Cox Resigns

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Scott Brehaut
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

Maybe they could all set up their own site - www. letsbuyaclubonitskneesfinanciallyandthendevelopthelandintoasainsburysorsomethingofthatilkinordertomakeafortune. com

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Post by wbw »

If the club is on its knees and folds - the lease for the land reverts to the council.

Good luck then with the "assets" on it.
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

Ah, and here comes "wbw" again, banging on about the lease for the ground.

I wonder what your interests in the club are....

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Post by Yellow74 »


This really is getting beyond a joke all these idiots joining the forum trying to cause problems, the club has enough of it own at the moment. I read PCs statement and I have to say that if it is 100% true we should be embarrassed that we even contacted his asking him to come back!! Why on earth would we open ourselves up to more humiliation.

I have a couple of issues with what is going on and the main one is that as fans of the club we need transparency at this time, if things are so bad that we may not finish the season why not just tell us and enable us to all rally together? I don't understand why when we are down to the hardcore of 1500 fans we would risk loosing more? For an hour this afternoon I had to question whether I would go tonight, why cant we just have an open statement that clarifies the situation the club is in and what we can and can't afford?

I run a national business from my office in Torquay and whilst I don't have the funds to invest in the club, like most of us I would not mind diverting a small percentage of my profits to a cause if I felt I could trust where that money was going. Personally I don't feel that the player fund is covering the cost of just players. I also don't see the point in contributing to a player fund if we don't have a manager. Surely the club would have been better coming clean in the beginning explaining the circumstances that PC was recruited under and setting up a Manager fund instead?

I really am at my witts end but Ill be their tonight because I care and want my children and grandchildren to grow up having a local team to support.

Finally if there are any recently joined members who are trying to stir up trouble can they kindly F off.
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Post by gullintwoplaces »

I am pig sick of new posters coming in here playing games with us. I can identify three since yesterday. All dropping little hints, arguing with other new posters about these hints & dropping different hints. Just pi$$ off will you, we are worried enough about our club with shitstirring from people who don't give a toss about the Gulls.
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Post by samuel »

I have to say I'm with Scott and DJGull on this. These people coming out of the woodwork. Are they being asked to do this by certain parties so that they can get their point of view across and at the same time protect their anonymity. These aren't real supporters, mischief makers more like it. Even if genuine, they are grasses in imparting confidential information to a forum. Perhaps the people they are reporting on trust them and are unaware of them betraying their confidence. All in all, an unsavoury bunch of rumour mongers, dropping in tidbits. They have no interest in the club, are not supporters, motivated by others or betraying same. Please go away and leave this site to genuine supporters of a football club, probably something you would never be yourself.

Added in 2 minutes 35 seconds:
Well said yellow74, second paragraph from the end says it all.
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Post by BayGull »

Scott Brehaut wrote:I wonder how many of these new posters were part of a bunch of property developers who failed to buy the club when it was for sale, and are now back sniffing around like vultures?

Why don't you all f*** off back to where you came from you bunch of parasites and leave OUR club alone.
One would think that people from that interested party would be too mature to make silly postings on here - then again!!
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Post by tomogull »

Chairman Dave Phillips says the books 'are in order'. Paul Cox says that the club aren't in a position to offer a contract, even though they contacted him again yesterday. If we can't manage to pay a manager, who the hell will want to come to Plainmoor? And yet at the same time we've signed yet another player - Durrell Berry - and presumably we have to pay something, if not all, towards the wages of the lad from AFC Wimbledon. And we signed another player on non-contract terms last week - the players are coming in so thick and fast, I can't keep up all the names. Where is the money coming from to pay these players and yet we can't afford to pay a manager?

On the Herald Express blog, they're saying that Shaun North has expressed an interest. We could do far worse ........ But I still don't understand why anyone would want to take on the poisoned chalice for only 'expenses'. From the beginning, we were promised transparency. We need some straight talking from David Phillips and Steve Breed on where the club stands and how we're going to get a committed manager without being able to offer a contract.

Quite honestly, after what has gone on in the last few days, I almost feel like throwing in the towel but as Yellow74 posted, for the sake of the children and the grandchildren, I will continue supporting the club. After all, why should they not suffer just the same as Samuel and I have suffered for over 50 years ?? :scarf:
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Post by Orange Gull »

My sentiments exactly tomo. The statements coming out of the club of late are completely contradictory. Unless we have some money stashed away somewhere (I doubt it) then I just don't see how we will be able to attract a manager to Torquay with no prospect of a wage.

One thing though tomo, the young lad we signed today wasn't from AFC Wimbledon, he was from Franchise FC.
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Post by Jerry »

This is how I believe events transpired. Cox was employed on expenses (bearing in mind his weekly expenses are probably more than I earn in a week) on the understanding that this would be reviewed in October. If he had produced a winning team playing attractive football our average gate would have been at least 200 higher thus enabling us to offer him a contract. Unfortunately he failed to do this (and yes it was never going to be an easy task) so the club, quite rightly, said we wouldn't bankrupt the club to keep him.

Then Deano leaves to free up some money, we approached Cox with an offer which he deemed to be not enough money. There is no way we would have approached him if we weren't offering something, so he is being a bit disingenuous to claim we weren't offering anything.
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Post by Jeff »

I think Jerry has summed it up perfectly. Call me a rose tinter but surely, SURELY the club wouldn't have called Cox back up only to say we still can't offer you anything. I mean, say what you like about the board but they are business people - they know how things work and I refuse to believe they didn't make any kind of contract/payment proposal.

I interpret the statement as saying that they couldn't meet Cox's term so there was no dealt to be done.

Time to draw a line under it and move on
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Post by lucy6lucy »

It's a mystery. Not the best statement from cox, numerous grammar errors. Just can't believe we the club contacted him, after the Bromley match to discuss terms and then turnaround and say we can't offer terms. But as Cox ended his statement, no further comments will be made. So it's kind of believe Cox or get behind the club and start afresh tonight. Personally, I will back the club, Cox isn't the first club he has walked out on.
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Post by Jerry »

Another scenario: As all of these new posters who are so interested in the ownership of our ground all seem to have some connection or knowledge of Paul Cox, was he actually here as some kind of stalking horse to try and get one of his property developer mates in the door?

Seems coincidental that they all have something to say about Cox.
Last edited by Jerry on 22 Sep 2015, 18:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Neal »

There will be plenty of applicants. Why?

Well there are only say 130 or so management jobs at profesional football clubs. So your out of work, its worth a 6 month gamble to improve your cv and see if you can improve a club like Torquay

Post by Georg »

I've got no interest in the ground. I dont think 'Oliver' has either.

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