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Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 15:53
by SuperNickyWroe
bixieupnorth wrote:you were right supes, futbol24 finally chalked it off again 11 mins after it was credited to turner
i should have bet you over that bix.........

seeing as you are used to losing money! =D

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:03
by bixieupnorth
can you tell me that donnie arent winning too please??!!

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:11
by SuperNickyWroe
bixieupnorth wrote:can you tell me that donnie arent winning too please??!!
er sorry mate...........

mansfield 1 up at pompey........

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:12
by Trojan 67
Gullscorer wrote:It's strange that some people on this forum feel they have to moan about other people moaning, morons who believe that theirs is the only way of looking at the world, who accuse others of being morons because they express different views. No names, but you know who you are (Hector, Brucie, Ferrarilover ).
You are getting on my f*cking nerves now!!! :@

I'm f*cking annoyed I'm not on the list!!! :@ :rofl:

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:15
by SuperNickyWroe
SuperNickyWroe wrote: er sorry mate...........

mansfield 1 up at pompey........
even worse bix its 2-0! :'(

you should have backed barnsley............ :}

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:27
by Scott Brehaut
Gullscorer wrote:It's strange that some people on this forum feel they have to moan about other people moaning. And others, morons who believe that theirs is the only way of looking at the world, who accuse others of being morons because they express different views. No names, but you know who you are (Hector, Brucie, Ferrarilover :whistle: ). Oh the irony of it all... ;-)
You're ALL morons.


The Admin team.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:29
by AustrianAndyGull
Fonda wrote:For the third time, I'm not moaning. I'm wondering if we got value for money for the changes we have made.

The problem is, you can't ask a simple question without being accused of moaning or criticising.

Which is exactly what you accused me of the other week with my 'vitriol' when I was simply giving my opinion. You can't have your cake I think the saying goes. ;-)

Par for the course on here. One poster (not Fonda) who has always accused me of being defensive even replied to one of my posts in a defensive manner! Nobody can take the high ground about anything on here because often it's a sea of doom with the same fish swimming around, and around and around like in a massive bowl. There are the ones who think they rule the ocean, the big fish, the ones who perhaps have established themselves in the forum ocean. Then there are those who feed off them - latching on to their every movement so they can bend over backwards to help ( or agree) with altruistic behaviours seemingly. Although they are not helping the evolution of their own species by having no self respect and conviction behind their own opinions regardless of how eccentric or forceful they may seem to others. These fish cling to the skin of the big fish, feeding off them and making them more streamline thus clearing the path for them to have a crack at the smaller fish.

The small fish are like little shoals of life, keeping the sea alive with posts, often funny, light hearted and never too serious unless a bigger fish gets their fins up by being a hypocrite.. Then they break out of their shoal, do something generally out of character and then big nasty fishes revel in this explosion and open their massive open mouths and spit it all back out again at the offending fish but it's never in a mean manner. They never respond in an inappropriate manner. How could they? These are the respected ones. The big fish that rule the ocean and go by the latin name of Hypocritalus wereallbetterthantherestus.

Then there are the bottom feeders which are also holier than thou and full of self importance but some often worse. Popping up to the surface now and again for a quick dig at someone then having a long swim before resurfacing again. These fish are at the bottom but perhaps evolution in the ocean is the wrong way round? Either way I say join the shoal in the middle and try and be as fair as you can and as pleasant as you can and you will all have a 'whale' of a time. Sure these middling fish might have a rant or two out of frustration or have a pop at someone for doing likewise to them but that's only human......errrr sorry fishy. They don't mean it and would like the ocean to be one harmonious bowl. Life on here should be like a box of chocolates or indeed at least like a tub of aquarian. Instead it's like an aquatic nightmare with lots of fish getting caught in nets of hypocrisy. Nets that say on a continual basis, "This is why I don't / have stopped posting on here - because of people like this" when in fact they themselves cause exactly the same feeling in other fish by posting the very stuff they claim restricts them to the pond more often.

It's all very funny and makes me realize that to keep my head above the water and gradually evolve into a land dweller and finally an intelligent, understanding, selfless, sympathetic, empathetic and decent human being then I really have to leave the tumultuous forum seas once and for all.

I'd like to say I've got bigger fish to fry but then again I bet so do the big fish inside that there ocean. They haven't so it's the other guys who have to bear the brunt of Hypocritalus weareallbetterthantherestus.

Now I'm like fish out of water and it feels GREAT!!!!!

Swim well fishies!!!!! I'm off to Bikini Bottom where everyone knows how to have a laugh and where all manner of aquatic organisms look after each other and get involved to get a sense of community spirit. I wish it was like that in this ocean. This one smells a bit fishy.

Anyway, I've evolved now and my name is John West. Over and out. Thank Christ I've found my atlantis and it is in a ocean far far away. :) You had me hook, line and sinker and I kept biting, I couldn't resist going back for more boilies. Now.......................................................

I'm outta here. Fins are looking up!! :-D

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:38
by Trojan 67
Smell it ?

I smell it.

Smells like fish.

Land dweller in and out of the water me, frog man . . . . . .

Read it . . . . read it . . . . . read it . . . .

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:42
by Fonda
You'll go a long way to find a post where I've referred to anyone as an idiot or a moron because they don't agree with me. It's about respect and I've said it countless times on this very forum. People should converse in a manner that they'd be comfortable doing if they were sat in the pub. I doubt there'd be so many 'morons' being bandied about if the conversations were taking place in a face to face manner.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:43
by SuperNickyWroe
Scott Brehaut wrote: You're ALL morons.


The Admin team
and so are you lot.

kind regards,

the members.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:45
by SuperNickyWroe
Fonda wrote:You'll go a long way to find a post where I've referred to anyone as an idiot or a moron because they don't agree with me. It's about respect and I've said it countless times on this very forum. People should converse in a manner that they'd be comfortable doing if they were sat in the pub. I doubt there'd be so many 'morons' being bandied about if the conversations were taking place in a face to face manner.
absoulutely shane.

just fists, headbutts and knee-caps.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:52
by SuperNickyWroe
supes has scored for oxford to lead wycombe!! :clap:

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 17:51
by PhilGull
Fonda wrote:Games sometimes fall foul of the weather. It can't be helped, especially with such extreme conditions. My point really was it's not clear to me how much improvement has been made to the pitch in the last 2 summers when we've spent money on it. Take today's postponement out of the equation completely - the pitch has looked pretty heavy for much of the season. It doesn't appear to be a great deal better than before? But other people seem absolutely convinced otherwise so maybe I'm wrong.
The way I look at it, in previous years before the money was spent weve had more games postponed with less rain. This year we have had more rain than for many years before and the fact we've got this far before a game has been cancelled is proof that the money has been well spent.

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 17:57
by Gullscorer
Trojan 67 wrote: You are getting on my f*cking nerves now!!! :@
I'm f*cking annoyed I'm not on the list!!! :@ :rofl:
Well at least we know you're not a Greek, Trojan.. =D :lol:

Northampton Game OFF

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 18:01
by Fonda
PhilGull wrote: The way I look at it, in previous years before the money was spent weve had more games postponed with less rain. This year we have had more rain than for many years before and the fact we've got this far before a game has been cancelled is proof that the money has been well spent.
Which is fair enough. And the proof might be right there. It's the same as all statistics though - I'm suspicious of them! Take the Morecambe game for example - the pitch was terrible, like a ploughed field. And it might be that a different ref would have postponed that one too.

I'm probably wrong, and it's probably true that before the changes we'd have struggled even more. I just look at the general state of our pitch now and would never believe we've spent a good few quid on improvements recently. Not sure what I'm expecting really.