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Post by Trojan 67 »

It got moved and things have settled down, that's the main thing.

Having an informed debate is maybe something for the future.

This thread is a safety valve for letting off steam, but it didn't stop a Main Board thread from deteriorating. Everyone carries something that p*sses them off : the trigger is primed, the hammer follows through and BANG.

One word can do it. As it happened it did.
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Post by Southampton Gull »

One of the reasons I left the thread there was that in an earlier post you suggested that you would "be back later" to continue the discussion on the Popside, I allowed time for that to surface but it didn't. It probably got more replies through being on the main board than it would have on the Popside so on reflection, I could have moved it earlier but didn't because I believe we've all done a remarkable job of letting the forums content run its course with no involvement from Admins. Either way, I'm certainly enjoying the atmosphere on here of late. I hope I'm not the only one.

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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

OK, its time for the thicko's among us to stand up and be counted.

Own up (if you dare, and be truthful) if you voted Conservative at the last General election and explain, after todays VAT rise which will only really hurt the less well paid in society (predicted by me on Facebook on the day they won) why you are so stupid? :rofl:
'Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level then beat you with their experience!
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Post by Southampton Gull »

For obvious reasons, I won't engage you in debate after being reminded of your signature :-D

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Post by Trojan 67 »

Southampton Gull wrote:One of the reasons I left the thread there was that in an earlier post you suggested that you would "be back later" to continue the discussion on the Popside, I allowed time for that to surface but it didn't. It probably got more replies through being on the main board than it would have on the Popside so on reflection, I could have moved it earlier but didn't because I believe we've all done a remarkable job of letting the forums content run its course with no involvement from Admins. Either way, I'm certainly enjoying the atmosphere on here of late. I hope I'm not the only one.
Tapped send without adding any comment. :Oops:

I had hoped it would have settled down, but it didn't. Saying nothing and doing nothing, with hindsight, was probably the worst of all options. It stands there now on it's own and will fade away.

It's a shame really, because Manset definitely has something about him and under the guidance of a first class coaching set up could be a serious force to be reckoned with.

Don't be too hard on yourself Dave, everyone is grateful for what you do. It IS a good atmosphere on here and some have mastered the art of banter within a thread without it going in an unintended direction.
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Post by Trojan 67 »

EmetEdadsBeard wrote:OK, its time for the thicko's among us to stand up and be counted.

Own up (if you dare, and be truthful) if you voted Conservative at the last General election and explain, after todays VAT rise which will only really hurt the less well paid in society (predicted by me on Facebook on the day they won) why you are so stupid? :rofl:
There wasn't anything revolutionary enough for me on the ballot paper, so I put the mark of Cain on ****************** (this post has been edited by the internal administrator).
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Post by Trojan 67 »

HRG wrote:Damn spam threads that have appeared the crafty devils. :red:
Also the in-laws. :evil:
Yeah, they were on the main board and over here. Spam threads that is, not the in-laws.

I thought it might have been our sad friend flackisgod. I haven't ruled out that it could be.

Admin can't be up all night to remove such threads, so the best the rest of us can do is to ignore.
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Scott sent me a text informing me of their emergence so I logged in at a friends house and removed them. Quite a few of you have my number so I can always be contacted on that regarding site matters.

The spammers are posting from American IP's and will soon cease being a problem.

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Post by Trojan 67 »

That's that one clarified.
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Post by Trojan 67 »

These spammers/trolls, why now all of a sudden ?

Another couple have logged on in the last hour. :red:

Is it in anyway connected to flackisgod ?

It must be coincidence then. As it happens, I don't do coincidence.
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Post by Southampton Gull »

I'm on it, can confirm it has nothing to do with our Somerset pal.

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Post by Trojan 67 »

Matt has posted a thoughtful reply on the Mathieu Manset thread.

I remember the days before PC pratness. Common sense ruled supreme. I hope now that all will see the danger of brainwashing.

Back in the day before the Health and Safety Act (1974) many lives were lost unnecessarily. I'm in agreement with anything that ensures safe working practice. What I don't agree with is it's administration by PC pratness.

As stated before elsewhere, political correctness is the enemy of common sense and is to be stopped dead in its tracks at every opportunity. Neutralise the personnel and the organisation collapses.
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Post by HRG »

Thanks for the swift spam removal SG, they are easy to ignore just an irritant really that clogs up boards.
Once read a column about the Stereophonics drummer who died the comments were plagued with spam about playstations and i phones. Bloody awful.
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Post by westbaygull »

Moving the last home game of the season sucks, but don't know who to moan about - the Police, the FL, or just Plymarf and City....perhaps all of them. After all, it is raining...
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Post by steve_t »

Trojan 67 wrote:Well done Emet.

It would be useful if you could post up your signature again. You know the one, it says something like don't argue with an idiot, those watching won't be able to tell the difference.

After asking in plain language to move the Mathieu Manset thread to this board, it eventually happened, but not before a few great white brown nosing noses got put out of joint. Some clearly do not have the intelligence to realise that spelling out Matt's use of Negro to mean BIG BUCK N*GG*R was done to clarify meaning without ambiguity and without any direct racist intent.

Now that thread is over on this board, the Main Board is free for comments directly related to Torquay United. No further comment from myself is needed or will be added to the Mathieu Manset thread.

Mission accomplished, end of.
Hi, you semmed to ignore my question on the other thread so I'll repeat it here if thats acceptable. (if not please feel free to remove it mod's)

I hope you don't consider this 'playing the race card' but why would you ever want to describe anybody as that?
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