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6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 14:46
by diamondgirl
sam_ wrote:I would have written biscits, but I can't spell it, so I stick with hobnobs :whistle:
You're can't. :lol:

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 14:47
by PlainmoorRoar
Agree with all 6 of those, would be incredible to offload them all!

Surprised about Benyon, must mean CH is hoping to clear out the rest of the strikers and add to Benyon and Yeoman

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 14:47
by ferrarilover
divingbboy wrote:Genuinely don't quite get CH's apparent dislike (as a player) of Downes. I still think Craig has a lot of potential in the rights hands, too.
Then we must conclude that, like a short sighted Labrador, you're barking up the wrong tree.

Bennerz got 40 odd goals in 2 seasons in the Conference last time. With a competent midfield behind him, I suppose he could snaffle in a few. If he doesn't, well, then he won't play and we'll get someone in who can. I suspect we'll have better luck in the transfer market this year than we did last (for his faults, Knill was appallingly unlucky over the summer), so who knows, maybe he'll find his old form. It does happen, players simply cannot manage the step up. Have a look at local legend Tim Sills, still a decent non-league striker today, just couldn't get over the (probably mental) hurdle of the FL.


6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 14:59
by brucie
The problem is that we will struggle to offload most of those players mentioned. which will probably leave players like Hawley staying here on big money.
How the feck can Cooper still be contracted to us.
Not really too suprised that Benyon will stay. He was disappointing this season but he clearly has the potential to score goals at Conference level and will cause defenders problems, whilst as for Hawley - there are better strikers in the North Devon Premier.
Craig is useless. Tonge is a disaster. Hargreaves doesn't rate Downes.
Guess there is going to be a bucket load of non contracted players going out the door tomorrow - lets hopes Hargreaves has a full contact book cuase he is going to need them.

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 15:03
by Tamargull
Very re-assured by CH's decision not to transfer list Benyon. Cleary CH is serious about us returning to the FL as soon as possible......

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 15:05
by ferrarilover
I don't think we will. Hawley, absenting his abysmal showing for us, has a record of scoring goals at L1 level. Someone in L2 will take him, despite his silly money demands. Juan Sebastien Veron was snapped up sharpish, despite his showing for both Man Utd and Chelsea being embarrassing at best.
Cooper remains contracted to us because that's how contracts work - silly Terrence!

I agree about Bennerz and, although he's been my least favourite player of the season (bing bong, Shane to the front desk, that's Shane to the front desk, customer waiting. Bing bong), he scored goals in the Conference before, I don't see why he wouldn't do it again.

Craig not useless, far from it, but there's something missing which is why he's out the door. I suspect there's more to it than we are being told.


6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 15:08
by tommyg
Benyon scored 15 goals during our two seasons in the Conference (17 if you include cup competitions). Some way off 40 odd!

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 15:16
by ferrarilover
Oh yeah, so he did (now I check). I thought he'd got all his goals in the Conference for us, but as it turns out, he got more in the FL than he did down there. Weird.

Oh well, such is life.


6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 15:29
by brucie
Benyon wasn't a regular in the Conference side though.

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 15:47
by sam_
ferrarilover wrote:I don't think we will. Hawley, absenting his abysmal showing for us, has a record of scoring goals at L1 level. Someone in L2 will take him, despite his silly money demands. Juan Sebastien Veron was snapped up sharpish, despite his showing for both Man Utd and Chelsea being embarrassing at best.
Cooper remains contracted to us because that's how contracts work - silly Terrence!

I agree about Bennerz and, although he's been my least favourite player of the season (bing bong, Shane to the front desk, that's Shane to the front desk, customer waiting. Bing bong), he scored goals in the Conference before, I don't see why he wouldn't do it again.

Craig not useless, far from it, but there's something missing which is why he's out the door. I suspect there's more to it than we are being told.

Of course you'd say this Matt...

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 15:51
by sam_
diamondgirl wrote: You're can't. :lol:
Well, that's what I said... ;-)

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 15:52
by sam_
RE Benyon, he's not a starting player, he scored goals as a sub.

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 15:56
by PhilGull
I'm not surprised Benyon is staying. We know from his first stint with us that he is able to score goals and as he gained fitness on his return at the end of last season we saw glimpses of his former self.
It would be harsh to judge him on this season alone, he is very much a player who needs support around him, with that we know he can put the ball in the back of the net. With a decent striker along side next season I fully expect a good return of goals (and by good I mean Torquay good which is about 15 at most to be top scorer!)

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 16:02
by OllieGull
Agree with most of this bar Downes and Chapell, Downes is experienced and he's done relatively well at this level, should easily do a job in the conference, and Chapell has shown a lot of potential especially since he's our top scorer! Also what about Pearce? If he's not transfer listed will he be staying or will he be released?

6 Players Listed

Posted: 06 May 2014, 16:03
by Scorpion
Surprised by Chappell - thought he was one of the best of a bad lot.

Benyon may not have been fully fit, but that doesn't explain his poor finishing. Well past his best, in my opinion.