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Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 11:17
by gullno4
Eunan for me

Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 11:25
by Richinns
I reckon Eunan may only be with us for half a season if he shows the form he ended last season in.

Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 11:43
by ferrarilover
tufcbrett wrote: Give the guy a break Matt :lol:
He needs time and confidence, he will be a decent winger. His pace is something we could really use.
The rest of his game is slowly getting there, thats what training does every day.
So you make a valid point over Rice, but because it Macklin he cant improve ;-)
I agree with Richinns Macklin will shock a fair few people.

Good effort, but not quite what I said. Billy, at the time, WAS a better winger than Macklin, principly because my dearly departed Grandmother was, and probably still is, a better winger than Lloyd Macklin. Nothing stopping him 'doing a Ricey' and getting better though, nothing at all.


Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 11:51
by tufcbrett
I didnt just me now, but our time at tiverton you had nothing but kind words for Macklin.
Last season is in the past, all the squad have a chance to prove a place in the side.

Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 13:17
by royalgull
What i see in Macklin is exactly the same as Carayol a couple of seasons ago. Tons of pace but the final ball/finish lacking. Lets not forget he's 19/20 years old, he's still got developing and learning to do but I remain convinced he can be a good player and an asset at this level. Like Carayol he's got the basic tools he just needs to tune his game up which he'll do with matches and a bit of self confidence. The ones having a pop at Macklin now are the same ones that had a opo at Carayol for not being instantly brilliant, who know think Carayol is the best thing since sliced bread. Young players need time and support as they will without doubt make mistakes and have bad games, all part of learning.

Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 13:38
by Fonda
royalgull wrote:What i see in Macklin is exactly the same as Carayol a couple of seasons ago. Tons of pace but the final ball/finish lacking. Lets not forget he's 19/20 years old, he's still got developing and learning to do but I remain convinced he can be a good player and an asset at this level. Like Carayol he's got the basic tools he just needs to tune his game up which he'll do with matches and a bit of self confidence. The ones having a pop at Macklin now are the same ones that had a opo at Carayol for not being instantly brilliant, who know think Carayol is the best thing since sliced bread. Young players need time and support as they will without doubt make mistakes and have bad games, all part of learning.
That's interesting. Because i was always supportive of Carayol - both for his potential and to the suggestions he was a trouble maker with a bad attitude.

I just don't happen to see too many similarities. Carayol is a skillful winger with an eye for goal. Macklin (at this time) is purely a speed merchant.

I hope Macklin develops, there is plenty of time for him to do so and if he can add some guile to his pace, he'll be an asset.

Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 15:25
by ferrarilover
Actually, Ian (sorry, I'm hopeless with names), I'm a Macklin detractor and always have been, and I definitely still think Carayol is proper shite.


Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 15:40
by royalgull
Fair enough, I'm sure i read a fair few posts about how Carayol was far better than anything we have when in my opinion Macklin is quite a similar player to the Carayol that joined us. I think Macklin is a fairly tricky player as well, looking at the highlights he beats people for fun and got one good ball in which forced a shot and good save from James. I think there is lots of raw talent in Macklin, it's just about getting more consistency to his game and abit more to his game than just pace. His final ball, goal scoring, maybe team work can all improve. You hope they'll improve just like Carayol's the more he plays and more confident he gets. To just write him off as useless at 19/20 is madness in my view.

I'm really liking the way our squad is haping up, if we add Atieno and Morris, I think we've got most bases covered and that's before we really tap into the loan market. It looks a strong squad to me well assembled considering the obvious financial restraints. We've got a fair few utility players who can do jobs in a host of positions and that's good news for a club like ours.

To actually answer the question posed, O Kane for me. He's our best footballer, when he plays well we tend to play well and he's more than capable of notching 10+ goals from centre midfield. We will struggle to keep hold of him long term.

Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 16:31
by ferrarilover
Ah, this is the thing, I'm not so much writing him off, that would be mad at his age, but suggesting that, right now, Macklin is proper crap. As you allude to, he is nothing but a sprinter who isn't fast enough to be a professional, so he tries to play football instead, but it doesn't really work. If he could get some basic command over the ball, he would be a real handful, but at the moment, he represents so little threat to the opposition because of his lack of consistent quality that he might just as well be sat on the bench, at least there he can shout abuse at the opposing manager and hope to put him off somewhat.


Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 22:40
by Trojan 67
The past four seasons has seen a lower League former midfield player as manager who thought it clever to play players out of position.

Now we have a former League winger who has played at a higher level and who sees it as smart to play players in their natural/best position. Add to it an accomplished former higher League central defender to the coaching staff. Expect then our wingers and central defenders to achieve their potential under new management.

Most influential player come next May ?

I'm looking forward to there being more than several. ;-)

Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 22:53
by hector
I think we have a decent defence and that is where I strength will be. I worry where our goals are going to come from and I would like a Craig Stanley type of midfielder to sign.

My team at the moment would probably be (bearing in mind, Ling has said he would probably play 4-4-2 or 4-5-1)





I have not included Atieno yet as he has not signed and I just do not see McPhee in midfield...but cannot think of anyone else in the squad good enough to go there.

Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 23:17
by TUFC92
hector wrote:I think we have a decent defence and that is where I strength will be. I worry where our goals are going to come from and I would like a Craig Stanley type of midfielder to sign.

My team at the moment would probably be (bearing in mind, Ling has said he would probably play 4-4-2 or 4-5-1)





I have not included Atieno yet as he has not signed and I just do not see McPhee in midfield...but cannot think of anyone else in the squad good enough to go there.
First things first, McPhee scored 17 goals from midfield last season so he is clearly more than capable of playing there.

Second, is that O'Kane on the right wing?

Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 00:37
by ferrarilover
Close, but no cigar Hector. Move Eunan and Manse in one and have Nanny on the right wing, Robert is your mother's brother.


Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 21:04
by hellsgut
Looks like the Macklin call could be a goodun after all.

Re: Most influential player ..come next May

Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 22:19
by Richinns
hellsgut wrote:Looks like the Macklin call could be a goodun after all.
Early days but tonight was promising!