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Post by Gullscorer »

I was going to post it on the 'Thought for the Day' thread, but this is a much more serious subject to think about:

Thanks to the influence of modern radical feminism, anyone following the debate in recent months about gender hate-speech on social media could be forgiven for thinking that on-line abuse is always perpetrated by men and suffered by women. But think again. Why is a Facebook group called "If Girls Get Period Pains Why Don't Boys Get A Kick In The Balls Once A Month" deemed acceptable? And why are so many women tweeting with the hashtag #KillAllMen? These are just two examples among many.

A 2010 study conducted for the Cyberbullying Research Center, (S. Hinduja, & J. W. Patchin, 2010). “Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Suicide,” states: " There have been several high profile cases involving teenagers taking their own lives in part because of being harassed and mistreated over the Internet. Cyberbullying victims were almost twice as likely to have attempted suicide compared to youth who had not experienced cyberbullying. Girls are 57% more likely to be victims of aggressive cyberbullying and 92%, i.e. nearly twice as many girls as boys, more likely to be the perpetrators."

Suicide is the second most common way for a man between the ages of 15 and 34 to die. It is outstripped, only just, by road deaths. About 900 young men in the UK take their own lives each year, and they account for about 75% of all suicides in this age group. Between 1970 and 1998 (a period which matches that of the rise of modern radical feminism) the suicide rate more than doubled. At its peak, five men were dying for every woman.

There’s more: men make up 73% of people who go missing each year, and 85% of people who sleep rough. Facts which are practically ignored by society and the mainstream media. As is the damage done to boys through male genital mutilation – circumcision – and the many botched results of the procedure. Yet little or nothing is done about these problems.

Meanwhile, political correctness requires massive funding be given to feminist-inspired groups which promulgate the myth of male oppression and female victimhood. And Symantec, Norton and O2, surrendering to extreme feminist pressure groups, ban and label as 'hate sites' legitimate websites simply because they represent men's concerns and interests. Facebook and others will surely follow suit, censoring and labelling as 'hate' any view which dissents from the feminist agenda, whilst allowing anything which denigrates, vilifies and demonises men.

It makes me angry. I hope it causes at least a few more people to give it some serious thought.
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Post by chunkygull »

Gullscorer wrote:I pretty well agree with you Chunkygull. But I would just add that people seem to take offence far too easily these days. Thanks to political correctness, there are far too many new offences introduced into law to protect people who need no protection but may simply feel offended. This has a knock-on effect: there is a slow but steady erosion of the rights of free speech and freedom of expression, and a matching increase in censorship. Indeed there is growing self-censorship, because people are increasingly afraid to express themselves freely. This can only result in the decline and slow death of democracy.
absolutely agree about the fact that there are now too many offences, laws. bogus protections and people taking offence. we are becoming an oppressive dictatorship in many ways.

i do not condone any form of 'ism or offensive conduct, but whatever happened to the saying sticks and stones etc. years ago if someone said something offensive to another person or poked fun at them or made what they felt was an amusing statement about the others differences, the retort would have been a sharp f**k off or reverse comments would have been made. banter if you like.

i have been called all sorts down the years about my own personality, private life and appearance, a lot of which many would take offence to, some at work would have made a big fuss and made major complaints, but not me, i either ignored it and shrugged it off because im better than that or gave as good as i got.

now everyone seems to be so touchy or offended too easily. the fact is for a long time, since the whole P.C brigade really took off we have been slowly brainwashed about what we should and shouldnt say or do, what we should be offended by and pretty much how we should think.

there always seems to be polls or paragraphs in the paper about what kind of society we are and what are thoughts are, and how the majority think. well meeting many people daily from all walks of life they dont think or feel how the media portray that they do. many would ask, well who are these people that think that way. we are often told there is outrage over certain things, really? it is all mind tricks telling us this is how people think, honest, so thats how you should all think.

i do not condone any form of real offensive or oppressive behaviour, i find racism, sexism (works both ways), ageism, homophobia and any other prejudice in its true form disgusting, repellent and unacceptable. but, how many of our so called offensive acts or behaviours these days are an oppressive, prejudice thing or an 'ism in its true form.

when somebody says something that is meant to offend another person that is surely far worse than if they didnt intend to cause offence but did so without meaning to. the lines seem to be getting more and more blurred as to what is offensive or what we should and shouldnt be offended by.

has political correctness improved our society? if it stops true offence, upset, despair and oppression then yes, but how many people truly know what any of these things mean? they only know to think what they are told to think....

im sure many people are swayed by the media or others as to what is offensive or not. you get the feeling that when people are on camera, on the record or in public what they say they think or feel and what they are really thinking are two different things. theres an awful lot of fake and feigned shock, disgust and outrage out there folks.

there is no such thing as free speech anymore and censorship is on the up.

lately many people i encounter have said how our freedom is slowly eroding. take for instance our prime ministers recent crusade on internet porn. it started as trying to stamp out the paedophiles looking at, downloading and uploading porn. admirable, just and extremely vital.... and about bloody time.

however this crusade then shifted more to the fact he was worried about kids (mainly his own) looking at porn, not being funny cameron but any parent worthy of their name would not allow a child access on their computer to that sort of content. we should be a lot more worried about the scum that look at children and not what the children are looking at. the computer should be set to take care of that already. any young children should not be allowed computer access whilst alone anyway, the computer is not a babysitter. how stupid do you think we are.

so he is now trying to more or less ban all pornography being viewed on the net, you will all have a blocker and unless you make yourself look a perv and opt in via your service providers to view it then it is censored. they will have all your names folks.

its not the fact of having porn blocked that is my point or problem before you all start, its the fact that this will be just the beginning and where will it stop? eventually more and more aspects of our lives will be not allowed or monitored closer, its getting there now, just think about it....

eventually they will know everywhere we go, everything we do, see, look at and read.with the amount of cctv, politically correctness, do what you are told, this is what you should think, this is how you should behave, blah, blah, blah.... we are definitely a nanny state, big brother is watching and he is in charge. its all about control, power, fear and oppresion. fear keeps you under control, if you start to worry or fear what you should and shouldnt say or do within reason and you are a law abiding citizen then surely something is wrong.

does it remind you of something and somewhere? old school communist regimes like the old soviet union, china, north korea etc, etc.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Absolutely right. And don't forget Hitler's Nazis, Fascism, and all the world's dictatorships. We are being led into a totalitarian state and people are walking willingly into slavery and tyranny to maintain their security against the supposed threat of terrorism.
Censorship: http://www.avoiceformen-uk.com/2013/07/ ... rship.html
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Post by ferrarilover »

Good news chaps! There was only ever one law against causing offence and it is due to be effectively repealed this year. S5 of the Public Order Act was the victim of a successful campaign against it and the offence of causing offence is no longer an offence.

Rejoice (or I'll be offended).

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Post by Southampton Gull »

Gullscorer wrote:people are walking willingly into slavery and tyranny to maintain their security against the supposed threat of terrorism.
Not just in the name of terrorism but the sentiment is exactly right. Everywhere you turn there is some form of legislation designed to bust your balls yet what are people doing about it? Absolutely **** all.

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Post by Gullscorer »

ferrarilover wrote:Good news chaps! There was only ever one law against causing offence and it is due to be effectively repealed this year. S5 of the Public Order Act was the victim of a successful campaign against it and the offence of causing offence is no longer an offence.
Rejoice (or I'll be offended).
S5 refers to conduct which a constable reasonably suspects to constitute an offence under this section. Is it going to be replaced by some new amendment?
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Post by Gullscorer »

Do you plan to visit Italy?

Italian gynocentric dictatorship doesn’t stop. Be aware that since August 8, 2013, any man in Italy can be jailed, without preliminary due process, if an anonymous allegation of violence is filed against him[1].

This was decided in one night, behind closed doors, while most Italians are on vacation. This nonsense was passed without any approval or discussion in the Parliament, in the good old “bi-partisan” style with the two parties that are in power in Italy – Partito Democratico (“PD”, the Democratic Party), with many avowed communists and Popolo della Libertà (“PdL”, the People of Freedom) with several avowed national-socialists of feminist orientation (such as Alessandra Mussolini[2]). Feminists have a strong lobby influencing these kinds of politicians, who usually speak kindly when it comes to presumption of innocence and due process rights, but only when it’s necessary for themselves.

But since in this case it’s not their necks on the line, they decided that real criminals presently in jail will get a discount of 3 years (this will save the embattled Mr. Berlusconi, albeit to be fair, the discount for offenders with prison sentences smaller than 3 years applies to almost everyone), and that innocent men can instead go to jail according to their new “femicide” law. So, basically, under this “femicide” law, Italy comes one step closer to being a de facto feminist dictatorship considering that the law has provisions like:

•illegal immigrants will get a residence permit if they make allegations of violence
•the State will pay for a lawyer for anybody who makes allegations of violence. (Such lawyers are usually feminists and the police already recognize that 80% of such allegations are false).
•women will no longer have the right to stop cases created through their own allegations. (This secures the economical gain of feminist lawyers for about 10 years, given that the Italian judiciary system is so slow).
•such allegations will have a “preferential path in courts” and the person who makes allegations will be “protected”. Thus lawyers can be denied of the right to normally interrogate the accuser to establish the truth. In particular, the allegation can be anonymous.
•As immediate action, men can be thrown away from their homes if there is “a risk of danger” for a woman. In other words, men will go to jail before a trial even gets to take place.

These are the first goodies of the Istanbul Convention[4] and they go even beyond the US “Violence Against Women Act” (VAWA) law. In line with the principles of this law, an Italian feminist lawyer can falsely accuse a man and get funds from the state to hound him for 10 years. The official position of the association of lawyers is[5]: "this pushes back the country compared to elementary standards of legal culture that we thought ensured. Such laws overturn the constitutional principle of presumption of innocence, in a matter, that of family relationships, which lends itself to instrumental accusations that will lead people directly to jail without any preliminary filter: a worrying scenario that satisfies the instances of fanatics of hanging."

The most worrying part is that not only this law provides incentives for illegal female immigrants to throw innocent men in jail, but it also allows the State to imprison innocent men just because a feminist lawyer wants that and the woman under whose name this whole thing is being made will have no say in the matter. And this comes after the Italian State already took the right to take the kids away from the father regardless of what the mother of the kids has to say about it. The Italian State is in an open war with the Italian men[6] and this piece of legislation only serves as yet another nail in the coffin of a nation that used to be a proud and free one.

Italy may be the first European nation to make these kinds of practices legal, but it’s not the first European nation that engages in these kinds of malicious practices. In the United Kingdom, Keith Vaz, the chairman of the Commons Home Affairs Committee, is urging the government to probe hundreds of bogus migrant brides crying rape in order to get a UK visa[7]. Similar practices were encouraged during the Spanish Gender Stalinist regime of the “Ley Contra la Violencia de Género” (the Gender Violence Act)[8], and Sweden is not that far off either.

At this point, there is a serious competition as to what will ultimately bring the demise of Europe: the economics, the European Union or the feminist tyranny. And since the economics are addressed through the tyrannical feminist European Union, we can expect at a very sad series of events to occur in the next years in Europe.

Special thanks go to one of the Italian correspondents of the European News department – Pasquale Binelli.
Article written by Lucian Valsan.
Sources here: http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/it ... esnt-stop/
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Post by ferrarilover »

Scorer, it's being amended simply to remove the '...or insulting' element to the offence. You still won't be allowed to threaten or abuse, but you can insult. Thus, I can call the Archbishop of Canterbury a moron for believing in a man who lives on a cloud. Anyone insulted by that can go **** themselves. What I can't do is threaten to punch the Archbishop for his views, because that is a breach of s5 (and, in some circumstances, an assault).

I'm absolutely delighted by the amendment. No one has the right to be protected from insult, that simply isn't a thing from which the State should offer protection or guarantee.

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Post by Gullscorer »

So the police have used anti-terrorism laws to arrest, and confiscate the computer equipment of, the partner of a reporter who published information from a US whistleblower who was imprisoned for revealing US war crimes and dirty tricks, the shooting of innocent civilians and the torture of prisoners. A whistleblower who in reality perhaps deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his actions.

Governments and their armed forces and police can be terrorists too, as is illustrated by tyrannical and oppressive regimes throughout history, and they must be held to account just as much as the enemies they denounce. And what are terrorists to one side may be freedom fighters and saboteurs to the other. But they are all wrong. Can you fight fire with fire? Does one crime excuse another?

This police action is outrageous and unacceptable. Freedom of expression? Freedom of information? Transparency? Democracy? Do these things really exist? Or are they all a big confidence trick? Are we drifting willingly into totalitarian slavery, all in the name of freedom? Security? Most of the secure places in the world are prisons.
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Post by Alpine Joe »

So the police have used anti-terrorism laws to arrest, and confiscate the computer equipment of, the partner of a reporter who published information from a US whistleblower who was imprisoned for revealing US war crimes and dirty tricks, the shooting of innocent civilians and the torture of prisoners.
Gullscorer is right to highlight what he describes as 'outrageous and unacceptable' police action, but I'm not sure that the section of his post that I've highlighted above is strictly accurate. While David Miranda was detained at Heathrow, at no time was he placed under arrest. I'd also question whether Edward Snowden has ever been imprisoned ? His revelations (to the best of my knowledge) have almost entirely centred around, the NSA, surveillance, PRISM, and the unconstitutional collection of data on U.S citizens and others.

The revealing of US war crimes, dirty tricks, and shooting of innocent civilians would have more in common with Bradley Manning who revealed such information via the WikiLeaks Organisation, and not through Glenn Greenwald and The Guardian.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Yep, you're right, I had Bradley Manning on my mind here and confused him with Edward Snowden. But they're both heroes of the people. I'm with Oliver Stone on this one.

However, there's very little difference between detention and arrest when you're kept locked up for nine hours. And if you're released without being charged, your possessions should be returned to you intact.

Home Secretary Theresa May said the police must act if someone had "highly sensitive stolen information". But what governments regard as highly sensitive is usually their own skulduggery which they want to keep hidden, what they regard as stolen information is that which embarrasses them when the public is informed by whistleblowers.

This sort of behaviour by officialdom is indicative of the warped world view of those with power and control, whether in governments or terrorism, armed forces or police. Their real enemies are freedom and the great mass of the human population. A good example is Egypt, whose army purports to support democracy but in fact retains the real power and control in the country. And if we were to be governed tomorrow by an overt dictatorship, those who currently police us and control our borders would just as zealously carry out whatever orders their new rulers might give them.
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Post by Gullscorer »

I'm getting really pissed off with the USA:

The NSA bugged the United Nations' headquarters in 2012, hacking into its video-conferencing and spying on the diplomatic work of other countries, according to a leak released by Edward Snowden, published by Germany's Der Spiegel weekly magazine.

The leaked documents also show that the U.S. spied on offices of the European Union, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The documents show the U.S. bugged the European legation to the U.N. as well as containing the full IT infrastructure of their office, and a floor plan.

"The data traffic gives us internal video teleconferences of the United Nations (yay!)," one document said. The spying operation reportedly served very little security purpose and was strictly part of an intelligence operation called "Special Collection Service," which spied on more than 80 countries worldwide.

In the weeks after the U.S. hacked into the teleconference system, the number of intercepted communications rose from 12 to 458, according to the leaked documents.

These damaging (i.e. embarrassing to the US government) revelations came a week after journalist Glenn Greenwald pledged to continue coordinating an effort to report on the leaked spying documents after his partner was detained by British authorities.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Getting really really pissed off with the USA: Below is an excellent must read article from The Community of the Wrongly Accused http://www.cotwa.info/

Here’s how it works, in small part anyway: after convincing one or two willing legislators and a handful of journalists that a problem exists, elitist feminists have laws written to suit their beliefs, which are supported by not much more than “I want it.”

They scream, threaten, and otherwise coerce acquiescence until they get what they want. Here, over the years, they wanted watered down and aggressively expanded definitions of sexual assault until almost all unwanted behavior could be construed as a criminal offense.

We received a phone call this week from the grandmother of a young man incarcerated for the last six months because they cannot afford bail. He was incarcerated because several weeks after ending a relationship with a young woman he was accused by her of rape.

Her claim? The sex was consensual but during the act she asked three times for him to stop. By her own admission her fear came out as whispers. Now the entire weight of the criminal justice system is bearing down on this young man for a 'he said, she said'.

There is absolutely no evidence to support the young woman’s claim, which the young man denies. How can such a thing happen in America? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? How is it that a young man with no criminal history can be incarcerated for six months without bail?

This absurd scenario of injustice is just one of many that play out in America every day. If nothing else, it seems that he should be released pending disposition of his case.

Don’t stay silent. Don’t just read about things like this. Get up, get out, and do something about it or you too may find being innocent is not enough to keep you free.

http://ncfm.org/2013/07/action/ncfm-mem ... pe-biased/
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Post by Gullscorer »

US Secretary of State John Kerry condemns what he terms the "moral obscenity" of the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons against its own people.

This is from a man whose nation is the most heavily armed in the world. Is he a fool or a hypocrite? Surely he knows that the use of any weapons against any people is morally obscene.
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