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Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 14:02
by Gullscorer
Behind-the-Gulls wrote:Apparently the referee asked if a player could run down the touch-line with a ball-unfortunately we asked Danny Stevens to do it and the water was up to his neck. =D
That's rather a tall story..

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 14:05
by CP Gull
TeenageGull wrote:Exeter off, there you go brucie :lol: :lol: :lol:
Unfortunately, the match officials, the club and the ground staff are always on a hiding to nothing in these situations. There will always be those that choose to moan, but surely calling our game off at 10am was far better for everyone concerned rather than leaving it until nearly 2pm. That said, you cannot blame ECFC too much either as by all accounts their pitch was fine first thing, but just couldn't soak up all the rain that has hit it in the last few hours!

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 14:41
by Fonda
Games sometimes fall foul of the weather. It can't be helped, especially with such extreme conditions. My point really was it's not clear to me how much improvement has been made to the pitch in the last 2 summers when we've spent money on it. Take today's postponement out of the equation completely - the pitch has looked pretty heavy for much of the season. It doesn't appear to be a great deal better than before? But other people seem absolutely convinced otherwise so maybe I'm wrong.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 14:49
by NA Gull
The usual moaners are, err, moaning again!! Living in the area I can't remember the last time we had this amount of incessant rain we have had for months now. It rained loads before and over Xmas and also New Year. Not really stopped since. I can't see many pitches outside the top flight getting a game on with the amount of rain we have had.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 14:54
by hector
brucie wrote:Exeter game is on ours is off. 20 miles apart - you do have to wonder what the difference is, as I said yesterday we might as well have called it off then.
..and a couple of weeks ago, our game was ON when their's was OFF. it's just one of those things. Can't help the weather. Moaning about it is as pointless as it is ridiculous.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 14:54
by Fonda
For the third time, I'm not moaning. I'm wondering if we got value for money for the changes we have made.

The problem is, you can't ask a simple question without being accused of moaning or criticising.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 14:57
by Gullscorer
NA Gull wrote:The usual moaners are, err, moaning again!! Living in the area I can't remember the last time we had this amount of incessant rain we have had for months now. It rained loads before and over Xmas and also New Year. Not really stopped since. I can't see many pitches outside the top flight getting a game on with the amount of rain we have had.
If you're in Newton Abbot you'll have Newton Abbot weather which is often quite different from Torquay weather. I've known snow in Newton Abbot when it's been sunny and clear over Plainmoor. Local weather is notoriously unpredictable, and even official forecasts get it wrong as often as right. Only one thing seems certain; it doesn't take very much inclement weather to make a game at Plainmoor extremely doubtful..

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 14:57
by ferrarilover
This Board are STILL playing catch up for 20 years of Bateson investing £0.03/year in, well, everything.

Yes, we've spent money on the pitch, but ten grand on some verti-draining and sand isn't suddenly going to turn Plainmoor into Old Trafford.

The usual suspects are out making their usual daft comments about how hopeless the club is, all the while ignoring the fact that games get postponed all the time. Crawley, multi-billionnaires Crawley who have had nowhere near the volume of rain we have and have the finances to replace the pitch with one of solid gold if they so wish, have lost their match today. Exeter, the mighty Exeter who get crowds of millions (as they like to remind us) have lost their game. Luton Town is off. This isn't a TUFC specific problem. The South West, it is widely known, is enjoying the worst spell of prolonged heavy rain for a century and there are STILL morons among the membership of this board who see fit to level criticism based on some myth that we're an embarrassment to football for having a match called off given the circumstances.


Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 15:02
by Rjc70
hector wrote: ..and a couple of weeks ago, our game was ON when their's was OFF. it's just one of those things. Can't help the weather. Moaning about it is as pointless as it is ridiculous.
Exeter match is also off.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 15:04
by hector
Rjc70 wrote: Exeter match is also off.
...they might satisfy Brucie then!

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 15:05
by Fonda
And still we see the references to morons. Everytime I come back to this board, I'm reminded within days why I stopped the last time.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 15:05
by stefano
Gullscorer wrote: If you're in Newton Abbot you'll have Newton Abbot weather which is often quite different from Torquay weather. I've known snow in Newton Abbot when it's been sunny and clear over Plainmoor. Local weather is notoriously unpredictable, and even official forecasts get it wrong as often as right. Only one thing seems certain; it doesn't take very much inclement weather to make a game at Plainmoor extremely doubtful..
You could get a job in the Met Office with that sort of approach GS ;-)

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 15:05
by Gullscorer
It's strange that some people on this forum feel they have to moan about other people moaning. And others, morons who believe that theirs is the only way of looking at the world, who accuse others of being morons because they express different views. No names, but you know who you are (Hector, Brucie, Ferrarilover :whistle: ). Oh the irony of it all... ;-)

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 15:07
by Southampton Gull
Sid James

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 15:08
by Southampton Gull
Sid James again