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Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 11:28
by NewtonGull
i wouldnt mind a replay actually. I've never been to Scotland before :clap:

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 11:58
by Trojan 67
NewtonGull asked, “christ how long did that take you?”

The answer is some considerable time. It is why I appreciate what NickGull does with his match day threads and Jeff for his away match summaries. Last day today to vote for November member of the month, so get your votes in for whoever you feel is deserving.

As for your other comments NewtonGull to fellow supporters of another team, that was bang out of order. It was not nice and not pleasant banter.

Kindness and good manners cost nothing and whatever the attitude so is the response. Treat someone like an arsehole and expect to be decked and left to lie there to bleed awhile before real pain arrives.

I ask members to consider carefully before responding to threads, not all on here have the thick skin or the maturity to take stick, crass comment or unjust criticism. Some of our members are really young members and post in good faith. An attack that slaughters them results in them no longer posting.

This forum has been a pleasant place to be of late and the administrators and members would like to keep it this way.

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 12:14
by NewtonGull
Trojan 67 wrote:NewtonGull asked, “christ how long did that take you?”

The answer is some considerable time. It is why I appreciate what NickGull does with his match day threads and Jeff for his away match summaries. Last day today to vote for November member of the month, so get your votes in for whoever you feel is deserving.

As for your other comments NewtonGull to fellow supporters of another team, that was bang out of order. It was not nice and not pleasant banter.

Kindness and good manners cost nothing and whatever the attitude so is the response. Treat someone like an arsehole and expect to be decked and left to lie there to bleed awhile before real pain arrives.

I ask members to consider carefully before responding to threads, not all on here have the thick skin or the maturity to take stick, crass comment or unjust criticism. Some of our members are really young members and post in good faith. An attack that slaughters them results in them no longer posting.

This forum has been a pleasant place to be of late and the administrators and members would like to keep it this way.
haha are you taking the p!ss? i'm sure my comments wont keep him awake at night! i know who gets my vote for member of the month ;-)

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 12:51
by Awayday
I think it is this non personal banter that differs us from other forums and makes this site slightly more fun. Yes keep the banter clean, we are all human after all, and as Newton says, I am sure the Carlisle fans are not going to pay too much attention to it. If anything I thought their retort back about the replay was a spot on response.

Also Trojan - Good work mate, it is nice to see TUFC fans making an effort to make the visiting fans feel welcome.

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 13:06
by ferrarilover
It's coming to something if I think banter has gone too far.


Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 13:43
by luknorth
Feel the love guys... feel the lurrrrve...... there are special coaches which ferry special people 6 miles further up north Newtonchull.... You sure do sound very special !!
:-D We've heard all the Scotland gags even the " mighty " Leeds sang the small town in Scotland thing... they got a bit peeved off with our response of " your'e still a big town in Punjab"!! So if you are unlucky enough to get a score bore againt us then there'll be a special bus service for the TUFC special one... NEWTONCHULL!!!... I wont tell you what the Carlisle slang word " chull" means just yet!! These threads have got a lot of mileage untill Jan 8th 2011........ enjoy xx

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 14:54
by Awayday
We wouldn't sing "small team in Scotland" especially when we know you are just a "bus stop" in Scotland..... Luknorthernscum..... I won't tell you what the Southern slang word "northernscum" means just yet! Talking of mileage, enjoy the trip down :)

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 15:50
by Chow Mein
Definition of "Chull" from Urban Dictionary:

"buy chull mugs, tshirts and magnets A generally obese **** with a face like a badly bashed 1983 Mercedes. Often is the bane of most schoolyard jokes and rightly so for they are often those kind of fat bo***k brains who think they're amusing-fat whereas they're just obese-fat."


What's Uncle Trojan gunna think of that one!

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 15:55
by Southampton Gull
Trojan 67 wrote:NewtonGull asked, “christ how long did that take you?”

The answer is some considerable time. It is why I appreciate what NickGull does with his match day threads and Jeff for his away match summaries. Last day today to vote for November member of the month, so get your votes in for whoever you feel is deserving.

As for your other comments NewtonGull to fellow supporters of another team, that was bang out of order. It was not nice and not pleasant banter.

Kindness and good manners cost nothing and whatever the attitude so is the response. Treat someone like an arsehole and expect to be decked and left to lie there to bleed awhile before real pain arrives.

I ask members to consider carefully before responding to threads, not all on here have the thick skin or the maturity to take stick, crass comment or unjust criticism. Some of our members are really young members and post in good faith. An attack that slaughters them results in them no longer posting.

This forum has been a pleasant place to be of late and the administrators and members would like to keep it this way.

Spot on. Whilst we've made every effort to keep any moderation to a minimum and allow people the freedom to express themselves, there is a line, a line which NewtonGull has at the very least put his foot on if not jumped over.

We welcome away fans and the fantastic contributions of sadlad over the last few weeks show why that's a real positive for this forum. Obviously we have the odd one that might cause a problem but we'd like to keep this a friendly and welcoming site for them to visit.

NewtonGull, it would be very much appreciated if you could moderate your language a little and try to enter into the spirit of things, if you want to banter and extract the urine a little, feel free to use the Banter Board :-D


Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 16:28
by Awayday
Bloody moderators coming on here throwing their weight around.

(my nipples are so going to hurt on the next trip for that one)!

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 17:13
by luknorth
blimey awayday..... theres no need to be so offensive .....i certainly havent been offensive to anyone on here... just light hearted banter.... are you off school sick or is it snowing?!! :-D

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 18:40
by Plymouthgull
Nothing wrong with a bit of banter - even on this site. Sorry to say we do have some fans that take themselves very seriously. There is a rumour that some of them think there some sort of 'terrace police' charged with a duty to control what the rest of us say and do especially on match days.
NewtonGull's comments - perfectly acceptable!.

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 18:43
by ferrarilover
Oooh, a troll, excellent.

Not a particularly good example of the breed, but at the very least, he appears to have a basic grasp of English (very basic, in fact.)

So troll, what have you to say next?


Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 23:49
by NewtonGull
some of you need to get your head our your arses. i jumped beyond the line? can someone explain to me why please? get a grip and stop taking yourselves so seriously!

yes, welcome away fans but lets not send out kiss and cuddles yeah?

anyway... on the topic of banter, 'NEWTONCHULL'?... well.... thats just amazing banter isnt it.

Re: Hello from Carlisle

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 14:03
by Awayday
luknorth wrote:blimey awayday..... theres no need to be so offensive .....i certainly havent been offensive to anyone on here... just light hearted banter.... are you off school sick or is it snowing?!! :-D
AHA the lack of any decent return banter thus going for the "has school finished early retort". Just to save you the agro when you come down, no it's not back to school on Monday. As for offensive............ :rofl: nope can't see anything offensive from me. Maybe it's just your over sensative self?

In all honestly hope you guys do have a safe trip down, I am not that much of a git, and by all means come and say hello in Boots and Laces before the game. But at 3pm it will become battle of the banter in the terraces and I hope the 40 of you guys can hear yourselves over the 2000 of us.

See you in January :)