It’s had planning permissions granted before for a new site very near to existing one and there was no movement bar housing. Reasons were given, of course.
Even had a ceremonial dig Osborne put a hard hat on for circa 2015. Housing now close to perimeter of existing pits. Rumbling on for approaching two decades. Reasons were given, of course.
Told them to groundshare with a ground his GI/Stadia UK sanctioned to be demolished in amongst all that. Possible prefab on existing site photo op a couple of years back. Reasons were given, of course.
However, I’m guessing you knew all that and the track record and the many reasons/excuses given elsewhere, dawlishmatt. Even if you weren’t aware he had announced not going ahead with stadium ‘plan’ for TUFC for now.
I have feared for our club ever since he took over owing to his business interests overseeing the death of another club I supported. The current climate doesn’t alter that concern. It brings everything into focus more when considering our club rather than the current climate for all.
We should bounce back after he has gone and, perhaps, either through others or directly to the media, blamed circumstances or others for his announced necessary departure/plug pull. It won’t be easy. But we will as long as there is Plainmoor still to play at for the post Osborne era TUFC. Why ignore track records on building ‘promised/pledged’ etc. new stadia. What’s the point in that. Reasons will be given, of course.