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BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 13:09
by Porky
My sincere condolences to his family. Going back even further, Richard green and Ken furphy were actually listenable!

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 13:45
by Paigntonfan
I think the in house is excellent I listened again yesterday and it was almost flawless, sod the BBC, I've got my own beef with them anyway. Another fantastic victory yesterday, well done lads.

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 13:58
by MellowYellow
When I use to listen to Torquay Utd matches on BBC Devon Radio it was a political act, a protest. Bar the licence fee, it’s effectively free. By not paying for a Sky or BT subscription, I feel as though I’m not complicit in the ridiculous financial hoopla of modern football and that my money is not going to some media mega-corporation. Football on the radio feels like a wonderful throwback to a football age which probably never existed outside of my nostalgia-addled brain. But football on the radio does avoid the visual assault of modern football, whether it be migraine-inducing pitchside LED advertising hoardings or the latest revolting lime green and purple third kit that a team are wearing for no apparent reason.

I congratulate TUFC radio which since it first dire broadcast has got considerably better as the season has gone on. The quality of commentary has got much better, which now takes you to the ground, describes what’s going on, gives you all the information, but also paints pictures, it’s evocative, and can grip you. It’s the old line that the pictures are better on radio,

I would not entertain a return of BBC Radio commentary, we seem to be doing well enough without them. As for the older folk like me not being tech savvy? well in this modern media age it’s realistic to wonder what the future holds for football on the radio. The younger fan is brought up on a diet of goals broadcast in a flash over a mobile phone, instant Twitter opinions, fan TV channels and so on. With attention spans changing to suit current social media trends, listening to a full game on radio without any distraction is more of a challenge. Kids tend to prefer highlights, shorter bursts, more action and less analysis.

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 16:15
by Teigngull
1 2,3, 100, 200 listeners it doesn't really matter does it as long as TUFC radio is bringing in more listeners then the message is getting across surely.
Make them feel they're not as important as they think they are, we've managed thus far this season, why should they jump on the band wagon when it suits them ?
Self sufficiency comes in all sorts of guises, CO has made it clear that's the way forward & allowing the club to broadcast it's own radio channel is a step in the right direction.
The BBC were happy to dump us with the drop of a hat, thinking nobody is going to be interested in us, even though it was broadcast from the club that if we did end up going down last season we'd stay full time & give it a right old go this year.
Thanks for your suppport BBC now eff off.

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 09:43
by PhilGull
The in-house commo may be great but the only people listening are those who go looking for it. If we are to grow as a club we need the local media showing an interest. Keep the BBC out and the club will shrivel. What we have seen since GJ came in has been brilliant, but we need to take every opportunity to make it all even better and that means getting back in to the front rooms of the people of the South West.

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 12:26
by Plainmoor78
PhilGull wrote: 28 Jan 2019, 09:43 The in-house commo may be great but the only people listening are those who go looking for it. If we are to grow as a club we need the local media showing an interest. Keep the BBC out and the club will shrivel. What we have seen since GJ came in has been brilliant, but we need to take every opportunity to make it all even better and that means getting back in to the front rooms of the people of the South West.
Very true.

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 12:58
by westyorkshiregull
Let them cover us but I'll stick with the in house commo myself

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 13:09
by United62
As an exile, I used to rely on the BBC commentary for United games.... however, as mentioned above, they dropped us like a hot potato once we weren't good enough for them. We're doing fine thanks with our own in-house commentary.

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 14:29
by PhilGull
And to be fair, with the ways things were going under the shit Gary they were right to drop us like a hot potato!

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 14:58
by United62
We'll agree to disagree on that then. BBC Radio Devon couldn't give a stuff about United, as far as they are concerned there are only two professional football teams in Devon and it's only now that we're actually looking like a decent team that they want anything to do with us. We all have a choice, either listen to them or not. I'll choose not to as long as we continue to have commentary on our own games.

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 19:25
by Dave
Why is everyone getting so hot under the collar about this. I'm no fan of the BBC, and not trying to turn this into a political debate, but like so many others, there isn't enough money going into the BBC, their cutting back budgets, everyone has a boss, and when the boss says you need to save money, those at the every bottom, like TUFC lowest ranked professional club in Devon suffer.

But enough of that, as already said, we now have an excellent in-house commentary service, I like most use it, will use nothing else, so no need to worry is there.

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 19:34
by wivelgull
Bring back Dick Woodacre.

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 19:34
by Louis
forevertufc wrote: 28 Jan 2019, 19:25 there isn't enough money going into the BBC
Have to disagree there. They have plenty of our hard earned money via the licence fee but then blow it on stupid presenter wages, big boss bonuses and then struggle to provide decent content so things get cut (like our commentary) or snapped up by the commercial channels.

I echo most the comments on here. The commentary we have is top notch from the club, better than BBC did anyway (used to be stupid idle chat on BBC).

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 23:27
by Paigntonfan
Well said Louis they're full of the cutbacks the BBC except on six figure monopoly money wages for their selves, that's one thing they will never cut back on.

BBC Radio Devon

Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 08:15
by Bxm Foxy
Dear Old Dick Woodacre!!! Now there was a massive Argyle fan!!!