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Re: Are Our Young Goalkeepers Off?

Posted: 02 Nov 2012, 15:27
by ferrarilover
Come on Dave, you know the rules, there is to be ABSOLUTELY NO DISAGREEING WITH ANYONE ABOUT ANYTHING EVER! on this forum.

Dear new guy,

This is the internet, what's more, it's an internet forum, a place for people who have very little in common, but are bound by a single quirk of nature, geography, or, in this case, football, to share ideas and thought and OPINIONS. If you say something here, people will disagree with it, because that is human nature, we don't all think the same way. If you are at all uncomfortable with the idea of this, then please switch off your computer and go to the pub, or read a book, but do not venture into this world again, for it shall never change. It is what it is and shall be forevermore.

Come on Brooker, spill the beans, who is the kid? Also, if anyone recognises a young boy (possibly under 12s) who has hair like Chelsea's David Luis and goes either by the name De Rijke or Thompson (or Thomson, or some other homophone) can they please give me a run down on him?*


*Asking for a friend, one J. Savile. **

** Not actually true, he's the son of a guy I know and I'd like to know how he's getting on, you know, from a neutral perspective.

Re: Are Our Young Goalkeepers Off?

Posted: 02 Nov 2012, 16:36
by Yellow4life
This weeks youth matches are postponed. Shame as I had the U12's!

Re: Are Our Young Goalkeepers Off?

Posted: 02 Nov 2012, 17:54
by brooker
can't really name him, but can say that after beating Charlton, his team went on to draw 2 2 with Tottenham. (he didn't concede any)

Re: Are Our Young Goalkeepers Off?

Posted: 02 Nov 2012, 23:19
by Dave
Genious Brooker can't name him but, he played in the team that beat Charlton and drew with Spurs so that narrows it down to the under-14's, I am right, is Forever biggin it up Sherlock Holmes.

Re: Are Our Young Goalkeepers Off?

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 02:11
by brooker
Im proud of my brother playing for the club i love so have just let people know how well him and his team are doing. I know that if you follow youth results then you'll know who he is, but i don't want to shout the name of a 13 year old over the web. you can hardly post anything on here without getting abuse back

Re: Are Our Young Goalkeepers Off?

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 02:48
by ferrarilover
brooker wrote:Im proud of my brother playing for the club i love so have just let people know how well him and his team are doing. I know that if you follow youth results then you'll know who he is, but i don't want to shout the name of a 13 year old over the web. you can hardly post anything on here without getting abuse back
It's ok, Jimmy Savile is dead.

Well done, F'rev, by the way, I had a quick Google (stop sniggering at the back) and the only side I could find that had drawn with Spurs Academy in the last [little while] was Southampton.

Come on then, someone post a link to the kid's profile on the OS, thus enlightening us all, but preserving the nippers identity (which, by the way is GENIUS marketing).


Re: Are Our Young Goalkeepers Off?

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 08:47
by Dave

As said above re-Charlton and West Ham I really doubt that Spurs would even put their main Academy side out against our Academy, clubs like Spurs spent millions on their youth scheme per year alone and Spurs youth set up has produced and still is producing international players, does any one really think our Academy drew 2.2 with theirs, nah.

You will probably find it was a Spurs development or soccer school side that our lads drew 2.2 with, still never the less a fantastic result.

Brooker Sorry bud I was just messing with you, I would never have put your brothers name out here on the site, I don't know your brother, however its likely my lad will know him.

Re: Are Our Young Goalkeepers Off?

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 12:26
by brooker
Yeah its alright, at some point I'l realise that posting when back from the pub isn't a great idea. Sarcasm doesn't come across too well on t'internet.