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Post by Gullscorer »

Another outrage: the DWP slashes funding for disability supported housing and homeless hostels: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/po ... 09466.html

Thanks to the feminist lobby, some ‘specialist’ providers, such as women’s refuges, are exempt. Other charities have said the cuts threaten the future viability of their services for vulnerable people.

Reducing support for homeless hostels must have been an easy decision for the government to take, because almost 90% of the ‘street homeless’ are men. Many are ex-Armed Forces, often with mental health issues such as PTSD. These men often self-medicate with alcohol or other substances, and the NHS won’t treat them until and unless they’ve been ‘dry’ for a long period.

Predictably, many commit suicide before they get help, saving the NHS a lot of money. Homelessness reduces life expectancy by an average of 30 years.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking ... elves.html

Similarly, male victims of domestic violence, and children abused by women, are generally ignored.
http://www.inside-man.co.uk/2016/08/19/ ... e-victims/

In contrast, women’s refuges and feminist groups receive almost unlimited, certainly unquestioned, amounts of funding, this despite research which shows that domestic violence is initiated as much by women as by men (this topic has been dealt with in posts on other threads).

But men, it seems, are disposable. And feminism is supposed to be about equality? No, it's a man-hating ideological cult. However, the fight back has begun:
http://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/karl ... uman-race/
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Post by PhilGull »

Gullscorer wrote:Nigel Farage, September 2016:
UKIP Conference: http://www.ukip.org/bournemouth
LibDem Conference: http://www.libdems.org.uk/autumn-confer ... tim-farron
Labour Conference:
Conservative Conference:
Green Party Conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOhqDxp-lh0
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Post by S4fedr1ve »

Wow so new ukip leader admires Putin.(whatever next sympathy for Hitler!)A strong leader apparently. Something for all ukip supporters to be very proud of then.
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Post by Gullscorer »

S4fedr1ve wrote:Wow so new ukip leader admires Putin.(whatever next sympathy for Hitler!)A strong leader apparently. Something for all ukip supporters to be very proud of then.
Could be she admires him because he reportedly expressed support for Brexit. Whereas the Communist China leaders were apparently in favour of the UK remaining in the EU, something Remainers don't like to talk about, it seems. My personal view of the new UKIP leader is that she appears rather lightweight, though she may grow into the job. Not that it matters too much, since the Labour party will be decimated in the next general election anyway, and UKIP will become the official opposition, if not the new Government.. We shall see.. :)
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Post by Gullscorer »

What parent would want an adult they hardly knew speaking to their children about sex, telling them where they can get contraceptives from, and showing them explicit literature and films about what sexual positions are possible? You would think that the answer to that would be obvious, and in all other circumstances this is no doubt the case. Yet if the one doing the speaking and the showing is called a “teacher” and works in what is known as a “school”, and has been put up to it by what is known as “the Government”, then suddenly many parents who would think it creepy in any other circumstance mysteriously think it is fine.
http://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/rob- ... k-origins/
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Post by PhilGull »

Gullscorer wrote:What parent would want an adult they hardly knew speaking to their children about sex, telling them where they can get contraceptives from, and showing them explicit literature and films about what sexual positions are possible? You would think that the answer to that would be obvious, and in all other circumstances this is no doubt the case. Yet if the one doing the speaking and the showing is called a “teacher” and works in what is known as a “school”, and has been put up to it by what is known as “the Government”, then suddenly many parents who would think it creepy in any other circumstance mysteriously think it is fine.
http://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/rob- ... k-origins/
Are you actually suggesting there should be no sexual health education in schools?

Sadly most parents are too **** stupid to bother teaching kids about this stuff themselves, so the government has no choice but to do it for them. There is a disappointingly large number of really crap parents out there who have neither a clue nor the inclination to find one.
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Post by Gullscorer »

I'm not suggesting anything Phil. In this instance my name is Iwazaru. You would do well to post your comment (which, apart from the lazy use of the 'f' word, is a good one) in the comments section of the actual article.. :-D
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Post by Gullscorer »

Time to put a stop to this outrageous bias: https://hequal.wordpress.com/2016/09/22 ... ainst-men/
She would agree: http://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/kath ... ht-police/

'For some charities, in addition to the issue of value-for-money, there may be concerns over sock-puppetry – the practice whereby public funding is used by the recipients to lobby the government. The practice becomes particularly egregious if the charity uses such lobbying as a means of securing further funding. It becomes even more so if the donating department shares ideological ground with the charity....'
'Questions are already beginning to orbit around the DV sector. Vera Baird, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria, was initially to be investigated earlier this year (2015) for using her position to donate £500,000 to a DV charity, “Victims First Northumbria,” of which she is a Director. We were assured that “A Ministry of Justice spokesman confirmed it would investigate the circumstances to conclude whether any conflict of interest rules had been broken.“ Days later, minds were changed. Perhaps an investigation by the MoJ might have been less than fully reassuring given that there is another similar charity, “Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse”, of which Vera Baird is a Patron which is funded by….wait for it….the Ministry of Justice – as well as the Home Office and Thames Valley Police.'

Judgy Bitch on Brad Pitt: http://judgybitch.com/2016/09/22/brad-p ... -movement/
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Post by Gullscorer »

BBC: Women's mental health needs 'not considered adequately': http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-37461907

Let me get this straight:
(1) The male suicide rate is more than three times higher than the female suicide rate.
(2) Men are a distinct minority of those in contact with mental health services.
(3) Women’s mental health needs 'are not considered adequately'.

Yes, that all makes sense..
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Post by Alpine Joe »

Let me get this straight:
(1) The male suicide rate is more than three times higher than the female suicide rate.

The guys might be ahead for actually doing it, but it's thinking about it and filling in surveys that matter...meaning the girls come out on top again ;-)

In 2014, one in five 16-to-24 year old women (25.7%) reported having self-harmed at some point.

That is about twice the rate for men in this age group (9.7%) and women aged 25-to-34 (13.2%).

The data showed a fifth of adults (20.6%) reported that they had thought of taking their own life at some point.

This was also more common in women (22.4%) than men (18.7%).


Don't give up the campaign Gullscorer, but with the State broadcaster so obviously cheerleading for the girls team, you know where the Government will be directing future mental health resources.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Unfortunately, Joe, I fear that's true.

Suicide is the leading cause of death of British men under 50 years of age. Over a quarter (26%) of men who die between the ages of 20 and 34 take their own lives, and 13% of deaths among men aged 35 to 49 are self-inflicted. The figures for women are 13% and 5% respectively. According to the Office of National Statistics, as I said earlier the overall suicide rate is more than three times higher for men than for women.

This latest NHS Digital data states that 26% of young women, and 10% of young men, have reported themselves as having self-harmed, and Elizabeth Scowcroft from The Samaritans said the rise in people feeling suicidal, attempting to take their own life and self-harming was ‘alarming’. ‘The increase in self-harm is worrying because it's the biggest indicator that someone may go on to take their own life’.

She does not explain why her statement conflicts with the evidence that fewer men than women self-harm, yet far more men than women take their own lives. The explanation resides, of course, in society’s gynocentric attitudes, promoted by feminists and exemplified by the BBC. Men don’t matter.
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Post by S4fedr1ve »

Well after the prime ministers conference speech bleeting on about helping out the British working class can somebody tell me who she or any other politician for that matter is talking about.i have never understood. Ive worked all my life, own my own home and have a comfortable existence does this make me working class or middle class. If im working class what class is the person who has never worked.

Are we alone as a nation who concerns itself about this. If so why do politicians go on about class so much. Because actually despite my post i couldnt care less what class i am.

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