Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

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Trojan 67
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Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Post by Trojan 67 »

This thread has been created for the Professional Whinging Moaners Club of which I am a fully paid up member. Don t confuse with NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard). NIMBYS are pussies.

My biggest moan is about that EU imposed collective of retards called USAT (Unitary Status Authority Torbay). Oh, you ve noticed?

Another reason for the creation of this thread is to keep all other threads clear of moans and/or drifting off topic with unrelated moans. Drifting off topic is not an offence; it sometimes livens up a thread that s gone dead.


I m wasting my time on retards (USAT), they no speak a da Ingleesh, let alone are able to read it in capitals. The only way to sort this out is direct action against the individual(s). No individuals, no organisation. Neutralise the individuals and the organisation collapses. Simple.

Another one that needs an enema (rocket up the backside) is that good paper gone bad called the Herald Express. Dave Thomas, Jim Parker, Guy Henderson etc can relax, just get the geographic names exact. If you don t believe that the Herald Express is in league with USAT then check the evidence, references to Torbay abound. Check the Letters pages and on line comments and see how many brainwashed sad b*stards give there address as Torbay. The postman looks at the address then drops it in Tor Bay.

Then there s Martial Arts, Freemasonry and the Freemasons. Freemasonry is continually under the most stringent inspection and testing regime and passes unblemished with a clean bill of health. This cannot be said about some, and I emphasise some, Freemasons living locally. If there is corruption within the local Constabulary then it s the normal practice for an outside and independent Force to come in and investigate.

Who then and what inspects a Freemason that has gone off the rails? Do I need to spell it out, again?
What happens to a Freemason when caught out? That remains the private business of IA (Internal Affairs). As the name suggests, intelligence comes from within to without to investigate within.

It will take time to clear up the sh*tty mess and those doing the clean up are balanced individuals of wholesome character who sometimes have to deal with unpleasant situations.

See what I mean about a thread that drifts off topic? :)
Last edited by Trojan 67 on 23 Dec 2010, 14:29, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

Traffic lights.
The bane of my f**kin' life. I travel 4 miles to work, and go through 14 YES FOURTEEN sets, THERE ARE SO MANY LIGHTS IN DONCASTER PEOPLE FROM BLACKPOOL ARE COMING TO DRIVE THROUGH THEM!! Ten sets of these are on side streets and four on roundabouts-WHICH ARE IGNORED BY SO MANY DICKHE@DS JUMPING RED THEY MAY AS WELL BE TURNED OFF!!!
Not one set is at a junction between two major roads, and they all run 24/7, in other words all could be turned off outside peak times.
Ever been stuck at a red light when theres not another vehicle in sight at 4am? I HAVE AND IT PISSED ME OFF!!
We have two park and rides and a bus lane into town. There are traffic lights at both sites and on the lanes themselves, stopping traffic. They dont run on Sundays, but THE LIGHTS ARE STILL OPERATING!!!!
Since our stupid electorate voted the Spawn of Thatcher in we now have councils saying they may have to turn of street lights to cut costs. I've got a better idea.
No prize for guessing what it may be?
Gercha :@ :@ :@
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Post by westbaygull »

Cars. Snow. Ice. Flat batteries. MOT tests. Christmas. Dogs still wanting to go out for a walk when it's icy. Being nudged in the arse by supermarket trolleys. Bad manners. Loft hatches not being flush with the ceiling so I can't fit a bloody bolt on it to keep it shut. X Factor. Facebook. Wotsits being unhealthy and fattening. Not possessing a pair of comfortable shoes. Lazy people. Discovering that I only have 2 weeks to slim into my works party dress. Goal music and the whole pre match entertainment bit. New Years Eve. Not knowing if New Years Eve needs a possessive apostrophe. Morrisons not selling coconut ring biscuits. Seagulls. Badgers. Foxes. Kwik Fit. Politics. Chris Evans.
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Post by Zelda »

Angelina Jolie. Maternity Services pillow shortage. Ninja incubators. Buses sailing past you when you re trying to get home after a night shift and when you do manage to get the bus, having a person with a persistent, productive cough sit behind you…every time. Old women who get to the checkout and are taken by surprise that they have to actually pay for their shopping and spend an eternity looking for their purse. The Co-op local inconvenience store. The vet s receptionist laughing at the fact my cat s called Jeff. Christmas greed. Thatcher still sucking in air. Facebook. People eating while they re on the phone. Flybe. Next-door-but-two s dog. Apostrophe abuse. The Ulster Bank cash machine that only does multiples of 20. 31st December. Going abroad…do not want, but why does that make me a bad person? Sharing a work locker with someone who has a penchant for Yorkshire s Finest James Martin and has stuck his picture on the door…words fail me.
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Post by HRG »

Aw what's with the hatred of the 31st? 'Tis my little girl's birthday.
At the moment my moan is about kids, got a hundred and one things to do and no time to do it, screaming baby, other one home off school with chicken pox, fricking freezing, going away for the weekend worried about the damn weather. Five minutes peace and a cup of tea would be nice. I'm only 25 and my wonderfully ginger hair is going fecking white! That's what they do the terrible creatures.
Don't get me started on the World Cup, traffic in Hereford, kids tv...
Oh that's better.
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Post by Trojan 67 »

westbaygull wrote:Cars. Snow. Ice. Flat batteries. MOT tests. Christmas. Dogs still wanting to go out for a walk when it's icy. Being nudged in the arse by supermarket trolleys. Bad manners. Loft hatches not being flush with the ceiling so I can't fit a bloody bolt on it to keep it shut. X Factor. Facebook. Wotsits being unhealthy and fattening. Not possessing a pair of comfortable shoes. Lazy people. Discovering that I only have 2 weeks to slim into my works party dress. Goal music and the whole pre match entertainment bit. New Years Eve. Not knowing if New Years Eve needs a possessive apostrophe. Morrisons not selling coconut ring biscuits. Seagulls. Badgers. Foxes. Kwik Fit. Politics. Chris Evans.
Zelda wrote:Angelina Jolie. Maternity Services pillow shortage. Ninja incubators. Buses sailing past you when you re trying to get home after a night shift and when you do manage to get the bus, having a person with a persistent, productive cough sit behind you…every time. Old women who get to the checkout and are taken by surprise that they have to actually pay for their shopping and spend an eternity looking for their purse. The Co-op local inconvenience store. The vet s receptionist laughing at the fact my cat s called Jeff. Christmas greed. Thatcher still sucking in air. Facebook. People eating while they re on the phone. Flybe. Next-door-but-two s dog. Apostrophe abuse. The Ulster Bank cash machine that only does multiples of 20. 31st December. Going abroad…do not want, but why does that make me a bad person? Sharing a work locker with someone who has a penchant for Yorkshire s Finest James Martin and has stuck his picture on the door…words fail me.

It's supposed to be one moan at a time, not dump it all in one big avalanche !!

What have I started. :( :) :(

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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

The middle aged women I work with (they are the majority group) really hack me off. They moan its too cold in the staff room if it drops down to 19' C, and throw all the windows open and moan how hot it is if it gets to 21'C.
Its a daily occurrence, and its got so bad I eat my dinner on my own two or three times a week in one of the classrooms or my even car! :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

Cheap shitty TV. Strictly come Bog Snorkelling would be more entertaining, never seen Big Brother,I'm a 'z' list 'celeb'????, hate Shat factor and all these crappy shows (especially the ones Norton fronted) with their zero budgets for the ordinary 'contestants' . Shat Factor, two people with absolutely no talent whatsoever and two others who would both be checkout girls in Lidl or Poundland if it wasn't for their good looks and voice enhancement sortware judge other peoples talent-or lack of it, and get paid a Kings ransom for thr privelege.
Opportunity Knocks in the 60's and 70's had 10 acts, 9 crap ones and 1 better one. Votes came in , 9 crap ones went and good one went on to following week.
Shat factor-15 crap acts and one maybe little bit better, pick of worst gets voted off and others go on to following week giving 15 weeks of rubbish TV, including a load of spin off shows, results etc
And its all the moaning middle aged women I work with talk about as well!!!! (see earlier rant)

Utter bilge :@
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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

Oh my word they are coming thick and fast.
Scarf woman (see earlier rant) is now moaning about the council not gritting roads and how dangerous it is on the roads at the moment. I've been out for the last two days and all the main roads are clear, just the side streets are still icy. Drive to the conditions and its fine.

So this rant is agains't crap drivers who cant manage a bit of snow and ice.
If you cant manage that then get on the chuffin' bus!! :@
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

Threads full of people moaning :)

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Post by Trojan 67 »

scottbrehaut wrote:Threads full of people moaning :)
Precisely. :clap:

Keeps the main board clear, or it is intended to do. :rofl:
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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

Sorry, not been a good week......... :)
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Post by westbaygull »

Trojan 67 wrote:
It's supposed to be one moan at a time, not dump it all in one big avalanche !!
All? All? That's just the tip of the iceberg... :O And how can you multi-quote? Can you do pictures yet? <throws gauntlet to ground smilie>

Zelda - James Martin? Oooh, I feel your pain sweetpea xx
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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

Royalty. Parasites with no use whatsoever, sucking off the rest of the country. :-|
I dont care how little of my tax it costs to keep them, ITS MY TAX AND I DONT WANT THEM! :(

And please royalists, dont bring up that old chestnut about Income from the Crown estates covering their costs, the money made would go to the Government anyway AND THE CROWN ESTATES ARE LANDS PROCURED (OR STOLEN) FROM OUR ANCESTORS BY THEIR ANCESTORS! :@


Are the two princes in the services or not? They are seen at football and rugby matches all season long, attending functions, parties etc BUT NEVER IN AFGHANISTAN ON THE FRONT LINE :@ :@

The Russians and French knew what to do with theirs, we should follow suit as soon as possible :mrgreen:
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Post by westbaygull »

EmetEdadsBeard wrote:
The Russians and French knew what to do with theirs, we should follow suit as soon as possible :mrgreen:
Orf with his head... :@

I love Queenie and Wills and co. Only one I don't like is miserable Charlie
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