Bad weather idiots

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Bad weather idiots

Post by Yorkieandy »

Why does snow and bad weather bring out the idiots?

Up here in Derbyshire it's pretty treacherous at the moment and today my kid's school has had to close. I got stuck temporarily yesterday at pick up time when a huge snow storm passed over for about 45 minutes. I parked in a lay by on the main road and walked the 20 minutes to school.

Lazy parents who simply have to park within inches of the school gates are losing control of vehicles left, right and centre down narrow village roads.

On my way i passed a man actually watering the snow off his driveway with a frigging hose pipe and the water was running down all over the path and road and freezing as it's minus 4. I just stared at him, shook my head in disbelief and continued walking. Simply could not believe what i had witnessed.

Then today i find out that the school has been closed. I'm fine with it as it's clearly dangerous for teachers and pupils to get there yet you've got parents slagging off the school because they have to take time off work. Do these thick parents not realize that the safety of the staff and THEIR OWN KIDS is of paramount importance and therefore why the difficult decision to close the school has been made?

Thick bastards. It's one day out of hundreds of them and yet still parents aren't happy with their schools. Teach them your **** self then if you don't like it!!!

Also, drivers yesterday in my old neck of the woods North Yorkshire near Thirsk / Pickering which has been one of the hardest hit trying to navigate their way up and down Sutton Bank. Anyone who knows Sutton Bank will surely concur that even contemplating taking this route during any sort of inclement weather is a **** moron. Why would you even CONSIDER taking a route such as this when this weather is not only forecast but also happening as we speak? It beggars belief. Loads of strandings on there yesterday and personally i feel they should be left to find their own way home instead of being rescued, fined for their car being an obstruction and then next time they might think a bit more. Scary that people with this decision making ability are allowed on our roads.

Drivers also bombing along the outside lane of the motorway at 80 plus miles an hour. The outside lane that is partially covered with slush and snow i'm talking about. One iffy patch of road and it's goodnight Vienna. Only in true Luke McCormick style, they'll probably survive and get to have a life whilst their car veers onto the other carriageway and wipes out a family of four.

Some snow is great just like some people are thick as pigshit. =D
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Post by Southampton Gull »

When I was a kid I remember being at school along with everyone else during snowfall that was a few feet deep. Schools now have heating and carpeted classrooms so why the hell do they need to close? Nothing to do with work and having to take time off, we used to walk to school. People today are lazy and pander to the nanny state trying to convince us we are better off staying at home, what a load of cobblers.

If we were transported back 50 years the world would be a far better place and people would be a lot less likely to get so grumpy about a few bloody snowflakes ;-)

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Post by Yorkieandy »

To be fair Dave, what we've had up here today is slightly more than a few snowflakes. It's been wave after wave of snowstorm each time dropping a few inches onto the already snowed up ground. It's pandemonium. The works van went to pick up some dogs from the vets in Matlock 10 miles away at 1pm and has only just managed to get back a few minutes ago.

Our school is 8 miles away and it's not like i am able to nip round if the school closes. I'd be stuck too so they have to take this into consideration. Quite often though like you say, the country comes to a halt just because of a few flakes.
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Andy, in comparison to the times I'm talking about it is just a few snowflakes. We are raising a bunch of pansies with all the health and safety this and health and safety that. People don't know real adversity any more let alone how to overcome it. And this coming from a Southerner, whatever next ;-)

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Post by Yorkieandy »

Red weather warning for you guys today. Stay safe. We've had snow all morning to add to the snow already on the ground. Must be around 25 - 30 cm think everywhere now but we were on amber and not red. Wrap up and sit tight and look out for neighbours and elderly.
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Post by Southampton Gull »

I was out at 5am shovelling snow from my elderly neighbours pathway and drove to work with cretins trying to overtake me while doing a little under the speed limit. Watching them lose traction away from the clear tracks was quite amusing, people literally have no sense these days.

I got to my warehouse and found a Polish lorry driver trying to warm up so took him in and made him a coffee and then watched helplessly as a stupid clown from DPD skidded into the back of my car. Who says helping others brings good fortune. Oh well, still smiling and the day is still young and I'm sure something else will go wrong before it's over.

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Post by Yorkieandy »

Bad bounce that Dave. Helping others doesn't bring anything but the joy in helping others i'm afraid but if you can keep on smiling then you are in the best position to be able to cope with adversity. I'm sure the rest of the day will be a challenge Dave but keep smiling lad.

SNW may have heard about this but a gritting lorry in Darton (Barnsley for anyone not familiar with the area) broke down and has blocked a road! You couldn't make it up! :lol:

Also on a negative, a frustrated motorist stuck in tailbacks in Lincoln shouted, "get your job done properly!" or words to that effect at a passing Policeman who was walking to the scene of a crash. :red:

Hopefully fellow motorists overheard, dragged this imbecile from his vehicle and into nearby woods, caved his scabby face in and left him to rot in the undergrowth. I honestly don't know how coppers can hold themselves back sometimes from wading into some of the absolute arrogant, ignorant scum that exist out there on our streets. Their levels of self control are extraordinary.

For the more pacifist type bystanders, maybe someone could have got out their pre prepared flasks and chucked a cup of hot bovril in his face. :)
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

Andy, we had red alerts here Tuesday and today (Thursday), and the schools have been shut since Monday afternoon.

I’ve been at work, as I drive sensibly and not like a **** moron, unlike some pricks over here who think they can drive normally and end up spinning or getting stuck.

The rain came at 5pm and cleared the lot. Absolutely nothing left except for some small crap in the fields around our house.

Thank god it’s all gone. Seems it’s heading towards the UK. I don’t envy any of you. It’s been a shit time of it, and I’m looking forward to the 6 degrees centigrade we’ve been promised this weekend - much better than the -15 with windchill we’ve been suffering with.

I **** hate snow!!

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Post by Southampton Gull »

Snow is doughnut weather, Scott ;-)

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Post by Scott Brehaut »

I eat them all year round. Doughnuts are for life, not just for winter 😉

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Post by Southampton Gull »

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Post by Yorkieandy »

I don't drive when snow is forecast or when it's bad conditions for exactly the reason Scott points out. I don't know how to drive in such conditions so never put myself in them and stay off the roads. Many who don't know how to handle their cars and the conditions sadly don't stay off the roads.

Saw the horrendous conditions on Haldon Hill near Exeter on the news and it told of cars being stranded with young kids inside. ERR HELLO?!!


I hate snow too. Anyway, i'm sure we'll make up for it in summer when we get our usual ONE WEEK of actual hot weather.

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Post by stefano »

I drove every day in the course of my work when I was working for a few years in the Italian Alps, and very often the conditions were a lot worse than we have just experienced in the UK. Three main differences I think - 1. I had new snow tyres fitted on all wheels at the start of each winter season; 2. The authorities were completely geared up to cope with the weather (that is not actually a criticism of our own local authorities - I do not expect them to be geared up to the same extent for something that rarely happens; 3. I was never once confronted with loads of stationary vehicles blocking my path (that seems to be what caused the stranded traffic in many parts of the UK - vehicles moving along perfectly ok had to stop because their path was blocked by other vehicles - they then became part of the problem). So Andy's advice is the best - in the UK if you don't have to go out (and I think few things fit into that category) then don't!
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Post by brucie »

I do wonder why so many people drive in these conditions. I mean why would so many people drive up Haldon Hill when a blizzard is forecast and then wonder why they get stuck.

One report of a stuck car on Haldon Hill included a passenger who was a seven week old baby who was running short on milk - I think the car was eventually turned round in a slip road and the occupants made their way home to Somerset - it makes you wonder what made them make the journey in the first place.

I do accept that people travel in the course of their work etc but wonder about the mentality of people who make needless journeys. I've more or less driven for a living since I was 18 but you wouldn't catch me out on the roads in these conditions.
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Post by PhilGull »

I'm a bit late to the party here but just wanted to say re schools closing and teachers. 20, 30 years ago or more people tended to live closer to their work, including teachers. Most schools closed these days are because staff simply live further away and are not able to get to work.
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