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Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 14:37
by Gullscorer
We almost got relegated last season with Knill in charge.

Knill out..!! :@

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 14:40
by diamondgirl
Great appointment. Welcome Alan. Just need to get Brassy on board now, and all will be well with TUFC.

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 14:44
by Gullscorer
diamondgirl wrote:Great appointment. Welcome Alan. Just need to get Brassy on board now, and all will be well with TUFC.
I'll be happy just to see a good passing game and plenty of fast attacking football. :)

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 15:03
by Scott Brehaut
Gullscorer wrote:I'll be happy just to see a good passing game and plenty of fast attacking football. :)
I'll be happy to see us win some games....

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 17:45
by Matt85
Ball up to Rene flick on to were we playing attacking football under Knill???
Performances were terrible. However right choice made I feel. Let's hope Alan gets his teeth into the summer and moulds
the squad for the better. Things could be worse, for a start he can speak English and isn't called Lubos Kubik!!! :bow:

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 17:53
by Modgull
Great news that terms have been agreed so quickly but this is hardly a surprise - I still reckon he had been promised the job when he was called in subject to retaining our league status.

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 18:00
by mini_mid_devon
Very happy with the appointment

Knill did a great job while keeping the same team and formation and always saying during press conferences that the team was not his and the way the lads will play will be under the "lingy" way

Now he can have his own grasp on the squad and play his way and with his own players

Should be an intresting summer...

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 18:38
by tktufc91
When Alan first came in, he was faced with getting a team with no confidence to league 2 safety. We were in free fall and yet he managed to bring in Benyon, Chapell and especially Labadie who in the end helped us get out of trouble. Not an easy task.

And we also (eventually) began to play much better football, if not fragile at the back. I was at the dagenham game and we played better with 10 men, especially in the second half.

Very happy to have him at the club. With the summer to assemble his own squad, hopefully we'll be looking towards the top end of the league rather than the bottom.

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 18:49
by hector
I have to be honest, I was never joining the clamour for Alan Knill to be given the job. I would have preferred the club to have had a good scout around before they jumped on the populist bandwagon. A harsh examination of his record at Scunthorpe and to be honest, Torquay, isn't illuminating. However, he did well at Rotherham and Bury and so I hope that is what he can bring to Plainmoor. Additionally, it is better to have the manager in place now and there does not seem to be very many creditable alternatives at present.

So good luck to Alan Knill. I hope it works out.

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 19:04
by gullintwoplaces
hector wrote:I have to be honest, I was never joining the clamour for Alan Knill to be given the job. I would have preferred the club to have had a good scout around before they jumped on the populist bandwagon. A harsh examination of his record at scunthorpe and to be honest, Torquay, isn't illuminating. However, he did well at Rotherham and Bury and so I hope that is what he can bring to Plainmoor. Additionally, it is better to have the manager in place now and there does not seem to be very many creditable alternatives at present.

So good luck to Alan Knill. I hope it works out.
Half hearted comment to put it mildly. I welcome Alan Knill, for us he turned around a car crash team into a side that had some confidence. I have no doubt at all that he gave the players confidence and deserves the chance to take on the job.

Not sure who you want as manager, Mourinho? Ferguson?

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 19:07
by AustrianAndyGull
Matt85 wrote:Ball up to Rene flick on to were we playing attacking football under Knill???
Performances were terrible. However right choice made I feel. Let's hope Alan gets his teeth into the summer and moulds
the squad for the better. Things could be worse, for a start he can speak English and isn't called Lubos Kubik!!! :bow:
Ok so he comes into a club in absolute freefall down the league with players bereft of all confidence and the ones that weren't were sh*t anyway. Then he is supposed to make them play like Barcelona having known the entire squad and their capabilities for all of 5 minutes? Not sure you are being reasonable there Matt85 at all.

He did at least GET US going forward in the right direction and although i would also have liked to have seen a bit more away from home, we certainly were a lot better than under Ling and with a summer of new players bedding in and a new managerial ethos at the helm i'm sure the attacking football will be seen next season. I'm not going to be unrealistic and suggest that Knill gets us flowing forward every week but i'm sure we'll see a great deal more entertainment under Knill even if we lose some games.

When we appointed Ling i was very disappointed as the names being banded about at the time were a lot more high profile and then out of the blue Ling got the job which was a bit of an anti-climax. This time around i am a lot happier with the appointment of Knill although i'm not getting too carried away. So long as he attempts to win some football matches and we generally play decent positive stuff then i'll be over the moon even if we finish mid table or a bit below. I'm sure he will do so but as i'm not sure yet what style he is going to adopt then i'll reserve my judgement for later on in the season when i've seen quite a few games.

Overall though i'm so glad Ling has gone and taken his archaic tactics with him and now we can all look forward to a bright and exciting summer and a new season under Knill.

Thank you Alan for coming down to the bay and saving our club and i wish you all the best in the job. :bow:

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 19:21
by Scott Brehaut
tktufc91 wrote:We were in free fall and yet he managed to bring in Benyon, Chapell and especially Labadie who in the end helped us get out of trouble.
No, he had nothing to do with bringing Benners in. He was here when Juan joined us. Taylor was in charge when Benners joined.

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 20:14
by Matt85
AustrianAndyGull I can't see how I'm being far from reasonable.
In my honest opinion we looked a far better side when Nathan Craig was in the team. He was one of the few players last season that gave us an extra threat with his passing and crossing ability, but that's another thread. We just became so predicable in the way we played and teams worked us out, it happens. Even Rene said we had been going under the radar and anyone (Knill) who would have done a bit of homework would have worked that out. Not saying I was expecting to see Barcelona play, but Knill had plenty of time to try a few more tactical variations than he did. It's a case of when (not if) Rene goes we will have to adopt a new way of playing anyway.
I wish Alan luck and I'm greatful for his efforts in keeping us up. I'm also sure we will be ok next season, however I'm just hoping we will have a plan C for when we run out of ideas.

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 20:27
by wodger of awabia
brucie wrote:I don't think for one moment that Taylor will stay.

Great news - he seems like a really decent bloke. No doubt wodger will be on in a minute congratulating Knill on his appointment after telling us all yesterday that Knill wouldn't accept an appointment with this board.

What a billy bell end :@ :red: :lol: :slap: :O :scarf: :whistle: :no:
I don't think that anyone is interested in your ill thought out guesses, you have not said why you don't think Taylor will stay.

Do try to understand what people write & don't put your own uninformed spin on everything. At no time did I state that Knill would not accept the job. Read the post again & ask someone if you still don't understand. If this symbol ? appears then it means that a question is being asked,this is not the same as a statement.
Only wan#ers call people billy bell ends! :clap: :clap: :clap: :-D :na: :na: :lol: :lol:

Re: Alan Knill CONFIRMED as new Torquay manager

Posted: 07 May 2013, 20:42
by AustrianAndyGull
Matt85, all i'm saying is that we played better attacking football under Knillwhen you said we weren't. Knill got us playing better AND kept a desperately struggling side up into the bargain all in the space of a few months. I'd say that tells us all we need to know about his potential in the job and it also tells us all we need to know about Ling and just how predictable and easy his tactics were to the opposition. Break us down, score and it's 3 points in the bag generally. It's not really rocket science to get 10 players to have a real go at the opposition whatever their playing standard, it is much more difficult to turn these performances into points however. Knill did both of these tasks to an acceptable standard whilst at the same time under immense pressure trying to save our league status. Ling had half a season of zero pressure to try and gradually improve the performances but failed dismally. I said it before earlier on in the season and now i do believe i have been somewhat vindicated, Ling has indeed turned out to be a one trick pony.