Taking The Knee

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Post by davethegull2 »

Eddukl2222 wrote: 16 Dec 2020, 10:37 You have the freedom to disagree. What you and anyone doesnt have the right to is to make others feel belittled for their ideas or beliefs by booing or abusing them thats where the line is crossed.

We didnt fight god knows how many wars so that thugs and yobs can abuse and shout at people in the street simply as they believe something different quite the oppersite and if that means that people with your language of 'virtue signalling knob jockeyss' need to be tolerant and respectful of others veiws and belifs then so bit it.

I think you're confusing anti social behaviour with freedom of speech. Are you now saying anyone who objects to the Marxist organisation BLM is a thug or a yob? Utterly ridiculous. Pushing back against a violent group of swivel eyed lefty loons is hardly belittling them. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it is Marxism. Don't expect to be molly coddled.
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Post by gullintwoplaces »

forevertufc wrote: 15 Dec 2020, 18:54 I wasn't aiming the section of my post about the far right solely at you, it was meant more as a general point, from TV to Radio debates, also around the internet on various platforms and publications such the Huffington post for instance. Every time there's an article or debate on BLM or Brexit tags such as 'far right' or 'racist' are thrown around like confetti, it just cheapens the meaning.

I've read through every post, I can not see anything far right on this thread, so my response was in part towards your good self, because you do say I’m sad to see the far right wing raise its ugly face on this forum

This part meant in general

As for the labelling BLM as Marxist, there is an article in the New York post that claims Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists”

https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/blm-co-fo ... d-marxist/

Truth or fake news ?
Quoting the New York Post isn’t helpful. This is a right wing scandal rag, not unlike the Sun. I took issue with labelling all BLM supporters as Marxist, which is garbage. What on earth is a “trained Marxist”, makes it sound like a circus performer? Would you use the term “trained Brexiter” or “trained Farage supporter” or “trained Tory party member”?
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Post by Dave »

gullintwoplaces wrote: 16 Dec 2020, 13:56 Quoting the New York Post isn’t helpful. This is a right wing scandal rag, not unlike the Sun. I took issue with labelling all BLM supporters as Marxist, which is garbage. What on earth is a “trained Marxist”, makes it sound like a circus performer? Would you use the term “trained Brexiter” or “trained Farage supporter” or “trained Tory party member”?
I have no idea what a trained Marxist is either, they were not my words, but what was written within the article, being honest it doesn't bother whether BLM is Marxist or not.

I only asked if the article was true or fake news
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Post by Dutchgull »

All this mention of "Marxism" but please can someone tell me what you mean when you are using this word in the context of BLM. Many people throw the word Marxism into the mix as some kind of bogey man scare tactic. Please tell me how you define Marxism as its probably a million miles away from what Karl Marx wrote !!
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Post by MellowYellow »

gullintwoplaces wrote: 16 Dec 2020, 13:56
... I took issue with labelling all BLM supporters as Marxist, which is garbage. What on earth is a “trained Marxist”...
The article talked about on here is being used out of context - the BLM founder concerned is describing herself as a self-trained Marxist not that she went to some University to be trained. Basically she is saying that she is a practising Marxist and is using that as the basis for the BLM movement to create a revolutionary overthrow of capitalism to eventually build a classless communist society with the aim as she says to ,"build a movement that could be utilized by many, many Black folks." Sounds a bit racist to me- but take of it what you will.

This does not mean every supporter of BLM is Marxist — Marxists often have used ‘useful idiots.’ to help their cause. Like footballers taking the knee. :whistle:
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Or certain Corbyn supporters.......

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Post by Trojan 67 »

Dutchgull wrote: 16 Dec 2020, 20:39 All this mention of "Marxism" but please can someone tell me what you mean when you are using this word in the context of BLM. Many people throw the word Marxism into the mix as some kind of bogey man scare tactic. Please tell me how you define Marxism as its probably a million miles away from what Karl Marx wrote !!

What Is Cultural Marxism? . . .

Before BLM . . .


https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query= ... kind=video

This amazing documentary, written & produced by G. Edward Griffin, has been forgotten for many years. Although it was produced in 1965 at the height of the civil rights movement, it is far from being out of date. It provides lessons and insights that could not have been appreciated three decades ago.

This is not about blacks vs. whites. Instead of merely telling the story of the 1960s riots, this documentary describes what preceded those riots, who wanted them to happen, how they were organized, and what they were intended to accomplish.

The focus is not merely on racial issues, but on how any difference between groups of citizens can be used to manipulate them into acts of self-destruction. The program shows how agitation in American in the name of civil rights compares to similar movements that have led to the overthrow of many governments around the world.

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Post by notnow »

davethegull2 wrote: 12 Dec 2020, 14:28 I hope our club doesn't kowtow to this nonsense. We are all 100% in support of "Kicking Racism Out of Football". Every sane person is. At TUFC we have proved we are one of the most inclusive, friendly and zero racist football clubs. We don't have to justify ourselves to anyone. However, this BLM Marxist organisation is using racism as a trojan horse to push their violent agenda. Football should not be a political vehicle for these extremists.

Would I voice my opposition to BLM if I was in the ground and our players took the knee? Hell yes! We should never take the knee to bullies. BLM have set back race relations in football for years. So, if TUFC are planning on giving lifetime bans for any fan opposing BLM, you can ban me now. I will never give in to Marxists, ever! I will always voice my opposition to Marxists, I will never protect racists.
It’s so sad that this subject has made it to our forum... it was inevitable I guess. It’s certainly attracted the left woke’s. Not least eddikki1221 or whoever he is who seems to have joined in order to put a spark to the fuel. TUFC are not racist and nor are their fans. If there is any sign on the pitch or in the ground that supports this Marxist organisation I will be walking out the ground never to return, regardless of my season ticket. Before anyone says “You won’t be missed” I know ok!
This thread should be pulled, it is not helpful and will cause division. How long will it be before posters will be banned.
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Post by notnow »

Eddit1221 or whoever you are- You are clearly a political activist set on destroying this forum. You sound like you have mental issues with a superiority attitude. Does the world owe you something? I’m going to ask you politely, Please do us all a massive favour and bore off. This is a football forum and it really can do without you pushing your bullshit agenda on here.
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Post by Brewers boy »

Am I still allowed to boo the opposition goalkeeper or a refs wrong decision?Is there a list of what I can and can't boo?
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Post by Lloyder5 »

notnow wrote: 17 Dec 2020, 10:38 Eddit1221 or whoever you are- You are clearly a political activist set on destroying this forum. You sound like you have mental issues with a superiority attitude. Does the world owe you something? I’m going to ask you politely, Please do us all a massive favour and bore off. This is a football forum and it really can do without you pushing your bullshit agenda on here.
And yet, controversial views from the other end of the political spectrum are tolerated. Hmmm
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Nothing to do with tolerated views, intent to totally disrupt the forum was the problem here.

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Post by Teigngull »

Black, white, yellow, purple green or whatever colour your skin is does not matter a hoot, wer'e all brought into this world totally innocent but there are those that will intentionally brain wash you with their ideas & motives & if your subjected to it long enough it will become the 'norm' .
Black lives matter, white lives matter, EVERY LIFE MATTERS in my book, it's like your football team , it's in you , you're died in the wool & you cant chop & change when it suits, its impossible.
Tolerance is key to a happy world, live & let live, have your opinion but accept others may not agree, christ I am a Gull in a family of Grecians, the black sheep ( sorry ,is that a racist comment ?) of the family , but in my eyes it makes me different, not racist or disruptive or left or right or whatever political spin people want to tag me with, JUST DIFFERENT.
have a great Christmas everyone & a productive happy new year, wer'e all yellows on this forum even if you profess differently ( otherwise why take the time to post on here ) TUFC is in our blood, god, sometimes over the last 42 years or so its rankled with me , my choice of team, yes it was MY CHOICE MY DREAM MY TEAM
come on you yellows
All the best everyone & to GJ & the boys thank you for keeping the dream alive.
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Post by DWB »

Teigngull wrote: 25 Dec 2020, 04:40 Black, white, yellow, purple green or whatever colour your skin is does not matter a hoot, wer'e all brought into this world totally innocent but there are those that will intentionally brain wash you with their ideas & motives & if your subjected to it long enough it will become the 'norm' .
Black lives matter, white lives matter, EVERY LIFE MATTERS in my book, it's like your football team , it's in you , you're died in the wool & you cant chop & change when it suits, its impossible.
Tolerance is key to a happy world, live & let live, have your opinion but accept others may not agree, christ I am a Gull in a family of Grecians, the black sheep ( sorry ,is that a racist comment ?) of the family , but in my eyes it makes me different, not racist or disruptive or left or right or whatever political spin people want to tag me with, JUST DIFFERENT.
have a great Christmas everyone & a productive happy new year, wer'e all yellows on this forum even if you profess differently ( otherwise why take the time to post on here ) TUFC is in our blood, god, sometimes over the last 42 years or so its rankled with me , my choice of team, yes it was MY CHOICE MY DREAM MY TEAM
come on you yellows
All the best everyone & to GJ & the boys thank you for keeping the dream alive.

Here here well said Teigngull. Strong words obviously said with emotion. I live in Exeter and many of my friends are Grecians. I would state that every one of them are glad that we are doing well and would love to see us back in the league and playing them. There are loyalties but also friendships and may the friendships continue. Happy Christmas all.
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Post by davethegull2 »

TUFC has never been a racist club. I see that Cambridge have banned some fans now for booing BLM. If I was a fan labelled a racist by a football club for protesting against BLM, a violent Marxist political movement. I would sue them for defamation without hesitation. Calling someone Racist is a disgusting slur and any Club doing so should be held to account. Now that would nip this stupidity in the bud.
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