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Post by Southampton Gull »

No mate, I think he's made of sterner stuff than that. Quite aggressive language though for someone who accused me of the same. Tongue in cheek mischief making is so often misconstrued on the Internet ;-)

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Post by cambgull »

I don't think I've ever accused you of aggressive language, have I? I've accused you of making accusations without backing up your statements - ref: Directors, but I generally couldn't give a damn about stern language.

As for tongue in cheek mischief, then I will applaud the level of effort that he goes to in order to build up his knowledge base on the subject. If that's the case, then fair play.

The more likely case, however, is that he actually believes that crap but just fancies winding someone up. If so, then I my point still stands. His viewpoints are bollocks.

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Post by Southampton Gull »

I was referring to your tongue in cheek mischief not his. Like I said, easily misconstrued :-D

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Post by cambgull »

Oh, I see. In fairness, it isn't tongue in cheek mischief, I'm genuinely flabbergasted by how stupid he is.

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Post by Gullscorer »

Cambgull, surely you could not have expected me to ignore the nonsense you’ve posted here, though I was tempted, knowing that some people will believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts and the evidence, and knowing that I would probably be wasting my time on you. But this is not for you. This is for some of the more sensible yet unenlightened folks out there who may chance upon this thread and may not reply to anything we posted, but will certainly be able to explore those avenues I’ve signposted and will decide the issues for themselves.

First, I'm genuinely flabbergasted by how stupid you are. I almost feel sorry for you. You have obviously swallowed the big feminist lie, doubtless during your time in the education system or during it’s extracurricular activities. You’ve been hoodwinked and indoctrinated, like so many other young people, by gullibly accepting the false history and ideology which those feminists in academia with a veneer of authority have peddled as fact, along with their biased studies and surveys, distorted and mendacious statistics, group-think and peer pressure, and you’re now beginning to reveal your true colours.

You give the game away regarding your support for (and obsession for) feminism when you talk about ‘finally trying to assert some dominance’. (And feminism claims it's all about equality..)!! You even talk about the Jews doing the same, in reference to... what, exactly? Booting the Palestinians out of Israel when it was set up in 1948? On the other hand, let me make it clear: if I’m obsessed at all, it’s about truth, justice, fairness, true equality, and common humanity, whilst always being (in complete contrast to the bigoted self-righteousness of the fanatical ideologue) full of self-doubt, which is to say, I don't rush headlong into rash judgements and decisions or ill-considered actions. I shall, briefly (because I don’t want to waste too much time on you: you appear to be beyond redemption), offer a rebuttal of the ludicrous twaddle you have posted here:

Men assuming power? Oppressing poor downtrodden women for thousands of years? Did it not occur to you that because of biology, necessity and natural circumstances, men’s and women’s roles in society were simply a matter of survival for the human species? And if one sex was more cosseted, protected and privileged than the other it was (rightly) the female one. It was men who, of necessity, faced the dangers and hardships and responsibilities of providing for and protecting their families. And yes, in many societies these responsibilities were formalised to ensure that men remained liable in law to maintain their families and adhere to their societal duties, even in such matters as making men liable to pay for their wives’ debts.

It was not suffragettes or feminism which led to female emancipation. It was the advent of modern technology and the invention of the female contraceptive pill which more than anything freed women from centuries of child-rearing and domestic chores. I could go on and on trying to present you with the truth but I know I would be wasting my time. Suffice it to say that it’s all out there for those who wish to seek it with an objective and open mind.

But, like most converts to a cause, you are more dangerously fanatical than those in positions of power and influence who cynically make use of you. And, not having any reasoned, cogent arguments to present in response to my own, you resort to the typical feminist responses of ad hominem attacks and attempts to shame and ridicule and silence. (Some feminists have even been known to try to resort, where possible, to censorship)! You seem to think that it’s OK for feminism to continue to spew out its propaganda, hatred and lies, but beyond the pale for anybody to protest against this. And when we do so, in your eyes it’s obsession and stupidity.

Sorry to disappoint you, but more and more people (including most women) are now rejecting feminism and seeing it for what it is: an evil, hate-filled ideological movement, which was started by a group of extreme academic Marxist lesbians almost half a century ago. People are beginning to see through to the rotten core of feminism, which is damaging to both men and women, and which was set up to change society in accordance with totalitarian principles. And feminists are desperately running scared, because feminism, like all totalitarian ideologies, contains the seeds of its own destruction. It may not happen tomorrow or even in ten years time, but its days are numbered. Feminism is doomed, and the time will come when humanity, men and women, will be free from its corrupt and pernicious influence.

And now, if you don't mind, could we please also see some threads and posts on other topics? Sorry, but you've lost the debate on this one.. :) :-D
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Post by cambgull »

"There is nothing more dangerous than one who believes they have seen the truth."

I forget who said it, but it's very true, you know.

I can't be bothered with this debate any more Gullscorer, it's not that I'm admitting defeat, it's just that you're the equivalent of the lad with Autism who got indoctrinated by an extremist Islamic group and attempted to bomb a cafe, but failed miserably and went to a non-existent Heaven to find his non-existent virgins.

There are many hilarious parts throughout all your posts in which you claim a certain ideology to be a feminist one, yet the ideology has existed for far longer than any kind of feminist movement has even been around. For example, becoming more intelligent... That would just be ridiculous now because that's a feminist ideology! The problem is that you've read some websites, they've told you that it's a feminist thing and you've blindly followed it whilst proclaiming that you've seen the light. I'll look forward to seeing you on the news when you take part in some mass-suicide protest, which will have no effect on anything at all. That's what kooks like you do, isn't it?

And may I just add that your main argument is that I'm a feminist or have been indoctrinated by feminists. Hardly, I'm one of the most cynical people you'll ever meet and question everything I see. I have my own belief set which may or may not cross paths with some feminist ideologies, but that would be merely coincidental. I believe in what I believe for the permanent goal of bettering myself in every way, and I'd like to think that I've done a fairly good job at that. That isn't feminism, that's "me-ism" and I fully intend to stay a "me-ist", thank you.

I will let you carry on now Gullscorer, you keep blindly following what some websites tell you to follow and I'll keep blindly following what common sense tells me to follow, and we'll see who does the best out of it.

Methinks I'll win, by far.

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Post by Gullscorer »

Cambgull, you're obviously clutching at straws.

There is no such quote, unless you can so describe something you created yourself. Because it appears to be in your style. And of all the people who've ever been quoted, few have ever been so grammatically incorrect. But you're creative, to an extent, I'll grant you that. And you certainly have an ego. If only you also had the ability to understand what other people are trying to tell you, and to admit you might be in error, then there might be some hope for you. Some, if not most, of your utterances reveal more about yourself than about the issues being discussed. It's been fun arguing with you, but you're getting to be a very sad case.

Oh, I almost forgot. Here's a quote: 'There's none so blind as those who don't want to see'. So carry on thinking whatever you want to think. But remember, if you try to put those thoughts into words, others might not be so generous in wasting their time trying to enlighten you. And, you'll be pleased to hear, I certainly have no more time to waste on you..

At least, not for the present.. :)
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Post by cambgull »

Gullscorer wrote:Cambgull, you're obviously clutching at straws.

There is no such quote, unless you can so describe something you created yourself.
I'm impressed Gullscorer, this means you have listened to or read every single documented monologue, dialogue and polylogue in the history of the world. And I was the one clutching at straws here?
Gullscorer wrote:few have ever been so grammatically incorrect.
I don't really need to reply to this one, so I will just embed your hypocrisy within itself.
Gullscorer wrote:If only you also had the ability to understand what other people are trying to tell you, and to admit you might be in error, then there might be some hope for you.
Oh, almighty Deity of bullshit. Heed thine own words.
Gullscorer wrote:Some, if not most, of your utterances reveal more about yourself than about the issues being discussed. It's been fun arguing with you, but you're getting to be a very sad case.
I'll be sure to cry about this into my prospering working life, thoroughly hectic but enjoyable social life and my soon-to-be-wife, whom I am marrying because I'm not a complete pussy who is scared of her opinions.
Gullscorer wrote:others might not be so generous in wasting their time trying to enlighten you.
Thank **** for that. I was getting a bit bored of Jehovah's Witnesses, they keep trying to assert their opinionated beliefs upon me too. What's your opinion on them, out of interest? I'm intrigued to know as they basically do the same thing you do, except they go on about God and some bloke they've never actually witnessed and you go on about some grade 2 haired lesbians who don't shave their armpits.
Gullscorer wrote:And, you'll be pleased to hear, I certainly have no more time to waste on you..
Yes, you do, because if you don't reply to this, you won't be able to get the last word. You couldn't possible let someone with feminist ideologies have the last word in a debate with you, could you? ;-)

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Post by Gullscorer »

April 2003 - Russian Liberal politician Sergey Yushenkov assassinated near his Moscow home.

July 2003 - Investigative journalist Yuri Shchekochikhin died after 16-day mysterious illness.

July 2004 - Forbes magazine Russian editor Paul Klebnikov shot from moving car on Moscow street, died later in hospital.

October 2006 - Investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya shot dead outside her Moscow apartment.

November 2006 - Former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko died nearly three weeks after drinking tea laced with polonium in London hotel.

March 2013 - Boris Berezovsky, former Kremlin power broker turned Putin critic, found dead in his UK home.

February 2015 - Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov shot dead in Moscow.

Not to mention a number of other prominent Russians jailed after being convicted on highly dubious charges during these years..

Anyone see a pattern emerging here..?? :-/
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Post by Orange Gull »

Putin runs what is in essence a gangster state, where any serious opposition ends up either in prison or dead. It's no wonder why Russia has lost any credibility it may have had with the rest of the world.
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Post by Gullscorer »

With a general election just weeks away, we'll be hearing, among other things, speeches from the party leaders. I'll try to provide links here as and when I come across them, plus anything else of interest. Feel free to do the same, and thereby probably save me a fair bit of work. And don't forget to add your comments/opinions, if any.

To kick off, here's Nigel Farage's speech at the UKIP spring conference 2015:
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Post by Gullscorer »

The difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain, England, the Commonwealth and more, explained:

And the European Union explained:
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Post by Trojan 67 »

Anagram of "Tony Blair MP" -> "I'm Tory plan B"

Aint it the truth

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Post by Trojan 67 »

Anagram of "United Kingdom Independence Party" -> "a pint drinking EU dependent comedy"

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Post by stevegull »

Election season rumbles in to focus. What are the issues that will effect your voting intentions? I'm genuinely curious.

The economy seems to be the main one in the current climate

The EU and immigration goes hand in hand but is it enough to change where you put the cross on the ballot paper?

Does a lurch to the right wing or left wing sound appealing to you and you're voting on that ideological standpoint?

For the record, I remain a floating voter.
Maybe one day, Carayol will find London...
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