minimum of a five game ban.

I was twenty yards from it, most of your fans weren't, and yes unarguably it was a bad tackle, yes, but not an horrific one.

What was horrific obviously, was the subsequent diagnosis of Durrells injury and as like minded football supporters and I assure you caring and compassionate people to boot, does anyone on here honestly believe that anyone at Dover, from the back room staff, the supporters, players, and probably even more so now Payne himself is not as horrified and equally mortified as you guys now the full horror of the injury is known?

We are not Neanderthals, we're not thugs. Yes of course we wanted to win, like you, we always want to win, but not at any cost, and whilst we are delighted with the result, to suggest there were sections of the crowd specifically laughing at Durrells pain, even without knowing at that time the extent of his injuries is as ludicrous as it is totally subjective, and personally speaking my heart and thoughts quickly go out to him and his family.

But again, when warming down do you honestly think Payne was really laughing at Durrells misfortune, what, an hour later especially as no-one in the ground had even an inkling of the horrid severity of the incident.

Though anything is possible I suppose, and whilst not claiming to know what he found so good natured, so I won't guess, it could have been literally anything (including the simple possibility that we were 4-0 up at the time) and I would personally be mortified (and disgusted) if your assumptions were any more than that, Payney is just not that kind of person. As for warming down where he did, all our players, as indeed is the case at most clubs warm down at the side appropriate to their own dug out.

Yes he could have gone to the other end, but if he did that, you could equally argue I suppose had he done so and in doing so crossed right across your dugout where all your players and management were sitting that too actually could have been more contentious, one of those damned if you or damned if you don't moments I feel.

The only important thing is that Durell now fully recovers from this tragic misfortune and horrible injury, and can I assure you that everyone at Dover that I have spoken to is of the every same opinion and we all genuinely wish the lad the speediest of recoveries, not least that's because that's part of what being a football supporter even at arrogant, tin pot clubs like ours.

Look seriously, we know Dover itself is sh*t hole, we accept that (thankfully I don't live in the town) and we equally know that we are a small club, compared to some, Grimsby, Tranmere, Wrexham and yes why not even yourselves we are a very small club. Christ we have that thrown at us every time we beat a so called bigger team, it's almost as though we've committed a footballing felony and the sh*t we then take from their supporters who subsequently seem quite insulted about it, is relentless and surely that's arrogance>

Do Dover supporters want to see Torquay dive into the Conf South, frankly a lot wouldn't be bothered one way or another, but that had nothing to do with yesterday by the way, all we want to see is out team do well. Personally considering your recent problems, I actually would hate to see you relegated , not least because it's such a hard place to get out of, as indeed is this bloody league, so I wish you the best of luck in your last eight matches I really do.

Someone above suggested it might just be one good season for us, well actually after an appalling start, we had a great season last year as well. So yes we have done brilliantly already for to years. We don't have a great team full of great individuals, but do have a great, almost never say die spirit within the team and look what its doing for us, but next year who knows?

Deverdiks our centre mid who has been superb for us this season could be off, Payne, dare I mention him again equally so and it would be a huge loss as like him (or in your case ) or not is a great centre forward, and worse of all we fear bids coming in over the summer for Miller who has been exceptional take them out of the team (and nearly 50 goals) we could easily be at the other end of the table, which is why the last thing we would ever be is arrogant.

Again, best wishes to you for the rest of the campaign, and especially for Durrell and his speedy recovery, I promise you, no-one is laughing
Thanks for posting doverfan with your side of events. Personally I wish you guys all the best for the rest of the season and the fact clubs like yourself and Braintree are in the top 5 is testament to how good of a team you have. We all know we are not the team we once were in the conference and sadly this season we have been soundly beaten by many clubs, bigger and smaller than ourselves. We made stupid mistakes and quite honestly think we lost our heads after Berry was injured.

Sadly there were a few people near us in the first half who felt it necessary to taunt us and make fun of Berry's injury which caused tension between the fans. As we walked away to change ends I overheard someone say that he hopes Berry wouldn't recover, so I hope you can understand why some of us were very unhappy. Someone near me asked if the stewards could separate both fans at half time just in case anything kicked off.

If Payne was remorseful for what happened then he certainly didn't show it on the pitch. His attitude was very poor, laughing away with the referee at half time, coming out for the second half and smiling at us with a cocky look (you could say it was because we were booing him but he could easily have just ignored us and got on with it). whether you think the booing was petty or not, when a fellow professional has a serious injury, no one should be laughing, especially not the person who caused the injury in the first place.

That's what I witnessed yesterday anyway. Quite impressed with the set up at Dover. Nice little ground, decent clubhouse, decent entry price to get in and I do wish the "fans" all the best for the rest of the season.

We aren't all bitter and the fact that we suffer from big club syndrome is laughable. We know our place and hopefully will still be a national league club next season.
by tktufc91
26 Mar 2016, 23:52
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Dover v Torquay United
Replies: 132
Views: 22812

Dover v Torquay United

Think some of them are missing the point entitely. Not the first time we've been thrashed this season. We know we aren't going to turn over any team in this league. They can call us bitter all they want but put the boot on the other foot and I'm sure they would feel exactly the same as we feel.

See you next season Dover!
by tktufc91
26 Mar 2016, 21:30
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Dover v Torquay United
Replies: 132
Views: 22812

Dover v Torquay United

Gareth Law on twitter confirming a Tibula & Fibula break needing surgery.

Hope you're happy with yourself Payne!
by tktufc91
26 Mar 2016, 20:47
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Dover v Torquay United
Replies: 132
Views: 22812

Dover v Torquay United

Injuries happen in football, I get that. What I cannot condone is when Payne shows ZERO remorse for what happened to Berry. The referee bottled the decision and speaking to a few Dover fans at full time who had a better view of the incident all said he was lucky to stay on. Then he get's taken off and comes over to our end looking as smug and cocky as ever. I wish him no success in the future.

Never have I been to a ground where opposition "fans" (I would like to point out this is in the minority) would gloat about a player being injured. This is disgraceful and tarnishes my view of their football club.

Payne looked at us as he came out for the 2nd half and laughed at us, absolutely no remorse shown and I only hope Karma isn't real for his sake. The fact he walked off next to the ref at half time also just rubbed salt into already open wounds. He was weak and should never ref at this level again. That said our defending for some of the goals were awful.

Hearing it's a double leg break so hope you're all happy those who mocked. I wish Berry all the best and a quick recovery.
by tktufc91
27 Feb 2016, 23:43
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Bognor Regis
Replies: 121
Views: 16001

Bognor Regis

To me I couldn't care less about the FA Trophy. What hurt today was just how bad we were. We did well for 20 mins then Bognor took control. Lavercombe was the only player I think who did well (his kicking was poor second half although i think he was kicking into the wind.) He made a cracking save first half to keep it 0-0.

Gerring came on with 15 mins and slotted into the defence for Iffey. I know our subs bench is sparse but at 1-0 down I want us to attack.

We were second best all over the pitch and good luck to Bognor. Friendly club and a very real prospect next season it will be a league fixture if we don't improve.

I hope the team don't lose confidence from this. It was like Basingstoke all over again and a real kick in the gut from a positive week.

Quite a few unhappy supporters at full time, mainly down to how crap we were.

As much as a Wembley final would have been nice, we have our own cup finals to focus on now.
by tktufc91
25 Feb 2016, 19:28
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Bognor Replay or no Replay?
Replies: 5
Views: 1223

Bognor Replay or no Replay?

Ah. I thought it was the away sides decision. Fair enough if that's the case.
by tktufc91
25 Feb 2016, 12:58
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Bognor Replay or no Replay?
Replies: 5
Views: 1223

Bognor Replay or no Replay?

Curious to see everyones reaction regarding the Trophy match on Saturday.

Of course a cup run is good for the club in terms of finance but with a backlog of fixtures already and the prospect of more dependant on Saturday's result, should we have chosen to decide the winner on the day rather than have a replay?

I firmly believe we should have chosen to decide the winner on the day. I dread to think that we could have to play maybe 4 times in a week to catch up and I think that will hurt our survival chances. As nice as a Wembley trip would be, survival has to be our main focus.

Bognor I believe since Christmas are unbeaten and will be no pushovers.
by tktufc91
19 Feb 2016, 20:29
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Boreham Wood v Torquay
Replies: 118
Views: 20368

Boreham Wood v Torquay

With Arsenal, Watford & Barnet all at home tomorrow, not expecting a great turnout. Hopefully we'll bring a few tomorrow.

Think we'll have to try and make our own noise tomorrow.

Boreham Wood 1-2 Torquay. Att 298

by tktufc91
18 Feb 2016, 11:41
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Boreham Wood v Torquay
Replies: 118
Views: 20368

Boreham Wood v Torquay

I wonder if we might outnumber the home support. Boreham Wood average about 300 home fans maybe less.

For me it's a must win, especially after tuesday. We have to go on a run and it has to be sooner rather than later. Won't be easy though as they won at Braintree midweek. Massive game for us.
by tktufc91
11 Jan 2016, 13:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Tuesdays game - OFF
Replies: 32
Views: 5182

Tuesdays game - On/Off?

The club are still advertising a carvery menu on twitter for tuesday so I assume the game is still very much on. The weather in Plymouth over the last few days has been awful and today is the first day the sun has been out for a while.

Forecast looks positive for next few days so fingers crossed it's on. Not a fan of having extra games to play. Rather have points on the board than rely on winning those in hand.
by tktufc91
29 Dec 2015, 17:35
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Cheltenham Town v Torquay United
Replies: 76
Views: 12580

Cheltenham Town v Torquay United

[/quote] Thanks for the kind words.

Sadly I don't think I can take the time off work for the game on Friday, someone else will have to takeover for that one.[/quote]

If you can't make it Danny let me know. I'll be at FGR. Seemed to do alright at Chester.

Also mate. Absolutely brilliant drumming yesterday. Crowd got right behind the team. Doubt many fans if in our position would bring 400+ fans and make such a racket.
by tktufc91
23 Dec 2015, 10:00
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: What do you call a brace of Fishers? (signing news!)
Replies: 47
Views: 6233

What do you call a brace of Fishers? (signing news!)

Alex Fisher released today.

Shame. At Chesham he chased down every ball and I was encouraged by his start of the season.

All the best Fish!!
by tktufc91
15 Dec 2015, 11:31
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Spiess
Replies: 42
Views: 5277


Is to leave after tonight's Trophy match. On the OS now.
by tktufc91
05 Dec 2015, 20:54
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Wrexham- (NOW Dec 5th)
Replies: 227
Views: 34885

Torquay United v Wrexham- (NOW Dec 5th)

taxilady wrote:Hargreaves always seemed terrified about making substitutions, & our current management seems the same. We made no substitutions at all at Braintree despite the pitch being extremely heavy going (most of it is a sandpit) ; & too late today to make any difference. I appreciate that the team was flowing pretty well before we conceded, so there may have been a reluctance to change things at that moment; but perhaps we should have brought Marsh on earlier ? It looked like we were playing for a goal less draw at Braintree, & perhaps that was also the thinking today. Dangerous though, as it proved.
I honestly hope that wasn't the case. We are in no position to be playing for a draw when we're 5 points adrift and playing as the home side.

Listened on the radio and didn't sound a classic thanks mainly due to the conditions but sounded like we frustrated them for large parts. Apparently 0 shots on target according to BBC and 1 last week at Braintree isn't great especially when we need to find some goals. With FGR & Cheltenham over the festive break to come, really need to win next Sunday and at Chester to get some momentium going.