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Post by lovinthatsurf »

he deffo wud with his dance moves !!!
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Post by Trojan 67 »

Drugs :devil:, Sex :devil: o:), and Rock n Roll (8) :) (8)

Two out of three ain't bad ? :no:

Two out of three ain't good enough. :nod: :whip: :whistle:

Alcohol and tobacco are drugs. So is power. <!> Be very watchful indeed of the intoxicated on a power trip. <!>

Aldolf ? Saddam ? Bin Laden ? Cameron ? TUFC stewards from Plymouth ? . . . . .
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Post by Glostergull »

Trojan 67 wrote:Drugs :devil:, Sex :devil: o:), and Rock n Roll (8) :) (8)

Two out of three ain't bad ? :no:

Two out of three ain't good enough. :nod: :whip: :whistle:

Alcohol and tobacco are drugs. So is power. <!> Be very watchful indeed of the intoxicated on a power trip. <!>

Aldolf ? Saddam ? Bin Laden ? Cameron ? TUFC stewards from Plymouth ? . . . . .
And Plymuff luvver Trojan on his naughty step.
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Check out my poems topic... http://www.torquayfans.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4843
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Post by Awayday »

Personally I think these players no matter at what level should be accounted for. There are 2 sets of rules here.... firstly if the FA say "players are not allowed to take x,y or z" then they are not allowed to take x,y, or z. However if x,y or z are illegal substances then no one is allowed to take them let alone footballers.

However what happens in their personal lives (shag fests, mobile phone pictures, plastic surgery etc etc) as long as it is not illegal and doesn't break FA rules then let them get on with it. All this stuff about them being in the public eye and have a duty of care because of their influences, that is not the fault of the player, that is the media giving them all the coverage when something bad happens but never go over board when they do something good. If Rooney wants to go out and bang out ladies, who really cares, or if Terry is shaging his mates ex then what ever. They will get grief on the terraces, but other than that are children realistically thinking to themselves, "if Rooney can pull at the local bingo hall, so can I?"
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Post by lovinthatsurf »

well Paulio..love u as i do..i cant really agree with all you are saying.....Yes peoples personal lives are just that...personal....until however they launch theirselves (of their own volition) slap bang in the public eye...advertising everything etc.shoving their vast personal wealth in our faces non stop .i personally think that if players play for England that should mean they are representing something....but then as our future king aparantly had sex outside of his marriage is would appear that moral value here in England doesnt count for jack sh*t!anyway !
As for me personally i still kinda admire someone who can be faithful, drug free, crime free in todays world...im not for one second suggesting that i am all of the above but i am not trying to represent our country at anything. ( apart from obviously ice in cider/ cheesy fish campaign!!! )
p.s i shud think that all ppl shud be thinking that- if Rooney can pull anywhere- so can they !!!!
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Post by HRG »

Firstly, if players play for England they are representing England, not themselves.

Yes it would be nice if our top footballers were squeaky clean, but they're only human. It's their personalities that make them what they are not their career choice. If they cheat, take drugs or drink too much it's because that is within them. Being a footballer may mean they can afford better prostitutes, more expensive drinks in celeb haunts and not have to steal to fund their habit, but being a footballer doesn't make them do these things.

Footballers that make it are usually the ones that want to play football, not the ones that want to get rich. So I don't get why they are 'launching' themselves into the public eye. You become a footballer first, then if you're good enough and popular enough other deals may come your way and could lead to a whole new life (a la Beckham). I can't really imagine Rooney or Beckham as kids in their academies thinking 'Blimey, I'd better work hard else I won't be in OK and have my own perfume in ten years'. And even Beckham who has become a massive brand still wants to play football, he still loves the game.

Having said that, those that are quite happy to sell parts of their lives to these trashy mags haven't got much of a leg to stand on when it all goes t*ts up and they want their privacy. Advertising, however, in no way puts their personal selves on show it's just a highly lucrative second job. They are showing off a product and the people who want to sell said product want a famous face. I do not have a problem with that. If anyone does have a problem, then they don't have to buy the product. As far as showing off their wealth, well if I had a lot of money I wouldn't be staying in my little house for fear of offending people if I buy a mansion. I'd get a nice car or two, buy a second home somewhere nice and go on some bloody nice holidays, might even eat in some posh restaurants too. Of course not being famous I wouldn't be followed by photographers so no one would see me splashing the cash but I'd be doing the same stuff, just anonymously.

As for the Prince William stuff, really? Princes (and other young men) have been at it with women outside of marriage since time began. Lets all put the Daily Mail down and slowly back away.

I do admire people who can be faithful, stay drug free and are generally nice people too, but I don't like cider.
Oh, and Rooney doesn't pull, he pays!
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Post by lovinthatsurf »

As in future king i meant Charles... Who i still thought was the heir to the monarchy ( no daily mails here btw! )
Yes i agree with a lot of what you are saying..i was making reference to the trash mag brigade all smiles and glossy one sec and then drugs prostitutes the next.
i know that celebrity seems to be the holy grail these days...i just feel it is a powerful weapon in the wrong hands.
I dont believe a player only represents himself when he plays for England/Man utd/Torquay or sunday league, we all harp on about playing for the shirt and wearing it with pride...i know all our definitions of pride vary, i can only speak for how i view it.
I do have a semi- pro footballing son and believe me he has been very motivated by future promises of big salaries as much as he is of 1st team football..a sad reality of todays times.
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Post by HRG »

lovinthatsurf wrote:As in future king i meant Charles... Who i still thought was the heir to the monarchy ( no daily mails here btw! )
What I said before applies equally to both Charles and William. Assumed William because he's been in the press a lot more recently for obvious reasons.
I do have a semi- pro footballing son and believe me he has been very motivated by future promises of big salaries as much as he is of 1st team football..a sad reality of todays times.
I guess if my little boy ever had a sporting career I'd rather he played rugby, they seem much more grounded.
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Post by Awayday »

But whether they have sex out of marriage, sell their lives to Hello magazine or eat dog poo for fun, unless it is illegal or breaks FA rules then why does it matter? Let's take Giggs for example, he has kept his nose clean for years, he has always spoken on the playing field. The press have always let him be, he has always been great for Welsh football, but as soon as he gets caught with his trousers down it is none stop press / telly coverage (well as much as they could without mentioning his name). Just because they were being un-faithful does that matter when it comes to playing for your country? If so we would lose most of our England squad at the moment, and those that are left, when they go on their next away game John Terry will be knocking on their partner's doors.
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Post by lovinthatsurf »

lol Terry door knocking (£)
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Post by Father Jack »

Awayday wrote:But whether they have sex out of marriage, sell their lives to Hello magazine or eat dog poo for fun, unless it is illegal or breaks FA rules then why does it matter? Let's take Giggs for example, he has kept his nose clean for years, he has always spoken on the playing field. The press have always let him be, he has always been great for Welsh football, but as soon as he gets caught with his trousers down it is none stop press / telly coverage (well as much as they could without mentioning his name). Just because they were being un-faithful does that matter when it comes to playing for your country? If so we would lose most of our England squad at the moment, and those that are left, when they go on their next away game John Terry will be knocking on their partner's doors.
The thing with Giggs was his image (and consequently, the endorsements he made (or makes) lots of cash from) was always portrayed as a clean living, solid, dependable, family man that you never hear any scandal about. Thats why the press made such a big thing over his "alleged" indiscretions when they found out about them. Is anyone really convinced that the legal actions were anything other an attempt to suppress stories that would affect his earning potential from endorsements and post playing career? If you want to market your image as a role model of clean living, keep it in your jockeys FFS!!!
Rank hypocrisy if you ask me :@ :@
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Post by lovinthatsurf »

im in total agreement here FJ !
you said this much better than i was struggling to!
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Post by HRG »

I do agree it's none of our business but as long as celebrity antics sell papers and mags the press will continue to dish the dirt.

Refering to Giggs, it wasn't that he kept his nose clean it's just that no one said anything for years. What happened there is between Giggs, his wife and his brother and his wife. But he made the mistake of sleeping with someone who went running to the papers. Women who do that wind me up, it makes them no better than a prostitute. It may not be the footballer they slept with who pays but one way or another they financially profit from what they get up to with him. They also profit from the break up of a family making them just as bad as the bloke who couldn't keep his trousers up.

Perhaps we should have a footballing ten commandments:

1. Thou shalt not covet his team mate's significant other's ass.
2. Thou shalt not get squiffy the night before a game.
3. Thou shalt not partake in dodgy substances.
4. Thou shalt not play for Crawley.
5. Thou shalt not get involved with realty tv 'stars'.
6. Honour your manager and assistant manager.
7. Thou shalt not abuse the referee.
8. Remember the Saturday and keep it epic.
9. Thou shalt not be a dirty diver.
10. Thou shalt not sell your wedding to Hello /OK magazine.

Just a thought. Obviously there will be better ones I haven't thought of.
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Post by Father Jack »

HRG wrote:I do agree it's none of our business but as long as celebrity antics sell papers and mags the press will continue to dish the dirt. Refering to Giggs, it wasn't that he kept his nose clean it's just that no one said anything for years. What happened there is between Giggs, his wife and his brother and his wife.
Indeed, yet he was happy to market his image for years. Hypocrisy full stop! (or exclam mark)
HRG wrote:But he made the mistake of sleeping with someone who went running to the papers. Women who do that wind me up, it makes them no better than a prostitute. It may not be the footballer they slept with who pays but one way or another they financially profit from what they get up to with him. They also profit from the break up of a family making them just as bad as the bloke who couldn't keep his trousers up.
Total slappers. Thats what happens when you think with the 'nads though. Sympathy for the wife/family but none for the shagger Im afraid...(including Tigger!!!!)
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Post by HRG »

It is hypocrisy you are absolutely right FJ and when you live a lie it eventually all goes wrong as Giggs found out. As it bloody well should. Don't so much feel for his wife she now knows what he is but values being Ryan Gigg's wife more than her own self worth. I'll save my sympathy for the children.
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