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Post by Southampton Gull »

Think more along the lines of a bit of bum fluff that needs a full face helmet or the wind would blow it straight off ;-)

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Post by Colorado Gull »

Poor Croatia. Fight for independence for 200 years, gain it for 20 odd years and then lose it by one move by joining the EU. 28 members of the European Union and who's the odds on favourite to be the 29th? Scotland. The SNP and a lot of Scottish people have been wanting independence for donkey's years. But the debate is a false one. If you vote 'yes' in the referendum taking place soon, you're not voting for independence. You're voting if you want to stay in one union (United Kingdom) or move into another, more demanding and less independent union (the European Union). It is ridiculous, you cannot be a part of the EU and be an independent country. The SNP are not fighting for Scottish independence, they're actually fighting for no independence at all.
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Post by gullintwoplaces »

dannyrvtufc4life wrote:Poor Croatia. Fight for independence for 200 years, gain it for 20 odd years and then lose it by one move by joining the EU. 28 members of the European Union and who's the odds on favourite to be the 29th? Scotland. The SNP and a lot of Scottish people have been wanting independence for donkey's years. But the debate is a false one. If you vote 'yes' in the referendum taking place soon, you're not voting for independence. You're voting if you want to stay in one union (United Kingdom) or move into another, more demanding and less independent union (the European Union). It is ridiculous, you cannot be a part of the EU and be an independent country. The SNP are not fighting for Scottish independence, they're actually fighting for no independence at all.
Spot on. I reckon it is because Alex Salmond is so small (in body and soul) that he wants to build up his self belief by going to European meetings as the boss of his own little country. He would clearly rather be an irrelevant little fish in a big pond than an irrelevant little fish in a small pond.
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Post by ferrarilover »

It's not really ridiculous. You're either part of a group, or you're not. We can't allow nations to pick and choose the elements which suit them and ignore the others, because that's a farce.

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Post by Gullscorer »

This makes me angry: how Israel treats its own indigenous citizens, because they are not Jews; but of course you don't hear about this kind of thing on the pro-Israeli BBC and mainstream media: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinio ... 63392.html :@
Last edited by Gullscorer on 14 Jul 2013, 11:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gullscorer »

In Florida you can shoot an unarmed person and get away with it. It’s legal!

Former neighbourhood watch leader George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by an all-female jury in Sanford, Florida. The jury, which deliberated the case for two days, also cleared Zimmerman of manslaughter charges after asking for clarification on the details of the charge.

In Florida, the "stand your ground" law means people can justify shooting people when they feel threatened, rather than retreating if the option is available.

Racism. Injustice. Lack of proper gun control. Will the USA ever be a decent civilsed country? It has less excuse than any other nation not to be. :@
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Post by Gullscorer »

I moved this from the 'whinge, moan & rant' thread as it's probably more appropriate here:

Genital Mutilation:

We hear a lot these days about female genital mutilation, which is comparatively rare in this country, most victims suffering this abuse before they arrived in the UK. But the problem of male genital mutilation- unnecessary circumcision - which is a far greater abuse, is never mentioned, not by feminists, nor politicians, nor the media. Even the NHS remains silent when young boys are admitted to hospital as emergency patients as a result of botched circumcisions.

Everyday, as many as 100 unnecessary male circumcisions are performed in the UK, a practice which can cause death, disability, disease, pain and discomfort and physical damage. Complications are common, for example, two boys a week are being admitted to the Emergency Department in Birmingham Children’s Hospital and one boy a month comes close to death as a result of male circumcision.

Unless it is required to prevent a more serious medical condition, there is no excuse for circumcision carried out for traditional cultural or religious reasons. In fact there is absolutely no religious justification for circumcision in modern society. Politicians, media, and the general public must be made more aware of this outrageous abuse of young boys. Why is it ignored?

Click on the link for the full story: http://endmalecircumcision.blogspot.co.uk/

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Post by ferrarilover »

Gullscorer wrote:In Florida you can shoot an unarmed person and get away with it. It’s legal!

Former neighbourhood watch leader George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by an all-female jury in Sanford, Florida. The jury, which deliberated the case for two days, also cleared Zimmerman of manslaughter charges after asking for clarification on the details of the charge.

In Florida, the "stand your ground" law means people can justify shooting people when they feel threatened, rather than retreating if the option is available.

Racism. Injustice. Lack of proper gun control. Will the USA ever be a decent civilsed country? It has less excuse than any other nation not to be. :@
I've not seen details of the case beyond those reported in the popular Press, but if those details are correct, America, once again, must hang its collective head in shame.
And to think, they police the world on this sort of thinking...

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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

All world leaders are either psychotic or aliens. I'm not joking.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Those who rule us are indeed mad. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Here's an example: British railways have been costing us more in subsidies after privatisation, than they ever did when they were in public ownership. Privatisation was supposed to bring down the cost of rail tickets, but the cost went up sky-high. Politicians sell off our public assets cheaply to their friends, then use our taxes to subsidise their private profits!

Here's another example: we now have £11 billion's worth of hospitals being built under Private Finance Initiatives (PFI), which will cost the country £65 billion to repay..!! Privatisation by stealth. Money which could be spent on the nation's health goes into private pockets.

Yet the great gullible British public swallow all the propaganda our Governments present to them.

Then there's the cost to this country of EU membership. Jeez, don't get me started on that... :@
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Post by Colorado Gull »

Well, if you're still 'pro-EU' after this then you're completely insane. Our unemployment rate in this country is 2.5 million (500,000 more then it would exactly the same figure as it was in the Great Depression) of which 958,000 are under 25, 22% youth unemployment. THE EUROPEAN UNION ARE ADVERTISING BRITISH JOBS TO PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF BRITAIN! They are even giving them the upper hand by offering financial support to get interviews here and move here! We are over paying the EU already, but who would have known that we are paying to give away British jobs.
Formerly dannyrvtufc4life.
Plymouth Gull

Post by Plymouth Gull »

British people don't want the scrag-end jobs though, the boring tedious jobs that immigrants come in and do.

http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/blog/arti ... ve-it-a-go
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Post by chunkygull »

Nick wrote:British people don't want the scrag-end jobs though, the boring tedious jobs that immigrants come in and do.

http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/blog/arti ... ve-it-a-go
sorry but that is utter b0ll0cks. there are many british people who would do the scrag-end, boring, tedious jobs but there are times when there are hardly even any of them around. quite often because the immigrant workers have already got them. there are times when there is absolutely sod all available.

when i got laid off i would have done anything, i went for a job i knew i could get because many would not like it, and lucky for me i really liked it, still do, and i have acheived qualifications and a chance to progress to better. there are still many who would not like my job. but you do what you have to, work and show willing and you can keep getting better.

the fact that many say foreign workers are better than ours and more hard workingand reliable is also rubbish.
i have worked with polish, other eastern europeans and thais. they are no different to ours in fact some of them once they get their foot in the door are far worse, they cut corners,can be quite lazy, moan a lot and cause trouble.

they might turn up 7 days a week, 12 hours a day but that does not mean you will get a decent product or days work out of them.

we should be more like austrailia, new zealand, canada and even america who are all desirable locations many would like to migrate to but the immigration laws are so strict and you have to qualify.they dont let just anybody in, you must be financially secure and have a career, have a job lined up and a house or accommodation organised.

they look at it as you can only come in if you bring something to the table. im sorry but in times like now where there is hardship and high unemployment we should be taking this stance also.

letting in people with unique skills or qualifications is fine but its about time the unskilled were stopped from coming here then there will be jobs britons have to take.

those who live on benefits and are able to work but wont take those jobs should be forced to, they should have their benefits cut. this would reduce the welfare bill and reduce the need for immigrant workers, we are too soft.
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Post by Plymouth Gull »

Each to their own! :)
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Post by cambgull »

Agree mostly Chunky. The problem we have is actually not the jobs, it's the access to all the other free benefits of being British that causes the trouble. Eastern Europeans have to go through plenty of different countries before they get to us, so why travel all that way and not stop along the way? It's not because of the job prospects, nor the money they would earn. It's the fact that the borders are totally open, we offer massive amounts of free stuff and we're afraid to look like we're persecuting thanks to the complaints of many members of the pathetic politically correct country we reside in.

The cause of the downfall of this country has for years has been, and will always be, White, Caucasian British males and females who don't have backbones, don't have the ability to say 'no', will always take the easy options and under no circumstances will they ever admit their own faults or mistakes. It has absolutely nothing to do with immigrants, homosexuals or any kind of ethnic minority. It's our own work.

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