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Post by luggy10 »

Can anybody help me with a email address or contact number for the owner of the club. My second attempt to offer advice and help to the management team has fallen on deaf ears. My sole purpose is to throw my experience into the challenge to save the club i ask for no financial gain only travelling expenses . People may wonder why i am persisting with my offer of help the reason being is i feel i let down united and the fans when i took over yeovil after two days , and this has preyed on my mind ever since, i am a retired football manager and i intend staying that way but i know i can help your manager on and of the park. So i think if anybody reading this has the ear of the owner or is able to give me contact numbers please get in touch Yours in football Paul Sturrock
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Post by desperado »

I think they are too proud to accept help from a consultant and probably think they know it all.
Looking at our league position çlearly they dont. The manager has not managed above Conference South level
and not had success there, fairly disastrous at Forest Green and average at Bath.
Thanks for the offer but I am afraid it is all too late now unless you are a miracle worker
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Post by CP Gull »

Unfortunately Luggy, there would almost certainly be little point in contacting the owner - Clarke Osborne - as he runs the club at an “arms length” basis and is a businessman who is only ultimately interested in a land/property deal. To the best of my knowledge, he hasn’t even seen us play for 8 months! The person you need to “get in front of” at the club is Geoff Harrop, the General Manager - although he may well be the “deaf ears” you are referring to?

In a week when, yet again, it appears that we have failed miserably to add to the squad, it is becoming increasingly clear that despite what we were promised when this management team took over (Owers/Kuhl) they are clearly struggling with the one area that you feel you can really make a difference - RECRUITMENT. Indeed it was around SIX weeks ago now that Gary Owers said in an interview with Radio Devon that he was looking “to bring in a target man and an aggressive midfielder” - none of which have materialised .... despite us being told that they are working all hours to try and achieve this! Well guys, if that really is the case, then can I just suggest that IT ISNT WORKING!!!

As recently as last Saturday a fellow fan, was apparently told by Dave Hedges (The “Head of Recruitment”) that two players to fill these roles ... would be coming in this week. But they haven’t, and another week goes by without any improvement to our squad, which is clearly so desperately needed judging by the evidence of what we all saw against Bromley!!!

Hey, if I was running the club, I would be “biting your hand off” to take you up on your offer!!! A man with your experience of playing and managing at the highest level, and with over what 40 years in the game - I get it, you could be a real asset to the club at this sorry time. Like you have said before, you have so many REAL (not IMAGINED) contacts in the game which might just enable us strengthen the squad in the two or three vital areas needed - but unfortunately those who are already in place in the key positions in the club - would probably feel threatened by the very idea of bringing you in, and ultimately I guess they are putting their personal pride (despite having tried and failed to achieve any real success) above the needs of the football club and success on the pitch at this time.

You have to realise that the structure of the club is such that you already have a General Manager at the club (Geoff Harrop) who has backed himself to sort things out on the pitch and he did that by sacking Kevin Nicholson and then taking well over a month to “get his man” - Gary Owers - after a long and drawn out process. Now, I don’t know how well you know Gary Owers but he is an experienced football man - just not at anywhere near the levels you managed at. We were told at the time that Mr Owers had an extensive “book of contacts” but at the moment that doesn’t seem to be working for him!

Not only that but we also have a guy at the club called David Hedges - whose job title was, and still is as far as I am aware, the “Head of Recruitment” although despite being involved at the club for a year or so - does anyone actually know what he does? More significantly perhaps I cannot think of a single signing that has been made during that period (and believe me there have been plenty!) that has been attributed to him!

Hopefully, you are getting the picture now Luggy? There are too many individuals in key positions at the club, I can think of three at least, that would have to accept that they have in some way failed, by allowing you the opportunity to take up your kind offer - even though there is absolutely nothing for the football club to lose and potentially an awful lot to gain by your involvement at the club - for some, it would be too painful to contemplate I suspect.

In the “old days” of Mike Bateson - a name I am sure you are familiar with - he would have had no hesitation in bringing in the type of “wealth of experience” that you would bring to the club and indeed did so on more than one occasion with the likes of Neil Warnock, Colin Lee and Ian Atkins - all brought in to do a firefighting job and all did it successfully too - when we had a floundering Manager in situ.

Unfortunately the football club is run along very different lines now, with an “owner” who is the absolute polar opposite of Mr Bateson (who was about as “hands on” as you could possibly get!). By all means, try and write to Mr Clarke Osborne c/o TUFC - but I fear you will only be wasting more of your time. He has little interest in keeping the football club in this division, his “vision” for the club is the off field development potential, land swaps and the opportunity to make more money. To be honest, I doubt very much he would have a clue who you are - which says everything about his interest in football, never mind TUFC.

I wish you well Luggy, like I say if it was me ..... but it isn’t, and I guess that “ship has sailed”. Shame though, as I always hoped that one day you might end up Managing us “in your retirement” and what you are offering now - even though you have no desire to return to management - represents the sort of opportunity that a club like ours, with you on our doorstep, should be proactively reaching out to for help .... and certainly not the other way around. It doesn’t sound as though your offer(s) have been treated with the respect that a man of your status in the game deserves ... and for that, as just a mere fan of the club, I can only apologise.

Best of luck in your retirement, Luggy.
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Post by Jeff »

The whole notion of this makes me cringe. I’m still sceptical of how genuine it is (well aware that people have said that it is, but it just doesn’t sit right with me), and it’s just such an incredibly unprofessional way about conducting yourself.

I just can’t subscribe to the fact that Paul Sturrock - a genuine football man - would take to a fans forum to conduct himself. And if he has contacted the Club and they’ve not taken up on his offer, then unfortunately no means no (whether that is the best course of action in the fans view or not).

EDIT - just to further my scepticism, a quick google and Wikipedia search reveals that Sturrock managed Luke Young at Argyle (albeit Young was still an apprentice then), released Liam Davis from Yeovil and signed Jack Compton (who was subsequently signed by Gary Owers for Bath and was allegedly a subject of a 7-day approach from us). Yet despite having had some sort of professional relationship with all these players and their agents, his only way of contacting someone at TUFC is via here? Not having it.
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Post by MellowYellow »

"Can anybody help me with a email address or contact number for" ... Mr Paul Sturrock. I would like to contact him for some advice.
Yours, José Mourinho a.k.a. MellowYellow
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Post by CP Gull »

Jeff, I don’t see quite why you find it so hard to believe?

He (Paul Sturrock) has clearly tried reaching out to the “key” men at TUFC but has been met with “deaf ears”. I think I’m right in saying that he has said before that he doesn’t know Gary Owers on a personal level and even if he did its not as though he can pick up the phone to him - given what he is proposing.

Interestingly, Luggy was Manager of Yeovil Town from April to December 2015 - while Geoff Harrop was appointed Head of the (at the time) newly reformed Youth Academy in July 2015 - so surely their “paths have crossed” but that is not to say that it was necessarily in a “positive” way!!! Who knows what their working relationship, albeit only a brief one - covering less than 6 months - was like?

Approaching Luke Young (you can forget the other “two” as one he released and the other plays for Bath City!) will achieve what exactly? How is Youngy going to influence any of the decision makers - how would that go down with his Manager (Owers) if he did, on Paul Sturrock’s behalf?

I believe that Paul Sturrocks “first” approach (i.e direct to TUFC) according to what he posted” at the time, was indeed through the “proper’ channels - but it was rebuffed. It was only then that he started posting on here, and it appears that he has only resumed posting again, because his second approach has similarly fallen on “deaf ears”.

Clearly, Paul Sturrock wants to help - but he is being “blocked” from doing so by somebody at the club - so he is reaching out to the fans in the hope that we (presumably) can raise awareness that he is willing to help and to maybe see if there is anyone amongst the fan base who has the “ear” of the owner - the ULTIMATE decision maker. Of course very often at a football club there may well be someone on a fans forum who has just that - the “ear” of the owner. Unfortunately what he doesnt realise is that most likely no one on here or amongst the wider fan base, does have any sort of contact with the owner - never mind his “ear”!

By way of an example, I’m sure that if anyone posted something similar on say PASOTI (PAFC) or exeweb (ECFC) that needed bringing to the attention of the owner/decision makers then there are plenty of people that post on there that could easily pick up the phone to David Brent at Argyle or say Julian Tagg at Exeter - we don’t have that on here,with Clarke Osborne now do we???

I remember reading recently a piece in the written press recently where Harry Redknapp was offering his services to Yeovil Town and their young Manager - it didn’t appear as though he had made any direct contact with YTFC at the time - and lo and behold, a couple of days later he was brought in as an adviser.

For that reason, I actually think that perhaps Paul Sturrock would be better off getting in touch with local media (Plymouth Herald, Herald Express) and “going public” with his offer as I don’t think he is going to get anywhere by coming on here. Alternatively, maybe he should pick up the phone to David Thomas at the Herald Express and ask him how he can get in contact with Mr Osborne - not that that is going to get him any further though I suspect .... but you never know.
Last edited by CP Gull on 26 Jan 2018, 10:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Jeff, I assure you this user account is 100% genuine.

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Post by Jeff »

CP - this is what I don’t get. Sturrock worked with Harrop for 6 months, but yet can’t contact him directly himself and has to go via a fans forum to do it???? Doesn’t make any sense. If they didn’t have a positive relationship when they worked together before, then it’s unlikely that Harrop would accept Sturrocks invitation now. Whether that is the right thing to do by the fans is irrelevant as we don’t make the decisions.

In earlier postings “Sturrock” has said he has made contact with the club and they haven’t followed him up on his offers. Whether GO thinks he needs help or not, the Club has said no. How is bleating over a fans forum going to change their minds? It’s a wholly unprofessional way of going about things
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Post by Yorkieandy »

Forget about getting in touch with those who run the club. They won't get back to you as they're all a bunch of ignorant, arrogant clowns who aren't worth the time of day.

Point two. Guilt is an unproductive, negative emotion. Whilst i think it's admirable that you feel you may have let TUFC fans down by the fact you left for Yeovil, i'd say that not so long ago there was a woman who wanted to help the club too and she chucked in millions and still gets abuse and criticism for it. You did the right thing by leaving for Yeovil. You could have managed Torquay into the Premier League and many of the fans would still find fault because they are arseholes quite frankly.

The offer of help and support is appreciated by most i would like to think though so hold on to that thought and get on with your life without worrying you let anyone down. The people who let TUFC down know who they are. Do you think that THEY have guilt about what happened to the football club? Absolutely no because they are snakes. You aren't a snake luggy (if it really is you) but by the same token there is absolutely no reason to feel any guilt.
Last edited by Yorkieandy on 26 Jan 2018, 10:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CP Gull »

Jeff wrote: 26 Jan 2018, 10:10 CP - this is what I don’t get. Sturrock worked with Harrop for 6 months, but yet can’t contact him directly himself and has to go via a fans forum to do it???? Doesn’t make any sense. If they didn’t have a positive relationship when they worked together before, then it’s unlikely that Harrop would accept Sturrocks invitation now. Whether that is the right thing to do by the fans is irrelevant as we don’t make the decisions.

In earlier postings “Sturrock” has said he has made contact with the club and they haven’t followed him up on his offers. Whether GO thinks he needs help or not, the Club has said no. How is bleating over a fans forum going to change their minds? It’s a wholly unprofessional way of going about things
Perhaps it is (unprofessional) but I can understand where he is coming from - he is surely trying to “go above the head” of those who have rebuffed his offer and get to speak direct to the owner of the football club - like I say, the ultimate decision maker. I guess its a bit like when say Mervin Benney was our Chairman and Mike Bateson was the “absent” (at the time) Owner. Old Merv was sat in the chair, but ultimately all the major decisions regarding the football club were made by the man who wrote the cheques out!

Unfortunately, as we all know, it is nigh on impossible to be “granted an audience” with Clarke Osborne - and therein lies the problem!
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Not just that but Osborne has shown where his real interests lie. He won't give a proper football man the time of day.

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Post by Jerry »

Yorkieandy wrote: 26 Jan 2018, 10:17 not so long ago there was a woman who wanted to help the club too and she chucked in millions and still gets abuse and criticism for it. You did the right thing by leaving for Yeovil. You could have managed Torquay into the Premier League and many of the fans would still find fault because they are arseholes quite frankly.
Many of us are arseholes? Seems a bit uncalled for.
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Post by Yorkieandy »

Absolutely. Not necessarily you though Jerry. :-D

If you cannot see the good will and generosity of Thea Bristow to the football club (if you look beyond those who she entrusted to make decisions with her money) and prefer to criticize and lambast rather than see the pure good will behind what the lady did then yes, IMO you have to be an arsehole.

I don't see the issue.

Nothing changes in the universe other than i think some people are arseholes. They probably neither care or it won't affect them in any way.
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Post by Jerry »

Yorkieandy wrote: 26 Jan 2018, 11:09 Absolutely. Not necessarily you though Jerry. :-D

If you cannot see the good will and generosity of Thea Bristow to the football club (if you look beyond those who she entrusted to make decisions with her money) and prefer to criticize and lambast rather than see the pure good will behind what the lady did then yes, IMO you have to be an arsehole.

I don't see the issue.

Nothing changes in the universe other than i think some people are arseholes. They probably neither care or it won't affect them in any way.
It's not many who do this though is it. Just Merse as far as I'm aware.
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Post by Yorkieandy »

I don't know. People are entitled to their opinions. I just think the on the basic level of humanity, the generosity and intent to help should be the overriding element that we should see and be thankful for. Just like the greed and intent from those she trusted to get as much benefit as they could should be the overriding element that we should see and be then angry about. I would actually question the emotional / empathy systems of anyone who would think otherwise and advise them to seek some help.

But anyway. The Thea thing has been done to death and it's perhaps only naivety that can be levelled at her IMO.

My point was that even when people try and help the club they end up still getting criticized so it's really not worth it. It's perhaps more of a human nature issue than being specific to Torquay fans so i shouldn't have made out that the ungratefulness and spite was purely because they are Torquay fans but more because that's just what some humans are like inside regardless.
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