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Re: Politics

Posted: 09 Mar 2013, 22:53
by chunkygull
ooooooohhhhhhh now we are getting controversial.

the last person hung in britain was in 1964. a year later the death penalty was abolished, apart from a few crimes which were very unlikely. treason being one.1n 1998 the labour party signed a treaty as part of agreements with europe which basically abolished capital punishment completely.

our laws believe it or not were extremely harsh and tough in the days of hanging etc.

i have seen many documentaries and a few films about the time capitol punishment was abolished.

there is a really good film about albert pierrepoint, britains most prolific hangman which clearly shows the stupidity our justice system showed in some of the crimes people commited that led to a death sentence.

there were a few particular cases which helped bring about the abolition of hanging etc, such as derek bentley.

i agree with the death penalty for pre-meditated murder, rape and severe cases of paodophillia.

there must be caution though, the evidence against a suspect/criminal must be 100% concrete. no question. pretty much you would have to catch someone red-handed to make sure of this. the conviction must be absolutely above question, without a shadow of doubt.

granted dna, forensics and crime solving techniques are far greater now.

this would have suited the cases of peter sutcliffe, ian huntley, ian brady, myra hindley and rose and fred west. they should all have faced the executioner. although fred west did do us all a favour and a few have tried to take care of sutcliffe and huntley

an inmate on death row should serve a 5 year minimum jail term in the worst prison circumstances imaginable, therefore giving their representatives the chance to appeal and find any evidence that may have been missed. then they can keep their appointment with the bloke downstairs to be sat on the end of his pitchfork roasting slowly in the fires of hell for all eternity. :devil:

in america a lot of inmates on death row could be waiting for years because of various legal wrangling. 33 years is the record and that is about to be broken.

that kind of defeats the object if you ask me.

Re: Politics

Posted: 09 Mar 2013, 22:55
by usagullmichigan
Bring it back. Seriously.

In America we do have a fast track system for the lucky ones.

Re: Politics

Posted: 10 Mar 2013, 09:52
by Colorado Gull
Totally agree Chunkygull! :bow:

A nice looking policy as well :-D

I personally think capital punishment should be brought back, but for the worse crimes like; rape, murder, pedophillia etc. If any human being commits any of these crimes, then they do not deserve to be on this planet, IMO.

Re: Politics

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 16:33
by stevegull
The budget.

What do you guys think? Pompous politics or crucial for the country?

How much can really be changed with the budget? To what extent does it define a government?

What do you want Osbourne to announce? We all know there is an inevitable squeeze on our finances but what would help you most?

Re: Politics

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 18:27
by cambgull
stevegull wrote:but what would help you most?
The resignation of the entire Coalition and a party instilled who realise that the way out of recession and a large budget deficit is not just by making cuts but by encouraging growth in other areas. Ensuring money stays in the country and ends up in the hands of those who wish to spend it, not those who have plenty of money to spend already. Jobs need to be created in areas which take on the most people, such as manufacturing and retail. Benefits need to be totally reformed (which is the only thing this Government has vaguely done) and we need to rid this country of the "It's someone else's fault I screwed up" blame culture.

Re: Politics

Posted: 24 Mar 2013, 10:07
by Colorado Gull
What do you make of this?


It's relevant to Steve's question on George Osbourne's budget. I agree with Nigel Farage in the video above, there were some positives, but nothing that will kick start the economy.

And what do you think of Nigel's speech yesterday at Exeter's spring conference. Sadly I couldn't attend as well, Torquay United comes before politics! ;-)



Re: Politics

Posted: 24 Mar 2013, 21:10
by AustrianAndyGull
stevegull wrote:The budget.

What do you guys think? Pompous politics or crucial for the country?

How much can really be changed with the budget? To what extent does it define a government?

What do you want Osbourne to announce? We all know there is an inevitable squeeze on our finances but what would help you most?
Jeez, i think it is at this juncture where i bow out of this thread. You lads are way too knowledgable about politics than i ever could be and you frighten me. :lol:

Steve, i'm still wondering the answer to the question, "What happens if we JUST eat crisps?" never mind to what extent does the budget define the Government! :-/

I entered the thread hoping to post more than just rants, solutions maybe, ideas. The ones i DO have will just turn into 'other' rants though. :)

No, i'm out and i'll leave you guys to it as i can't compete. It's a great thread though Danny and well done mate for having such enthusiasm for the subject. :-D

My brief but limited answer is just for the Government to make it worthwhile for people to go out to work and make it not worthwhile staying on benefits. As it is it's the opposite way around and as someone who works on a common sense basis above all else, the current system is NOT common sense. :red:

Re: Politics

Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 17:05
by AustrianAndyGull
Immigrants may now have to wait up to 5 years before being elegible for social housing.

5 years ago this policy would have helped, now it's a waste of time as the lists are clogged to the hilt already. Too late - you've already failed.

Re: Politics

Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 17:55
by stevegull
I hope you keep posting Andy as opinions is what it's all about!

Completely agree regarding the social housing for immigrants. Previous regimes have lost control of it (probably due to the EU Danny ;-) ) and it is very difficult to simply 'sort it out' now. Personally, I don't think you should qualify for social housing or benefits if you've just moved here. But it's a simple system where someone in a poorer European country and say "I'm not being payed for doing nothing here but I can move to the UK where I can also do nothing but earn money that I can send home!" I don't blame those scroungers in particular. If I somehow found myself in that situation it is a no brainer really. The system was flawed and has caused quite a problem.

Danny, I like the way Farage talks regarding government policy. Rather than the monotomous rhetoric of the Labour party simply lambasting EVERYTHING the government does to try and stop the rot and create growth, Farage is much more well-reasoned and does commend the good policies that came out of the budget. He can be critical, and he is, but he also appreciates the good things which I think makes him a much more credible politician. I would be much more inclined to vote Labour if they simply said something that the government has done was good! I'll have a watch of the Party Conference speeches later...

Re: Politics

Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 18:00
by AustrianAndyGull
I used to think that politicians had a list of things they said they were going to do when they got into power and this list was the basis for voters voting them in. I used to have this image of a massive refridgerator in the house of commons with this list stuck onto it with a massive fridge magnet and when the Government had achieved something they said were going to do pre-election then they would put a big tick beside it and a smiley face. They would do this until each promise had been achieved and then the country would be at an even keel and could start really growing and flourishing.

Call me simple but i don't think this is a bad example of how things should REALLY be done.

Re: Politics

Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 18:10
by Colorado Gull
The thing is with Farage, he's not like the other party leaders. He's had experience in the working world for over 20 years, while Cameron, Clegg and Miliband are all 'college kids' who have never had a job. Take this next statement however you want, but I believe it; Farage is not in politics for his 'fame', money, he is simply in politics with UKIP to get our country back!

Regarding the immigrant law from the PM, it just shows he's again afraid of UKIP but doesn't want to show it. Why should we believe him anyway? He just doesn't stick to his word...ever! It is a nice policy, I'd want it a little stronger (like the UKIP policy) but the simple fact of the matter is, we cannot control immigration because we are a part of a political union and we have an open door immigration to the whole of Eastern Europe and will open them fully to 29 million people next year.

Re: Politics

Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 23:49
by chunkygull
have watched the 3 videos. im quite impressed and even watched a few others that popped up after. i feel a few of the interviewers were a bit smug and condescending especially sky's adam boulton. almost like they weren't taking him seriously. hope he proves them wrong.

as for the 2-5 year waiting list for immigrants to be housed. it should be 5 minimum and only after british residents on the list have been housed. anyway this sort of action is more than 10 years too late. :|
of course if anyone had dared suggest this sort of thing 10 years ago, teflon tony with his faithful sidekick gormless gordon and all their cronies would have called them a racist.
anyway we got 1p off a pint of beer(whoopeefu*Kindoo). also we arent getting charged the extra 3p a litre petrol (yet), so it hasnt quite hit the record of 74% tax(yet).yyyaaaaayyyy. :clap:

anyway, i quite like a lot of the things farage says, especially where he mentioned the government can make savings on cutting quangos and i have got to agree we give far too much for foreign aid. we need that money here before it goes abroad.(clean up your own back yard first).
India has more billionaires than britain, yet we give them 7 billion a year in aid. :-o

so yeah, if we do get some ukip representation down in torbay, i would probably vote for them. would make a refreshing change from the usual tory, lib dem stranglehold we have here.

Re: Politics

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 22:25
by stevegull
Danny, I watched Farage take a relative pasting on newsnight the other day. He didn't come off well, but the whole interview seemed to be set up to make him and the parties policies look like racist nonsense. What annoyed me most though was that the presenter hardly gave Farage a chance to stand his corner and explain his policies. Instead of leading and insightful questions like "What was the thinking behind this policy" she asked him 3 or 4 times just if he knew specific statistics on certain things. "Do you know the percentage of ethnic minorities who claim job seekers allowance?" It hardly gives him a chance to properly talk. To be fair he handled it fairly well, by saying that he knew the whereabouts of some figures and then tried to jump in and explain himself - as he must have been aware that there was an agenda against him on that panel.

However, Farage stating that there was nothing in the budget that would 'kick start' the economy grates me a bit. There is no magic 'kick start' button. You can't just wipe out all that debt with one message in a little red box. We're in a sh*t heap and there are no easy ways out.

Re: Politics

Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 16:19
by Colorado Gull
I agree Steve. We are in a dire state, our debt nearly reaching 1.2 trillion pounds! That's (wait for it) £1,190,071,833,06! I am not in any way intelligent enough to state how we are supposed to get out of this dire state, but I know a few things that will help this! Cut nonsense over spending with the European Union and foreign aid! Lets concentrate on our own country shall we?

Re: Politics

Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 16:30
by chunkygull
="dannyrvtufc4life" I agree Steve. We are in a dire state, our debt nearly reaching 1.2 trillion pounds! That's (wait for it) £1,190,071,833,06! I am not in any way intelligent enough to state how we are supposed to get out of this dire state, but I know a few things that will help this! Cut nonsense over spending with the European Union and foreign aid! Lets concentrate on our own country shall we?
:goodpost: :clap: :bow: