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Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 17:01
by hector
stefano wrote: What absolute drivel again! It's you as the only one out of 1665 forum members that hasn't managed to get my posts! Chris Wilder didn't mention his head coach in paying tribute to his team. Scraping the bottom of the barrel to produce evidence there. What manager does mention his head coach when paying a tribute to his team? There is far more to being a head coach of a Football League club than putting the cones out, distributing the bibs, and washing the shirts, as 1664 other members of this forum know. It's still you banging on about Mr Knill, not me. I hardly ever mention him unless it is to balance out the hysteria in one of your obsessional posts. I am sure you are miffed that the head coach and manager at Northampton Town have managed to turn around 13 points on us in only 3 months. We all are! But do stop making stuff up just to justify your unnatural obsession.

I would love one day to be able to agree with one of your posts ... but that would make us both wrong! ;-)
You are easily rattled - Knill has been promoted to Head Coach then, I see. Must have missed that - no wonder, Northampton are doing so well! What exactly does Chris Wilder do then, I wonder? You obviously missed the glaring tongue-in-cheek re: my Chris Wilder's comments (perhaps I should have put a smiley just to make it really clear for those who don't do inference), although you may have thought Wilder could have conceded that Knill is the obvious brains behind the operation :-D and you are right, I suspect Knill does do more than put the cones out. He also collects the bibs in at the end of training :rules: but no doubt a fundamental contribution to avoiding relegation. Still he masterminded 5 Torquay wins out of 27 :clap: in a run - as you repeatedly try to suggest - just shouted 'safe from the drop' but alas, the foolish wouldn't listen and look what has happened - Knill's team built for relegation, is still getting relegated. :(

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 17:08
by hector
friendlygas wrote:MidDevon and Pea, I agree with you that yesterday we were dreadful and you deserved to win however have a little respect as we are still 8 points ahead of you!! Of course we are concerned and have every right to be. With football as it is nowadays and the FFP a team that gets crowds three times the size of most teams in this division have EVERY right to expect their team to at least be CHALLENGING a top ten spot because they should be able to get together a better team. That is not being cocky that is a fact. What we have had to put up with this year is as you have said embarrassing but at the end of the day we support our club and are no different from each of you.
IMO after yesterdays game you should be heaping praise on YOUR team and not downing the opposition. Get your house in order rather than down the opposition. For all our problems the consolation is that we still have an evens chance of staying up.

If you manage to stay up and we go down then you have every right to come on here and boast but at this present time perhaps all your efforts should be on your own team.
If you knew our supporters then you would know that we are far from having a big club reputation as we have long been the poor relations and in many aspects are similar in that to yourselves. There are not many clubs who would get a crowd of 6900 in the position we are in and watching the tripe we have been dished up and to be honest if you were in our position in the league compared to you with our home record would you not have expected to have beaten us?

I actually have a great deal of respect for your club and in the ideal world we would both be staying up but please give us supporters a bit of respect.All clubs have some supporters with egos but dont paint us all with the same brush. At the end of the day tables don't lie and you are where you are for a reason BUT so are we. Neither is a great position for a supporter to be in and at this moment in time I feel that the two teams to be relegated will definitely be yourselves and us and I don't like it one bit!!
I think most people would read your post and think it is a reasonable one. If I was a Rovers fan, I think I would be rather frustrated to see the club where it is - I am as a Torquay fan, seeing us a couple or so places below you. Cannot imagine there isn't a single Rovers fan who wouldn't concede that there club is underachieving and that is why they are annoyed. I don't quite sense the arrogance from Rovers fans that you get from Plymouth Argyle fans, probably because Rovers themselves are considered the small club in their own city.

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 17:13
by stefano
Oh Hector you really should get out in the sun more rather than fuelling your obsession with Mr Knill. It can not be regarded as normal! ;-)

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 17:27
by hector
stefano wrote:Oh Hector you really should get out in the sun more rather than fuelling your obsession with Mr Knill. It can not be regarded as normal! ;-)
Says, Stefano, clearly from the comfort of his garden :-/

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 17:37
by stefano
hector wrote: Says, Stefano, clearly from the comfort of his garden :-/
Spooky! How did you know that? Checked my tablet whilst relaxing in the garden to see if you had come up with any more amusing fantasies, but confess to popping indoors for a few minutes to post in more comfort on my more user friendly home computer.

Getting a bit chilly now anyway as the sun is dropping (although I expect Mr Knill will get the blame for that in your obsessed mind!) :rofl:

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 19:22
by hector
stefano wrote: Spooky! How did you know that? Checked my tablet whilst relaxing in the garden to see if you had come up with any more amusing fantasies, but confess to popping indoors for a few minutes to post in more comfort on my more user friendly home computer.

Getting a bit chilly now anyway as the sun is dropping (although I expect Mr Knill will get the blame for that in your obsessed mind!) :rofl:
Who is obsessed now? Are you stalking me? :Oops:

You know you've made it when you have a stalker! :nod:

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 19:28
by stefano
hector wrote: Who is obsessed now? Are you stalking me? :devil:

You know you've made it when you have a stalker! <!>
I'm monitoring you for your own safety! Matron .... Hector's out of bed again!!! :rofl: :zzz:

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 20:37
by Alpine Joe
There's plenty of Torquay old boys at Northampton, (below are Marquis, Connell and Morris celebrating their winner on Saturday) surely one of them would tell us how much influence AK has at Sixfields ?

How much importance is indicated by AK being entrusted with a clipboard ?



Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 22:04
by A Realist
friendlygas wrote:FerrariRover,
You have got it totally wrong other than the 20,000 stadium on the horizon and the three times your gates. I am not crowing about being 8 points above you. I would be crowing if we were 28 points above you!! What i was saying was to the two people who I directed it at. You deserved to win yesterday but surely you should be praising your team for their performance rather than disrespecting our supporters and team. Yes I agree we were awful but perhaps some of that was down to how well you played.As regards trophies and success it is quite probable that over the last 50 years YOU actually have more trophies than us!
Size of the supporter base actually means nothing in football terms or Bristol would have a team in the top 6 of the Premiership as we are the sixth largest City .
I take pride in supporting my club rather than being a "Manchester united" or "Liverpool" are only a "TRUE" fan of the team that represent the City you were brought up or live in as far as I am concerned and therefore I have the utmost respect for "supporters" of their club however small. Regards
Personally I hope Rovers stay up. For a fair few reasons. You have always had a decent support and tbh should be doing a lot better. If you do drop out you would also be a really big gun in a league where in all reality Torquay are heading.

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 09:16
by hector
A Realist wrote:Personally I hope Rovers stay up. For a fair few reasons. You have always had a decent support and tbh should be doing a lot better. If you do drop out you would also be a really big gun in a league where in all reality Torquay are heading.
There is a part of me that wouldn't want Bristol Rovers to go down, as, like you point out, they would be a big fish in the Conference pond, which would make life a little harder for us, if we were in a position to challenge. With Luton and maybe Grimsby in the play-offs, that would be, arguably, the two biggest clubs promoted and the Conference would perhaps not be the strongest it has been, next season. I imagine Lincoln will rouse themselves at some point, as will Wrexham.

On the other hand, if Bristol Rovers were to drop, somehow it wouldn't feel quite as bad getting relegated to non-league, if it was happening to a bigger club as well.

My heart wants Exeter or Bristol Rovers (no offence to Rovers intended), whilst my head says, someone like Morecambe, who wouldn't be too much of an issue in the Conference.

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 09:57
by friendlygas
My heart says Wycombe plus ANY NORTHERN team (the further North the better- ie Hartleppol) . My head unfortunately says us and You.

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 10:20
by hector
friendlygas wrote:My heart says Wycombe plus ANY NORTHERN team (the further North the better- ie Hartleppol) . My head unfortunately says us and You.
Well, if we both go down, at least we'll have each other...

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 21:47
by Dutchgull
hector wrote: Well, if we both go down, at least we'll have each other...

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 22:48
by tomogull
friendlygas wrote:My heart says Wycombe plus ANY NORTHERN team (the further North the better- ie Hartleppol) . My head unfortunately says us and You.
I hope it won't be the Rovers. On the other hand, if it is, at least we'll be guaranteed four points minimum next season !! :clap: :clap:

Bristol Rovers v Torquay United - 12/4/14

Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 22:51
by tomogull
stefano wrote: I'm monitoring you for your own safety! Matron .... Hector's out of bed again!!! :rofl: :zzz:
Spooky! How did you know that ?? He was out of bed again ...... I'm his matron. :whistle: