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Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 09:55
by Gullscorer
Agreed. If the club sacked Martin Ling, despite his illness, for 'football' reasons, how can it possibly find any excuse for not sacking Alan Knill, when we are in a far worse position under Knill than we ever were when Ling was in charge?

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 10:00
by ethantufcbaker
Gullscorer wrote:Agreed. If the club sacked Martin Ling, despite his illness, for 'football' reasons, how can it possibly find any excuse for not sacking Alan Knill, when we are in a far worse position under Knill than we ever were when Ling was in charge?
Exactly 'early cup competitions' that sounds familiar

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 10:58
by vinny

No if`s or but`s...........sack him.

I have truly had enough. In the last calender year we had watched our pathetic team, week in week out perform to what can only be describe as sunday league standard.

I can not remember the last game that i came away thinking that was good. Tell a lie.....the 2nd half at Northampton..!! .....Most of the games of late im finding myself bored......entertainment value of zilch !! If i wasnt a ST holder i would of stopped going some games ago. And the way im thinking at present unless there is a new manager at the helm come the next game 14th, im not going.

It feels as if ive fallen out of love with Torquay United......thanks to the total dross ive watched in the last year.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 11:14
by wodger of awabia
hector wrote:At the moment it is 93% in favour of AK going, with 7% (2 people, goodness knows why) wanting Knill to stay.

I realise this poll may not be entirely representative of the Plainmoor crowd - if anything it is likely to underestimate the groundswell of opinion against the manager. If we took say the amount of people to be interested at roughly 2300 people then 93% of that is 2139 meaning 161 people would be in favour of Knill staying.

It is my view that you would struggle to find that many fans who would want to keep the manager, even if there are those who think they should keep because of the possible misnomer that the club cannot afford to sack him. If Knill is still manager next game, what financial hit might the club take? A drop of 500 fans could be approximately £10,000 off the gate income. And if we lose £10,000 per game we will very quickly lose the amount of money we would apparently 'save' by not getting rid of our manager, plus be nailed on for relegation with the significant additional losses in income that would entail.

To me, it makes both financial and footballing sense to dispense with Knill, even if it means re-employing Martin Ling. I would sooner him than Knill any day of the week.
Yes, & if each of the 2000 + crowd brought along a friend for just two of the remaining home games then that would generate an extra £80k+ income, enough to pay for Knill's sacking!

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 11:33
by wodger of awabia
EddUK12 wrote:Why should they bring people? Its like asking friends for £40 to pay of the manager. It anit going to happen.
No it's not, it is asking friends to patronise a local form of "entertainment." I suppose you could even say that it similar to inviting friends to dinner & dance in aid of a local enterprise. Bank holiday guests are a good example of inviting along a friend, whilst the girls go off to play shopping, the men go to watch football.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 11:56
by arcadia
I only wished that the board had taken notice of the forum a month ago. A new manager has a bigger job now. :(

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 12:17
by Gullscorer
EddUK12 wrote:Also, entertainment? Its far from entertaining and the cinema is cheaper and better value for money
Cinema cheaper but mainly juvenile crap or merely filmed dialogue-driven boredom heavily influenced by theatre, literature or television. Better to just surf the internet.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 13:10
by tomogull
Last week, I disagreed with Andy on another thread. He thought Knill should go now - I felt that after improved performances against Accrington and Argyle, he should be given until the end of the year to get us out of the mess he's got us into. We didn't expect a win yesterday but from the postings of those who were there, it was a return to another clueless display.

Results yesterday have left us four points adrift of safety. I really, really hoped there would be a bit of stability at the club where Alan Knill would take us to about mid-table this season and build on that in following seasons. What I have seen this season is a disjointed, disorganised and dispirited team. I have now changed my view and think that Arcadia is probably right to say Knill should have gone weeks ago. It can't go on any longer - Knill has to go NOW. Sorry Mr Knill, but you have failed. I have no idea where the money will come from for paying him off for failing to do the job he was paid to do, but the alternative - Conference oblivion - would cost the club far more in the long run.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 13:33
by wodger of awabia
EddUK12 wrote:£40 to a big issue seller or to the wages of a bunch of underperforming football players.

I would rather give the money to the big issue as would many others, at least there is a direct result of helping someone in need.

Would you give £40 to the rugby club becasue they asked you to? Or the swimming club?

You are not giving money to anyone! you are paying the admission price to be "entertained". It is the same as paying Council Tax, you are not giving them money, you are paying for services! Of course I would expect to pay for a ticket to watch Rugby, this again is not giving them money but patronising a sports club with the hope of being entertained. I don't think that I would ever wish to give £40.00 to "the great unwashed of Castle Circus"

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 16:02
by Dave_Pougher
I was contemplating buying a half season ticket (well asking Santa!) now that is not going to happen, if things continue as they are will non action affect next years season ticket sales?

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 16:15
by KentGull
I voted in favour of sacking Knill. He's turned the club into a joke. I spent hard-earned cash to come down to Plainmoor for the Chesterfield game a few weeks back.....and no way will I be parting with any more of my money to watch the dross being served up until this 'manager'has done the only decent thing he's done since being at the club - resign -or the board make the decision to get rid of the clown. Ì've had enough...... and won't set foot inside Plainmoor until he's gone.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 16:39
by wodger of awabia
Fulham have beaten Torquay.

Out of the two expected early December sackings, Fulham won, they have just sacked Martin Jol.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 16:58
by ferrarilover
Kent, would you care to sum up your feelings in a computer generated image... Please?


Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 17:05
by Dave
Sadly voted yes, I really hoped he would turn it around, however can't see it now.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 19:09
by torq2u
Portsmouth have approached Oxford for Chris Wilder.

If he turns them down, maybe we'll be next?