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Post by Jerry »

Southampton Gull wrote: I was going to answer Jerry with this. There is no doubt that if we want to rid ourselves of these zionists from our two leading parties then proportional representation is a must for this country.
No arguments from me. The current system is an absolute sham and about as far from democratic as you could get whilst still maintaining the pretence.

Unfortunately when the people of this country were given the chance to vote on the subject in 2011 they overwhelmingly backed the current system, mainly it seemed because they were too stupid/lazy to understand the proposed alternative.
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Post by Gullscorer »

If the police are allowed to make and/or define laws these days, and if they undergo training by extreme ideologues and 'social justice warriors', then we truly live in a police state:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... abuse.html
http://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/mark ... e-all-men/

The SNP also wants to take us along the road to totalitarianism and state control:
http://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/simo ... tist-spin/
Last edited by Gullscorer on 19 Jul 2016, 00:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gullscorer »

The Law is a Joke (actually I believe it's worse than that) and Theresa May's part in it:

Quotes from the comments: "Guilt by accusation; no evidence required"; "The invention of the police Commissioners was explicitly to give political direction to police forces". A police state is coming..

Not a good sign: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... binet.html

This from two years ago; the leading characters may have changed, but it's still true today:

Free speech is dying and censorship thrives; comment is 'offensive', criticism is 'hate':
http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/07 ... te-speech/

Turkey: something about the Turkish 'attempted coup' feels distinctly false-flag to me..
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Post by Gullscorer »

I'm amazed at how many politicians (and Remainers) still don't understand the difference between being in the Single Market (as all EU countries are), and trading with the Single Market (as the rest of the world does): http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/07 ... respected/

Being in the Single Market involves free movement of people and labour; trading with the Single Market is basically a question of agreeing tariffs (or the lack of). No other trading block or trading agreement in the world requires free movement of people and labour; only the EU. Even if we leave the EU without any agreement, countries (both EU and worldwide) are not going to stop trading with each other, presumably with the maximum 3% tariff (which works both ways). Since the EU sells more to the UK than we do to them, we are in a strong negotiating position, so it is in EU interests to negotiate lower tariffs.

Love this bit: 'Diane Abbott's bottom was unavailable for comment.' :~D
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Post by Gullscorer »

Articles on Donald Trump: http://www.cotwa.info/

And Hilary Clinton: http://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/andr ... -progress/

The US population in 1990 was 249 Million. Today it is 324M. They have added 75M in a generation.
43 Million Americans are on Food stamps.
The unemployment rate may be 5% but that economically inactive working age adults runs into many tens of millions
Only 123 million Americans work full time (another 26m work part time.) only 12.5M work in manufacturing.
National debt is $19.4 trillion
Personal debt excluding mortgages is $3.6Trillion

Not looking good..

This is modern western society: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles ... evels.html
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Post by S4fedr1ve »

WOW im no supporter of the labour party and certainly not Jeremy Corbyn, but some tv person shows him a photo of Ant and Dec to see if he knows who they are and he doesnt. This is real hold the front page news time. I have to say my opinion of Mr Corbyn has gone up (slightly) because he doesnt know who these 2 d**kheads are

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Post by Gullscorer »

This is disgraceful: the Electoral Reform Society (ERC) has published a report demanding establishment institutions have far-reaching new powers to control future referendum campaigns, including the ability to silence those they consider 'misleading'. So, goodbye free speech, goodbye democracy:
http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/09 ... -campaign/

Letter from an MP, outrageous:

Russia, the EU, Soros, and Clinton: http://herbertpurdy.com/?p=2399
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Post by Gullscorer »

Agenda 21: Global government and the end of democracy:

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Post by PhilGull »

David Icke? Seriously? David **** Icke? And you wonder why some of us point and laugh whenever you post Gullscorer!!!!
Gary Johnson's Yellow Army! Yellow Army! Yellow Army!

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Post by Gullscorer »

Ha ha.. I knew that would get you going Phil, the joke's on you. I've drawn you out of hiding. I posted David Ike precisely because those, such as yourself, descended from the reptilian totalitarian elite, cannot stop themselves responding instinctively to this kind of stuff, even though they have no answer to it, and will try to suppress the truth with mockery and ridicule. And yes, you are reptilian, I know it, I can see it in your eyes. I know, I've never actually seen your face, but if I ever did I just know I'd see the reptilian in you. :B

Because David Ike says reptiles are everywhere, all over the planet. They lie hidden, just waiting to take control, which they will do unthinkingly when they receive the signal from the global alien cabal. Listen to David, he'll explain it; such fun watching and listening to him.. :~D

Anyway, he's right. People will embrace slavery if the propaganda says it will bring them freedom. They will welcome dictatorship if they believe how much it will benefit them. They will remain silent if they're told it's all voluntary. How many people know about this? https://uk.search.yahoo.com/search?n=10 ... +21%22&vs= 8-]

Last edited by Gullscorer on 20 Sep 2016, 14:16, edited 2 times in total.
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