The Gary Johnson effect

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Post by Teigngull »

I for one have been on the end of Dave's ( amongst others ) wrath.
But in Dave's defence he is only stating the blindly obvious in regards to ' uncle Clarke '. Yes you can say that with his investments things are in the up but there was no need for us to be in this position in the first place. The weeks & weeks between KN being dispensed of & GO' s disastrous appointment is , in my view, the reason we're where we are right now.
It's great that things happened to fall in place with GJ's appointment & we should thank our lucky stars we've finally got a fit for purpose manager who knows what it takes to get us out of this self dug precipice we find ourselves in.
The cold hard truth is CO's previous history,where as Dave has quite rightly pointed out to you, is full of broken promises & cloak & daggers maneuvering. And again what ever ' investment ' he is ploughing into TUFC will at some point have to be repaid.
So enjoy the current success we're having with absolute gusto, but be warned, even I, think Dave's right on this matter, IT WILL come falling down around our ears at some point in time unless the leopard with the orchestral baton finally delivers on his promises, which as right now has NEVER been delivered.
COYY :scarf:
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Post by desperado »

Good one Teigngull ! Had to smile at that -
Let's hope the leopard with the orchestral baton
gets us out of the self dug precipice !
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Post by Southampton Gull »

I've got a question. Can you dig a precipice?

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Post by Arrywithnobrain »

EddUK12 wrote: 06 Feb 2019, 05:54 Asking someone to answer a question on a public internet forum to justify their [highlight=yellow]veiw[/highlight] is the basis for debate. :O

Are you saying that simply your view is better [highlight=yellow]then[/highlight] anyone elses?

when people are unable to back up their [highlight=yellow]veiws[/highlight] with evidence they turn to name calling and insult throwing which is why i asked the same question to give you an [highlight=yellow]oppertunity[/highlight] to answer the question and then engage in a debate as it is only from an exchange of ideas that and [highlight=yellow]veiw[/highlight] points that people with different opinions can see the others stance and reasoning.

Take Matindawlish he has [highlight=yellow]veiws[/highlight] and many on here disagree with and yet he gives reasoning for why he has that [highlight=yellow]veiw[/highlight] or might be wrong but thats where people and point this out and give [highlight=yellow]thier[/highlight] view.

I sense that [highlight=yellow]your[/highlight] miffed as a 12 year old (as you put it) stated facts that disproved your comments and you were no longer able to justify that standpoint.
Your own standpoint displays some cock-eyed views and a number of other schoolboy spelling errors (some of which are highlighted), not to mention several grammatical mistakes: methinks it would be beneficial for you to wonder less about adult financial speculation and spend more time on your homework, young fellow-my-lad.
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Post by Arrywithnobrain »

EddUK12 wrote: 06 Feb 2019, 17:47 For someone thats not miffed you come across that way.

If you dont hold or share the veiws i attribute to you why not answer the questions put to you about your veiws?

it is an internet forum after all.
Nobody in the world shares the "veiws" that you hold - talk about an illiterate numpty.
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Post by Teigngull »

Southampton Gull wrote: 06 Feb 2019, 16:40 I've got a question. Can you dig a precipice?
I've absolutely no idea Dave, but I thought it sounded good !! :lol:
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Post by dawlishmatt »

Arry rednapp and Arry carpenter didn't spell their names with an H
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Post by dawlishmatt »

Just a statistic to cheer you up on this miserable evening. If torquay win just 2 more matches this season and any 3 of Weston-super-Mare, Hungerford, Gloucester City or East Thurrock fail to win at least 12 of there remaining 14 matches, then Torquay are safe from relegation!!!!
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Post by Arrywithnobrain »

EddUK12 wrote: 06 Feb 2019, 18:28 And your veiws are? Or do you not like to answer questions in a discusion board?
My view is that you really must be an ignorant school kid if you think that I have "veiws" and I certainly would not answer questions in a "discusion board" - whatever that is. When you have learned enough correct English words to participate in an adult debate you may find that people take you seriously: until then go back to kindergarten and carry on reading the appropriate 'Janet and John' / 'Peter and Jane' books ( I think that C.O. has progressed beyond the Ladybird books of Accountancy and Property Development which you should aspire to).
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Post by madgull »

Arrywithnobrain wrote: 06 Feb 2019, 18:02 Nobody in the world shares the "veiws" that you hold - talk about an illiterate numpty.
Cos you know someone is smart when they can't refute the central point of what someone is saying, so instead resort to picking apart spelling and grammar.
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Post by Arrywithnobrain »

EddUK12 wrote: 07 Feb 2019, 06:10 So you joined an internet forum so you wouldnt air your views? And then your air your view in my spelling? Is that not a bit ipperkyperkal?

Please can you decide if your going to air your veiw or not as you say one thing and do another its all very confusing.

Who is janet and john? And whoz peter and jane? Are they from like the olden times? Like a when ipads didnt exist? Or was they on corrie?
My view is that you are demonstrably an idiot and I state that view quite clearly on a forum, the purpose of which is to express one's views, whatever they are. As yet you have done nothing to make me think that I am wrong to hold that view and the gobbledegook that you write is indicative that you probably haven't yet reached 'The Night Garden' in your quest for reading matter beyond the picture book stage. Of course you find it confusing : that is to be expected of someone with your limited capabilities. However, whilst spelling mistakes are a natural part of everyone's education (albeit avoidable with the availability of spellchecker and predictive text etc on your precious ipads) , continued repetition of the same mistake is the act of a fool as it demonstrates that you have a closed mind. Nevertheless your posts on this forum are entertaining as they are reminiscent of many characters in the comics and cartoons that are doubtless your staple fare. This is all predicated on the assumption that your posts are genuine: you wouldn't be trying to wind up the genuine posters ...................... would you???
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Post by Arrywithnobrain »

madgull wrote: 07 Feb 2019, 07:07 Cos you know someone is smart when they can't refute the central point of what someone is saying, so instead resort to picking apart spelling and grammar.
What's to refute? Please enlighten.
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Post by Rjc70 »

I prefer Koue-Niate and Cameron to Sendles-White and Cameron. Sort it out, Johnson. ;-)
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Post by dawlishmatt »

This is all getting to technical for me. Over the last few days I've learnt new words I never knew existed!!!!
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Post by Arrywithnobrain »

EddUK12 wrote: 07 Feb 2019, 13:43 So there you are quoting your statement that you wont share your veiw on a disccusion board below which you state your veiw. Im guess by the long winded answer you gave which didnt add anything to the debate that you have nothing further to add.

[highlight=yellow]Shouldnt your name have an h in it?[/highlight]
No more or less than that your name should contain another u with an m and a b (and/or maybe an f and a c), or perhaps you have accidentally omitted the letters d, a, c - who knows? Our names are what they are and what we want them to be, so the spelling thereof is sacrosanct.

Presumably you are playing truant, which explains a great deal about your ignorance as most respectable 12 year olds would be in school at this time of the day. If you are going to quote any statement, it is most discourteous to make spelling errors in your quote, as even you should be capable of using a cut and paste facility, but I won't take offence as bad manners frequently accompany poor education.With regard to the length of my answer, I presume that any sentence with more than two words must seem like a novel to you, so obviously you would be unable to comprehend a whole paragraph. Please enunciate your views on whatever you see as the debate and you may get a cogent response: otherwise just go back to sucking your dummy.
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