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Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 12:02
by Scott Brehaut
What is Colin Lee going to say in his report that we/the Board don't already know?!

The issue is, almost everything we need to do involves money, and we have precious little of it!!

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 13:36
by TUST_Member_Rob
Saw this on the Herald yesterday - utter nonsense the bloke is only interested in linning is pocket!

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 13:43
by westbaygull
ferrarilover wrote:
Best case scenario, he's genuine and comes in, makes a real difference and asks nothing more than a free season ticket for his troubles.

Gotta be worth a phone call, Shirley?


Best case scenario, my 6 numbers come up tonight. As likely as the above. No, just no (not even thank you).

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 14:51
by MF68
This is definitely one that will divide opinion.

I remember the stories of wasted money and of bumper contracts, but as a previous post said, we do need a football "person" at TUFC at the moment.
If the Board do not want to use anyone or their advice, then that is their perogative. However, when two or more people offer help and it is not given the time of day, then alarm bells start to sound.

For example - If this was someone other than Colin Lee (bearing in mind the "rumours" of his previous tenure) would the Board still turn their back ?

They clearly need a football person to help and sooner or later may have to realise that.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 15:11
by Scott Brehaut
Two words.

Mo Camara....

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 17:28
by Dave_Pougher
Colin Lee? No thanks, not under any circumstances whatsoever.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 23:32
by Glostergull
It doesn't matter one jot if ten people offered their serviice and advice. if they want money for it then no. we cannot afford that. and that has been the problem all along. There is no guarantee that any advice would give a miracle cure but one thing is for sure, those who offer services or have been rumoured (because despite the newspaper reports it is conjecture at the end of the day) really want to look to get a few bob into their pockets. They can walk away knowing that even if United fall down they have come out of it with something.
That is the main problem with the way things are. People are always wanting to earn something out of it. and often something for nothing. we earned a lot of money during Martin Lings tenure and I still wonder where most of it went even allowing for The Millions pumped in from The Bristols. Mr Bristol. God rest his soul would have turned in his grave to see the way his Thea was taken advantage of. and i am so sad for her. she was plunged into a crisis through no fault of her own and I for one would not have blamed her for leaving when she lost him.
I also know I would now be very reluctant to invest millions into the club if i won the Lottery knowing how I would then be treated, and not just be the board either. some of the fans should hold their heads in shame for the abuse most in charge have received. I for one would welcome Mike Bateson back tomorrow. he knew how to run the club properly and all those who thought they knew better can now see they don't. ( or maybe they are still deluded and think they know better)
I offered at the time to (two years or so ago) to invest and was turned down because it was not enough (£50,000)to be told watch this space. there will be exciting new ways to invest with smaller sums later. but nothing happened. so all those who still think they know how to run the club and or pick the team. well look at the effect your having on the potential investors anyway. why would i want to invest know all i would get would be incessant abuse .

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 07:57
by Jack
I wonder who Dave Thomas is tapping up now for his next "exclusive"
Perhaps he is having breakfast with Bill Phillips as I am typing this?

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 16:00
by SenorDingDong
Glostergull wrote:It doesn't matter one jot if ten people offered their serviice and advice. if they want money for it then no. we cannot afford that. and that has been the problem all along. There is no guarantee that any advice would give a miracle cure but one thing is for sure, those who offer services or have been rumoured (because despite the newspaper reports it is conjecture at the end of the day) really want to look to get a few bob into their pockets. They can walk away knowing that even if United fall down they have come out of it with something.
That is the main problem with the way things are. People are always wanting to earn something out of it. and often something for nothing. we earned a lot of money during Martin Lings tenure and I still wonder where most of it went even allowing for The Millions pumped in from The Bristols. Mr Bristol. God rest his soul would have turned in his grave to see the way his Thea was taken advantage of. and i am so sad for her. she was plunged into a crisis through no fault of her own and I for one would not have blamed her for leaving when she lost him.
For the huge amounts that Thea was losing every single season, she could have appointed an experienced football knowledgeable CEO to run the club, even on £100k and still have cut the losses to herself substantially and directed investment properly. Instead she decided to be chairwoman despite no business or football experience. No one denies she lost a lot of money but she didn't help herself and nearly killed in the club in the process.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 19:25
by absolutely3rdrate
I would love to know where the Bristows' money went (apart from the new stand). Perhaps Thea, who appears to have been very badly advised, will tell us one day?

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 20:14
by PhilGull
absolutely3rdrate wrote:I would love to know where the Bristows' money went (apart from the new stand). Perhaps Thea, who appears to have been very badly advised, will tell us one day?
Just in to the bottomless pit that is a professional football club I think.
Clearing debts when they took over. Compensating Exeter for Buckle. Transfer kitty in the Buckle years. Colin Lee's expenses. Compensation for sacking Ling and Knill. And....