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Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 09:15
by tufctillidie
YES!!! We will win our next 2 games, and crawley will only pick up a point from there next 2, which means by the time we play hereford, we're already promoted. I hope i am right, but like people have said, take 1 step at a time, game by game minute by minute.


Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 10:35
by AustrianAndyGull
coley wrote:YES, YES, YES, We will win tomorrow and Crawley won't, morale will carry us over the line. If you have doubts on 3 wins now, there is no point in following the playoffs. There are so many permantations (Crawley could lose all 3 and we lose 2 and draw 1 - very unlikely, but possible). I would be more gutted if we were in Crawlwys position now and didn't make it - The pressure is on them.

I agree let's take this and the senarios one game at a time..When we win tomorrow and Crawley don't there will be smiley yellow faces, punditing will begin again and attitudes will change....Listern to Coley, I have revealed the near future !!!

We don't HAVE to win 3 games to get through the play offs. We could win 2 and draw 1, draw them all and win on pens in the second leg and final etc etc. We HAVE to win 3 league games that are left and i don't know why people are calling us pessimistic. Like Bix says, we are realists. We are struggling through games at the minute and granted, we are hanging on in there but Crawley are picking up now and don't see why they would struggle at Daggers just because Daggers have won their last 6 or not lost in their last 6 or whatever, Daggers are safe AND they are shit. It is a trip up the road for Crawley and they will have a large following. Accrington away is our only hope as they are also safe but we all know what can happen up there if teams aren't up for it. 9 points should see us through, 7 points and we either drop out on points or on goal difference, 6 points is not enough. Yes footy is a funny old game and i hope my predictions come back to bite me on the arse and then i'll come on here and say i was wrong BUT look at Crawleys fixtures and look at ours. We NEED 9 points, it's a no brainer!

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 11:49
by Popside Joe
All I'm saying is I'm looking at it positively. I don't care for predictions. I just want to see fans and players do themselves proud. And I want to see us deafen and blind the locals with yellow tomorrow.

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 12:00
by gullintwoplaces
Just a quick correction. Daggers are not safe yet. If they don't get one more point then all the teams behind them could catch them up, and Daggers have a poorer goal difference than both the bottom two. I imagine that Daggers will want to get at least this point tomorrow, as their last two games are not easy either (away to Shrewsbury, home to Bristol Rovers). Yes, I know they are virtually safe, but they aren't home and dry yet.

And I vote YES. Give me optimism any day.

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 12:04
by Plymouth Gull
Andy, you say Crawley will have a large following at Daggers. It will probably be similar to ourselves at Wimbledon, if perhaps 100 more. Daggers are in their best form all season, not totally safe yet and will want a good showing against one of the top sides.

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 12:53
by gullintwoplaces
I have noticed that the Crawley team badge has some Latin on it. It says "Noli Cedere". At first I assumed this meant "Always Cheating", but my Latin is a bit rusty so I checked in my Latin-English Dictionary.

What "Noli Ceder" actually means is "team that used to be managed by a cheating fat scumbag, and always loses to Dagenham and Redbridge in games played on April 21st". Some cause for hope then?

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 13:30
by jonnyfive
austrianandygull wrote:

We don't HAVE to win 3 games to get through the play offs. We could win 2 and draw 1, draw them all and win on pens in the second leg and final etc etc. We HAVE to win 3 league games that are left and i don't know why people are calling us pessimistic. Like Bix says, we are realists. We are struggling through games at the minute and granted, we are hanging on in there but Crawley are picking up now and don't see why they would struggle at Daggers just because Daggers have won their last 6 or not lost in their last 6 or whatever, Daggers are safe AND they are sh*t. It is a trip up the road for Crawley and they will have a large following. Accrington away is our only hope as they are also safe but we all know what can happen up there if teams aren't up for it. 9 points should see us through, 7 points and we either drop out on points or on goal difference, 6 points is not enough. Yes footy is a funny old game and i hope my predictions come back to bite me on the arse and then i'll come on here and say i was wrong BUT look at Crawleys fixtures and look at ours. We NEED 9 points, it's a no brainer!
No matter how many times you say it Andy, or however many capital letters you use, this is still simply YOUR OPINION. And a pessimistic one at that.
None of us know what will happen or how many points are needed.

End of!

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 14:06
by Scott Brehaut
If we had Crawleys fixtures and they had ours, would everybody think we were going to win ours and that Crawley would lose one of the games, or drop points?
My guess is people would still assume that Crawley were going to finsh above us.

Football is a game where people are unable to predict correctly exactly what will happen. Yes, on the face of it Crawley have an "easier" run in, however either of us could drop points in this nervy end to the season. Hence why it is not a done deal for any of us.
Crawley could lose Saturday, we could win and things would lose rosier - but then, we could lose the game after that, Crawley win and we would be back to this situation again.
Lets just strap ourselves in and enjoy the ride.
Que Sera Sera.

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 15:48
by SDYellow
Fortune favours the brave. Our season has been all about bravery, for example:

• After eight games without a win Ling was offered more money for some loan signings, did he take it? No, he trusted the squad, tweaked a few tactics and look where that got us!
• I remember mumbling and moaning and heard others moaning, thinking that every time the opposition attacked we would concede, was there a change? No, the management stuck with it and look at where we are now; we have a club record of clean sheets.
• Bravery is shown week in week out, through the defending and clearances off the line, Lathrope has been brave all season and not faltered or been greedy, Mansell with his 12 goals from midfield and his Captain Marvel attitude. I could talk about how every player that has put on the TUFC shirt this season has exceeded expectations and been brave.
However, look at Crawley and ask yourself are they brave? No, just spend spend spend, when the big money signings weren’t working the emergency loan window was dipped into roughly 10 times for more goals. Ok, fatty left but their whole season has been false and full of cowardice.

It is now time to show the team that we, the fans, are brave and that we urge them on in every moment of every game. No negativity is needed now. What would the players think if they read the forum now and saw all the pessimism? Surely it is not going to give them belief and hope. Whereas, if we show our full support and belief that they can complete the job, their job would be made a little easier.

I believe it is more than possible to beat Crawley to the finishing post. Take it game by game and keep thinking. Fortune favours the brave.

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 17:59
by Popside Joe
Here here :-D

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 20:14
by Trojan 67
Aye, it ain't over till the chubby bird puts the microphone down.

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 20:48
by yellowforever
Fortune favours the brave, football favours the rich.

But good post none the less.

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 21:03
by AustrianAndyGull
I think the reason for my pessimism is the fact that we are Torquay and rarely do good things come off for us so i will automatically assume the worst. I am desperate for us to get up for selfish reasons ( loads of northern away games ) and desperate for the club, Martin, the staff, fans and players to get what they deserve which is automatic promotion. There is no contest when you compare us, Creepy and Shrews. Both the latter have far more resources to attract 'better' players so in that respect we deserve to go up but it's always the ones who are least deserving who seem to come good. I can not go through another day like at Old Trafford especially when it will mean Creepy have done us over once again and will be a league 1 club. I support my club regardless and i will be there giving encouragement and support. As a fan that is all i can do even if i lack belief it won't stop me. I just hope the players can finish the job but if not i will applaud each and every one of them for making this season a memorable one.

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 21:49
by yellowmonkey
In simple terms NO!!!!

Re: Are we going up automatically?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 22:36
by Forest gull
Yes we can still go up automatically.

Alll the teams we play are below us, we are here on merit.

I still beleive we can do it.

fingers firmly :scarf: crossed