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Post by Gullscorer »

Q: How many pensioners does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but it might take all day. :~D
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Post by Gullscorer »

History: [youtube]d7hzcLZ7uRc[/youtube]

Soccer: [youtube]VK9pi-XsV0M[/youtube]
Last edited by Gullscorer on 07 Mar 2014, 19:50, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

Gullscorer wrote:Those who don't think this is funny enough, or who think it's too 'political' (you know who you are) can bugger off:
My heart sinks every time you post on this thread.

Can't you find a job to fill some of your time up please? Yet again it's neither funny or even remotely amusing and is yet again a veiled attack on (some) women. Cambgull has set a thread up for you, YOU bugger off and use it ffs and leave this one to the FUNNY and AMUSING stuff it was set up for please!!!!! :slap:
'Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level then beat you with their experience!
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Post by Gullscorer »

EmetEdadsBeard wrote: My heart sinks every time you post on this thread.

Can't you find a job to fill some of your time up please? Yet again it's neither funny or even remotely amusing and is yet again a veiled attack on (some) women. Cambgull has set a thread up for you, YOU bugger off and use it ffs and leave this one to the FUNNY and AMUSING stuff it was set up for please!!!!! :slap:
It's not a veiled attack on anybody. It's useful and helpful information. Have you bothered to read all the numerous funny jokes I've posted? Watched the funny videos I've put up? Compared to all those, the number of serious and useful items I've posted on this thread has been miniscule. Certainly I speak out for the interests of men and boys, but I suspect you haven't bothered to read most of my serious posts on this forum, otherwise you would not falsely accuse me of hating women. Yet you and perhaps a couple of others seem to be obsessed with them. Oh, and please try to get it into your head that this thread is NOT and was never meant to be solely for funny tubes and funny videos. Only the jokes should be funny; the others can be funny, or not, as the case may be.
Have you tried psychotherapy or counselling..?? :na:
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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

Gullscorer wrote: It's not a veiled attack on anybody. It's useful and helpful information. Have you bothered to read all the numerous funny jokes I've posted? Watched the funny videos I've put up? Compared to all those, the number of serious and useful items I've posted on this thread has been miniscule. Certainly I speak out for the interests of men and boys, but I suspect you haven't bothered to read most of my serious posts on this forum, otherwise you would not falsely accuse me of hating women. Yet you and perhaps a couple of others seem to be obsessed with them. Oh, and please try to get it into your head that this thread is NOT and was never meant to be solely for funny tubes and funny videos. Only the jokes should be funny; the others can be funny, or not, as the case may be.
Have you tried psychotherapy or counselling..?? :na:
Cant you get it into your head that YES IT WAS FFS! Long before you arrived it was called just 'Jokes', the tubes and videos was added later, and you may (or probably may not) have noticed that YOU (yes YOU Gullscorer) seem to be the only one who thinks any differently! Troll back through numerous pages prior to your arrival and you'll find NOTHING, NIL, ZILCH, ZERO posts which aren't jokes, funny tubes or amusing links.
Cant make it any simpler for you, you've had a thread set up for your anti women rants and links now bore off and use it and let the rest of us enjoy a laugh or two.
PLEASE!!!! :@
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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

I'll return with a joke in abit when I've settled and had my tea..............
'Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level then beat you with their experience!
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Post by Gullscorer »

EmetEdadsBeard wrote:I'll return with a joke in abit when I've settled and had my tea..............
Please get it into your head that I an NOT anti women. I am anti feminist. Big, big difference, which you would understand if you bothered to read any of my posts on the subject. I suggest you look at a few of them more closely, and also see my reply to Cambgull on the Whinge and Moan thread.

Anyway, it seems that nothing I post is in any way funny to you. I'm beginning to think you don't have a sense of humour, or you certainly don't share mine. Try reading through some of my numerous FUNNY jokes on this thread. And let's test your sense of humour with this one:

'I'm not saying my wife is a big lady, but I've just had to put an energy saving light bulb in the fridge..' :~D
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Post by Gullscorer »

Now this video really is FUNNY..!! FUNNY, FUNNY, FUNNY...!!! Anybody who thinks otherwise definitely has no sense of humour...
:lol: =D :rofl:
And this one's just as FUNNY; really FUNNY: :rofl: =D :lol:
Last edited by Gullscorer on 07 Mar 2014, 20:31, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Well now folks, surprise, surprise:

So far, or (if you think this is more impressive, which I don't) thus far, on this one page, I have posted 6 FUNNY videos, 2 FUNNY jokes, and one public service video for ladies who are pregnant..!!

And there have been 2 complaints from my detractors, to which I have posted 2 responses.

And what have they posted, in the form of videos (FUNNY or otherwise) or jokes (FUNNY or otherwise)?

To quote: 'NOTHING, NIL, ZILCH, ZERO.' Oh, except for one little promise of a joke, unfulfilled..

Well, dear detractors, you have two opportunities left on this page to redeem yourselves, to practise what you preach, and to post a couple of FUNNY jokes or FUNNY videos or, if that's too difficult, something that's useful and of service to others (which I'm sure the mods will allow because threads, like all other things in life, can sometimes change and evolve), but if you can combine that with something FUNNY, so much the better.

Oh, and if I've told you once I've told you a million times: DON'T EXAGGERATE..!!

Need I say more..?? (No need to answer that)... :~D
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Post by Wisconsin_gull »

Irish family sitting at the supper table
The youngest of three sons aged 6 asks his dad...
"Why are my brothers named Patrick and George?"

Dad replies..."well you see they were born on st Patricks day and st George's day - so yer ma and I decided we should name them after the day... Why do you ask pancake?"
At the kerb halt - look right - look left -look right again - if all clear quick march!
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Post by Gullscorer »

My Chinese neighbour told me he'd just opened a "Crows shop".

I said, "Don't you mean a clothes shop?"

He said, "A Crows shop!"

I said, "OK, I might pop down for a Rook."
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